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Best Class Story?


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Posted in this type of threads more often, just because I like 'm!

First I like to say that I rarely play fully light or dark, but that I try to stay as true to the character as possible.


1. Agent. Best choices in the game, they really make you think and the choices matter. Interesting story NPC's, you really care what happens to them. Voice acting is great, both M and F. The immersion is amazing, you really feel like a James Bond KGB agent. Loyalty, morals, wisdom, scheming, this story has everything!


2. Sith Inquisitor. The strongest point of the Inquisitor story is the thrill of rising from a slave to one of the highest positions the Empire has to offer. Your path to power happens in small steps and is made logical (you use (Dark Side) trickery to beat strong enemies, sometimes helped by other people; you can't do it all on your own, rather than that the story just presumes you are the best, like in the Trooper, Warrior and Knight stories.


3. Jedi Consular. This was my first character, so I might be a bit biased, but the Consular felt like the guardian of the Jedi Order, the man that held it all together. Where the Knight was way too over-the-top for me, the Consular felt natural, using your skills in the Force to help and protect people, learning more and more about the Force and growing into a real Jedi Master.


4. Smuggler. The story on its own wasn't amazing. Especially Act 1. The prologue was the best of all, as it's the only prologue that really captures how your character rolls into this Galactic War. If the story wasn't great, why is it on nr. 4? Because the smuggler has the best personality in the game! You get the best one-liners, the best companions (Guss Tuno!!) and the most ****** attitude of all!


5. Sith Warrior. When playing your character, you almost feel your power radiating through the screen. Darth Baras is a very interesting personality and you really can find your way in acting as a Sith. The story itself didn't get me very much, maybe because the Warrior's personality is skipped largely.


6. Bounty Hunter. Same as Smuggler; story not amazing, it's all about the personality. Like the Inquisitor, the Bounty Hunter has a very natural way of growing from a small upstart into the best Bounty Hunter of the galaxy. Especially the end of Act 2 and your vendetta in Act 3 were done really well.


7. Jedi Knight. From this point come the stories that I would classify as 'poor'. O. M. G. You actually destroy 4 or 5 "superweapons". Superweapons! When you have to use something blunt and unimaginative as "superweapons", your story already starts in the *******s. And when you finally have done that, you're going up against a guy that want to destroy the whole galaxy!!! :( Not rule the whole galaxy, or destroy all his enemies... No he wants to destroy it... Of course... This kind off describes that I think the Knight's story is way over-the-top; you are the best, fight pure evil and in the end you win. Not much emersion, personality or interesting stories.


8. Trooper. After my small rant about the Jedi Knight, it might seem that the Trooper story was utterly worthless. Not entirely true, I guess the Knight was more fun than it seemed despite the story-problem. The Trooper's story shines on 2 occasions, the end of Act 2 and the end of Act 3. Really nice missions, you feel like the Elite Trooper that you are supposed to be. Apart from those missions, it's just doing errands for the Republic, Act 1 felt very unnatural, Act 2 and 3 didn't grip me either. You have no personality whatsoever, with no immersion as a consequence.

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I am really enjoying the Bounty Hunter’s story and writing presently. The character is just so very cool. About the only problem I have encountered so far is Skadge’s subplot. It’s my last class story.


Looking back, as the time passed, and dust settled, with all the background that I was given during the stories, my favorite characters ended up being my Sage, my Sorcerer and my Trooper. I keep playing them.


I kept coming back to my Smuggler and my Marauder for a while, but eventually lost interest in them. The Smuggler had tons of personality, and I loved her and her crew, but it faded as the memory of the fun times and the dialogues faded. The Marauder had a compelling story that held me to it till the very last hurrah, but the character and the companions never got under my skin.


My Guardian left me cold. There is something very artificial in that story and the set-up, so I failed to get attached. About the only superior thing about that character is that somehow he ended up being the most handsome of them all, despite being a Miraluka, the race I initially refused to play because I did not like the veils.


I resented the Imperial Agent story, but I will try again afresh in a couple of month, with a different character (just created). The other stories I am want to repeat are the Trooper and the Smuggler (both already created).


I am on the fence about replaying a Consular because I like my Sage so much, and have not re-created it. I am sort of interested in my LS Juggernaut, but not overly. I have created but do not want to play a Sentinel and an Assassin.

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Well bounty hunter has the best companions. If your lightside it's also the best act 3 in the game. If your dark side it has the best act 1 in the game. Act 2 is like... Dragonball GT or supernatral seasons 6-10. It's just... Why? It could have been perfect. Act *********** sucks so boring and waste of time. The only cool part in it was the end which was great but the black list? Black ale? Black mandalore? I mean MANDALORE is a *********** G but I found it odd everything in act 2 was black. Which is my favorite color but still. So is red.
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Out of the 5 ive played so far, here is my list from favorite to least.


1. Consular- I love this story, the companions, and especially how I feel like a true Jedi Master. It makes me think of Yoda and how he lived his life. Also, the story gradually got better, act 1 was okay, but I enjoyed the boss fights, especially the end of act 1 boss. Second, the companions were great and different from the other stories. The gameplay is also my favorite; smooth and wonderful.


2. Trooper. Despite all the hate, I really got into this story. I truly felt like it was a team effort and some of the companions were really different; especially the last two. Just an all around wonderful story and really unique. For sure my second favorite, if not for Nadia would be my first.


3. Sith Warrior- This is just a fun story and drew me into the Darth Vader esq life. It was great cause of the non-stop action and how different the LS and DS stories were. There are only two small things that placed this one below the other two. First, Good ole Darth Baras; while I appreciate his huge network of spies, cunning, and he was a great all around character. HIs HUGE darn size made me never able to take him serious. THis guy is really obese and annoyed me for some reason. Could you imagine if Darth Vader or Sidious were of the same size? Second, Jaesa WIllsaam, while I adore the Dark side version, I strongly feel her lightside version should change. Her LS version should wear Jedi robes or different color robes, other than the things she says, is the same.


4. Smuggler- I just started this one and midway through act 1. WHile the banter and companions are neat the story is really boring.


5. Bounty Hunter- Im trying and trying to get into this story, but I just cant, just doesn't interest me. I feel its really repetitive and just uninteresting. Buut, I do adore mako!


I just started the Jedi Knight story, so cant say much here sadly. And im saving the Agent for last.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In many ways, I think BW missed a trick in not having a 3rd faction (sort of), with the smuggler and the Bounty Hunter. Neither of them are obviously intrinsic to the Empire or the Republic, and it would've been nice to have them capable of working for either.




Was just reading idk if you'll see this but the reason BH and Smuggler are in each faction is due to the imperial blockade and the mandos being employed by the sith during the first war.

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1. Consular: I can’t say how much I adore Consular’s story! It’s picking up steam gradually, and you can feel the character growth. Rishi conclusion is just so in character and beautiful! Zenith is my Beloved Companion, no other ever came close. Gameplay is my favorite. So smooth, noob-friendly and posh.


2. Smuggler: It’s a great character and a great story with the best side-romances in the game. Act 2 felt s let-down, but I liked the wrap-up of the Act 3. If I could get attached to any of the Smuggler’s companions (i.e. if Guss was a Nautolan) I might like the Class more than Consular. Haven’t played Rishi yet. Gameplay is okay on the Slinger, but Scoundrel is hard to muster.


3. Trooper: It just comes together so well. Everything is solid and good. Story is cohesive, and the team is the best overall. Nothing save for Jaxo story line stands out as GREAT, but everything is good. Haven’t played Rishi yet. Gameplay wise, my VGT is a joy.


4. Warrior: Similar to the Trooper, but the crew is not as much to my liking, and Jaesa drags it down a whole lot. Also one of the stories that are better as a male in terms of the availability of content, so a minus in my books. I used to have Warrior > Trooper, but after Rishi with the Warrior, Trooper moves up! Rishi on the Warrior was boring and pointless waste of developer’s time.


5. Inquisitor: Yeah… not the best. The companions also have too much discrepancy. Loved the story-importance of Ashara, Khem and Talos, but Xalek and Andronikus felt completely redundant with absolutely nothing to offer. Andronkus soundset is annoying too. Props to Bio for having Talos as plot-important on Rishi and I liked the quest.


Did not play: Knight and BH, but I have a feeling that Knight>BH, though not sure yet. Knight has a HUGE strike against it for being the most male oriented-story in the game. BH is simply not my thing.


8. There is absolutely nothing that can make me like IA. For me it’s a needlessly convoluted, disjointed, over-hyped story. I am aware that 99% of the players go gaga over it.


I disagree with everything you just said.


Imo trooper is hands down the absolute worst story in the game

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1. Consular: I can’t say how much I adore Consular’s story! It’s picking up steam gradually, and you can feel the character growth. Rishi conclusion is just so in character and beautiful! Zenith is my Beloved Companion, no other ever came close. Gameplay is my favorite. So smooth, noob-friendly and posh.


2. Smuggler: It’s a great character and a great story with the best side-romances in the game. Act 2 felt s let-down, but I liked the wrap-up of the Act 3. If I could get attached to any of the Smuggler’s companions (i.e. if Guss was a Nautolan) I might like the Class more than Consular. Haven’t played Rishi yet. Gameplay is okay on the Slinger, but Scoundrel is hard to muster.


3. Trooper: It just comes together so well. Everything is solid and good. Story is cohesive, and the team is the best overall. Nothing save for Jaxo story line stands out as GREAT, but everything is good. Haven’t played Rishi yet. Gameplay wise, my VGT is a joy.


4. Warrior: Similar to the Trooper, but the crew is not as much to my liking, and Jaesa drags it down a whole lot. Also one of the stories that are better as a male in terms of the availability of content, so a minus in my books. I used to have Warrior > Trooper, but after Rishi with the Warrior, Trooper moves up! Rishi on the Warrior was boring and pointless waste of developer’s time.


5. Inquisitor: Yeah… not the best. The companions also have too much discrepancy. Loved the story-importance of Ashara, Khem and Talos, but Xalek and Andronikus felt completely redundant with absolutely nothing to offer. Andronkus soundset is annoying too. Props to Bio for having Talos as plot-important on Rishi and I liked the quest.


Did not play: Knight and BH, but I have a feeling that Knight>BH, though not sure yet. Knight has a HUGE strike against it for being the most male oriented-story in the game. BH is simply not my thing.


8. There is absolutely nothing that can make me like IA. For me it’s a needlessly convoluted, disjointed, over-hyped story. I am aware that 99% of the players go gaga over it.


I disagree with everything you just said.


Imo trooper is hands down the absolute worst story in the game

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1. Agent - Seriously don't let anyone tell you otherwise, I didn't like the companions much but the story is all there and I love how the choices (well some) feel like they mean something rather then just side effects. I actually had to think what to do for some of them and the story had so many good twists, something's really did catch me by surprise. It's the most mature story for sure. I'd recommend playing it neutral, it's a good class for it. 10/10


2. Jedi Knight - Basically I found it to be a KOTOR 3 , had similar kind of concepts and stuff and if I feel they decided to make a KOTOR 3 instead of SWTOR then this class would have been the guideline for it. Most iconic class in the game IMO playing as a Guardian similar to Obi-Wan or Luke. I loved all the companions as well. 9.5/10


3. Sith Warrior - Basically the Darth Vader counter to the Luke or Obi-Wan class mentioned above. Fun story and companions turning Jaesa is one of the best parts. It's just barley below JK for me. 9/10


4. Sith Inquisitor - Ok a lot of people thought this class wasn't that great but I had a lot of fun as dark side, it has the most evil and twisted choices of them all, I think I pretty much maxed my dark side points by early act 3. The male voice actor is the perfect voice of evil and has brilliant lines. The story was sort of boring in act 1 and 2 but picks up in act 3 and I liked the companions. 8.5/10


5: Smuggler - Funniest class and most laid back, pretty enjoyable all around and has the best prologue by far, it felt quite rewarding getting your ship back, and the whole good guy with a darker side how I played it made for an enjoyable run. I don't think any of the acts where bad but none stood out after the prologue either. One of the best crews as well. 8.5/10


6. Trooper - This is the first class I played when I actually got the game at launch I tinkered with a few in the beta but never this class and I choose to play a underdog class rather then one like a Jedi or Sith which everyone would choose. Act 1 was awesome but after that it slows down. The gauntlet mission was one of the best in the game though maybe the best for class missions. The crew was pretty weak too many aliens and droids but it's a good starter class as everyone wears your armour. 8/10


7. Bounty Hunter - Very fun at the start and the Great Hunt was awesome but after the Great Hunt this class story just goes off a cliff really, act 3 is especially bad and unneeded as far as I remember but I need to replay this with 12x XP soon. The crew was both good and bad. The abilities where some of the coolest though for animations 7.5/10.


8. Jedi Consular - Yawn... Tython was alright but after that it just sucked for a long time, worst act in the game and it had to be act 1 the longest act. Healing Jedi around the galaxy was just boring and stupid. Act 2 wasn't much better but act 3 was actually pretty good. This class had the worst companions and Jedi Shadow was just boring as well, hey at least I could sneak past some mobs and go faster with this. 6/10.



Edit- yeah should mention, Consular probably has the worst voices as well

Edited by Newyankalt
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Since we're making lists:


1. Bounty Hunter

This is one of the few classes from which I really enjoyed all 3 acts. Mako also feels involved for me which gives the Bounty Hunter bonus points for me. My Powertech and Mercenary both have Mako at max affection (one romanced, one not).


2. Imperial Agent

Here I had a lightside and darkside character (well as darkside as I could manage). Act 1 was stunning, especially the differences between the 2 sides (light & dark). Again one of the few classes which had 3 nice acts in my opinion.

Too bad that the difference from act 1 in light and dark do not carry on that much in act 2 and 3. I had hoped it would be more noticable.


3. Smuggler

The humor alone gives this class a top 3 spot. I truly hated skavek in act 1, killing him with a nut kick on both my gunslinger and scoundrel. The other acts, while still nice, were less exciting. I liked it, but not as much as I did with the bounty hunter and imperial agent.


The next 4 spots are very close to each other, but if I had to pick then this would be the order.


4. Jedi Consular

I did not feel weak after using a technique that would make me weaker. A temporary debuff would have made act one a lot better for me. Never the less I liked the story.

Act 2 started boring for me and the transition into act 3 made the story more apealing for me again.

I did feel like a jedi and a master of the force during this story (even though I am a Jedi Shadow and actually use that light stick).


5. Jedi Knight

Start of act 1 kills it for the knight, starts so slow or at least it feels like that. Near the end though, I liked it. Act 2 started to get better near the end as well, following up with a nice transition to act 3. From there on the enjoyment was stable for me, well maybe with a little decrease.

I liked being a jedi focused on melee combat.


6. Sith Warrior

I am not that fond of the sith stories which gave the jedi stories a preference over the warrior and inquisitor. The warrior gets a huge gain with Vette and teasing Baras (is everything going alright master? Who would ask such a stupid question... etc). Oh I have re-done that scene soooo often.

Story overall gets a hmmmm okay from me. I enjoyed it and I will enjoy it again once I get started on my jugg.


7. Sith Inquisitor

Lacks a Vette or Baras. Basicaly the only person you can haras a bit is the person harassing you in act 1.

Liked the story as much as the Warrior's, but the warrior has Vette. Can't beat that with Harkun (that is his name right?)


DNF. Trooper

DNF = Did not finish

The trooper does not deserve to be on this top 8 list. I do not like a single act and it basicaly ruins my view of the republic or the military for that matter.

Only act 3 left for my vanguard and then I am, finally, free :p.


All the above is my opinion. You can agree or disagree with it, after all we are all different and we can't all like the same.

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For me it's the Agent, hands down. The story is so well-written, each planet has such a strong and distinct story, and characters are so good! I have the feeling the same people did Imperial Makeb.


Smuggler may not be as complicated, but somehow I found out that I had three level 55+ Smugglers out of all my characters, and a fourth Smuggler level 25, which means the class story authors have done something right. It might be Skavak and Darmas romances/flirting for my female Smuggler, I think.


(Also, scoundrel and operative have stealth and punching, and that's awesome).


Sith Warrior is great, but Baras is such a comic/caricature figure that he spoils the whole thing rather a lot. And his fat avatar with a silly mask? Meh. Darth Thanaton, Darth Marr and Darth Jadus are much more dignified.


Inquisitor and Consular are very personal stories, and I enjoy both of them a lot, but you have to be "into it" - it's very easy to decide the story's not for you. Also, Consular's team is atrocious, starting with the lizard(you do get two nice guys, Zenith and the healer, but the romance for female Consular is the worst in the entire game).


What else? I never got into Trooper or JK story much, but dark side Trooper and Knight are pretty hilarious. Bounty Hunter has one of the weakest Imperial stories, I think, but one of the best teams - there's not a single boring character.


So, to recommend something, I'd go Smuggler/Agent, and one of the Sith classes next. (For Advanced classes, I'd go Smuggler/Operative(though Sniper/Gunslinger is pretty cool, too), Sage/Sorcerer, Mara/Sentinel, Mercenary/Commando).

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For me it's the Agent, hands down. The story is so well-written, each planet has such a strong and distinct story, and characters are so good! I have the feeling the same people did Imperial Makeb.


Your feeling is quite right, it is indeed the same dude. :D Who doesn't work for BW anymore, alas.

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