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Over Powered characters and underpowered lightsabers and lore


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So I've been playing SWTOR for about 2 weeks now, I've made plenty of characters both sith and jedi.


But when I made this most recent character I found something out.


So let me start at the beginning and start with some lore. A lightsaber is a powerful weapon capable of slicing through almost anything with a single swing, its controlled by force energy and is the chosen weapon of the jedi and sith alike. While more unconventional weapons such as blasters rifles and blaster pistols are more for people who can't use the force, or choose not to believe in it (Han solo). When i started playing SWTOR i made a sith warrior, not because i knew they were op but because i like being evil. I got to lvl 23 and started dieing, not a few times but almost every fight with more then 1 gold or more then 3 silver portrait enemies i would die. So i decided to try an inquisiter it was better, for a time, then again it went down hill. finally i decided to make a smuggler.


Now i should note that since my sith warrior i have since made another one with my father who also plays the game both of us are subed to the game and love playing it but when we both see something like what I'm about to tell you all about it hits us hard considering we LOVE Star Wars, watched all the movies read a few books not complete geeks over it but love it.


So we started Two sith warriors both going marauder and doing a lot of damage, but then we decided to try the inquisiter both going assassin and that was amazing, the inquisiter did better than the warrior, that should not be the case....


This was the first problem, now understand we both played WOW for 6 and a half years we know why things are the way things are in MMO's but when your not following the lore and actual story of a game that has lore and story panning long periods of time it hits hard for me and him and most other who love it.


Anyway we both agreed that the inquisiter should be doing the second most damage the most damage should be done by the warrior simply because as i said before the Lightsaber is capable of slicing almost anything in half with one swing. so when thats not doing anything close the say death field that the assassin gets then we have a problem.


We then decide well maybe the classes that shoot blasters and pistols wont do as much damager maybe they got that right. NOPE not even that is it, I made a smuggler and my father made a Trooper, basically thought he will heal i will dps with our compainions tanking.


We get to lvl 10 get our proficiencies, i went gunslinger and he went commando. he heals i dps companions tank....... well we decide to finish everything up and get tot eh flashpoint to really test our damage. on our sith's it took us some time but we got them done died a couple times but got them done. on our commando/smuggler combo no deaths done in 30 min. now let me clarify i also have a jedi consular i got him inot the flash point with three jedi knights, i was healing of course so it wasnt any problem. first boss died 5 times tank coudlnt hold aggro, second boss died 6 times and finally the last boss died 10 times, total 21 deaths four of us jedi's using ligthsabers died 21 times two gun users a trooper HEALER NO LESS, and a gunslinger DPS NO LESS NO TANK WHAT SO EVER CEPT FOR COMPANIONS. no deathes cleared in 30 min killed every single thing not one thing left alive not one.


Now hold on the phone just a second guns all of a sudden do more damage and kill faster than a lightsaber, the like ultimate weapon in Star Wars lore, the thing that can cut a human or any alien species in half in one swing and can cut anything with a swing leaving a gash or cut through a door just by sticking in the middle??????


Please tell me why this is. how does a smuggler and trooper clear a flashpoint when four jedi cant. how does force do more than lightsabers all of a sudden and why dont light sabers atleast do some kind of real damage.


I do just want to say we both underastand its an mmo not actual star wars, but if your not going to follow any kind of actual lore from star wars dont call it star wars this is just another crappy mmo with crappy damage stats that doesnt know what it wants to be, it has story from Star wars but cant match the real lore of star wars.


Sorry for the wall of text i just got really mad when i played my smuggler with my father as the trooper and prety much everything that was problems for us like heroics 2 and 2+ being cake walks.


If you could please clarify why this is for me devs, no one else will be able to and if they do and they anwser better then the actual devs of the game that thats stupid and this should not be up as an mmo, instead shut down and re launched on steam or discs as a single player game where it actually has the correct stuff, i would even go for Star wars kights of the old republic damage at least that stuff was balanced nothing being better then the other cept for lightsabers that where slightly better but still not that much.

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a) it's a game. If force-users stomped on non-force users because of lore, which they do, then the game would suck. It has to be balanced.

b) the inq has no reason not to be as powerful than the warr, according to lore. Sidious(sorcerer) - most powerful sith ever, stated by most lore-experts everywhere, including this forum. His "rival", Vitiate, (SWTOR Emperor), is also a sorcerer. It's a fact that the most powerful sorcerers are more powerful than the most powerful "warriors", in lore.

c) If you can't handle your character not being extremely OP because it's supposed to be balanced, keep playing offline games and don't try mmos. MMOS are supposed to be that, balanced. The fact that you complain seem to be a sign that bioware is doing something right.


Good day.

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Pretty much what Leaveshill said.


This is a multiplayer game with different classes. They have to be balanced (or reasonably so) or the play experience sucks for some people.


If the force users were far and away superior to the tech users, then why would anyone want to play a tech user? You do realize that there is a player versus player aspect to the game, right? A cooperative element?


Why would anyone want to participate in PvP with, nevermind as a tech user if the force users were so much more powerful?

Why would a group want a tech user tagging along during a flashpoint or op?


And if those characters did exist; If Bioware decided to cater to fans of Han Solo and Boba Fett as well as those of Luke and Vader while making the force users far more powerful, where should they balance the content?


Should it be balanced for force users, so the tech users would live in perpetual impossible-mode, struggling to get through the most basic of tasks?

Should they balance it for tech users, so that everyone would be bored of playing force users after a short time? Well, everyone other than the PvPers, anyway.


I will concede that there are workarounds, but making what amounts to two different games with some social areas where the players of each could get together and chat hardly seems reasonable.


This is a multi-player game first and foremost.

Multiple options presented and each should be at least close to being as good a choice as any other.

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a) it's a game. If force-users stomped on non-force users because of lore, which they do, then the game would suck. It has to be balanced.

b) the inq has no reason not to be as powerful than the warr, according to lore. Sidious(sorcerer) - most powerful sith ever, stated by most lore-experts everywhere, including this forum. His "rival", Vitiate, (SWTOR Emperor), is also a sorcerer. It's a fact that the most powerful sorcerers are more powerful than the most powerful "warriors", in lore.

c) If you can't handle your character not being extremely OP because it's supposed to be balanced, keep playing offline games and don't try mmos. MMOS are supposed to be that, balanced. The fact that you complain seem to be a sign that bioware is doing something right.


Good day.


Not only this but don't forget the non-force characters have demonstrated that they can kill Jedi... The Fetts come immediately to mind. If you are busy blocking blaster bolts, the plasma grenade will get yeah and ultimately you can only block so many. While it doesn't come into play mechanics wise in the game the EU has people that were highly cyborged out that could then match a Jedi on the Physical level. Some species also are naturally stronger/faster etc. All of our characters are these "champions", both light and dark, of the EU.

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You idiots arent reading the post, smugglers and troopers deal massively over powered damager, when a smuggler and trooper can finish a flash point in 30 min with no deaths at lvl 12 and the flash point is lvl 12 thats not right. while at lvl 13,14 and 15 three jedi knights and a jedi counsular could not finish it in veen 1 hour it took us 2 hours to finish with a total of 21 deaths. that is not right, read the *********** post im not saying the game is stupid im saying that this game IS NOT *********** BALANCED. when a pistol does 5 times more damage then a lightsaber how the **** is that balanced, when the force does 2 times more damage then a light saber how is that balanced. when a *********** lvl 12 companion can tank a sith and not take more than 300 points of damage, NO HEALS WHERE THROWN IN THE FLASHPOINT, thats not balanced. pleased not trolling im trying to make it clear to everyone that this is not a balanced game its ****.
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You idiots arent reading the post, smugglers and troopers deal massively over powered damager, when a smuggler and trooper can finish a flash point in 30 min with no deaths at lvl 12 and the flash point is lvl 12 thats not right. while at lvl 13,14 and 15 three jedi knights and a jedi counsular could not finish it in veen 1 hour it took us 2 hours to finish with a total of 21 deaths. that is not right, read the *********** post im not saying the game is stupid im saying that this game IS NOT *********** BALANCED. when a pistol does 5 times more damage then a lightsaber how the **** is that balanced, when the force does 2 times more damage then a light saber how is that balanced. when a *********** lvl 12 companion can tank a sith and not take more than 300 points of damage, NO HEALS WHERE THROWN IN THE FLASHPOINT, thats not balanced. pleased not trolling im trying to make it clear to everyone that this is not a balanced game its ****.


That has nothing to do with class. That has everything to do with TACTICS. And it's also dependent on what composition your 3 jedi and consular was.


If you had 3 DPS knights and a shadow with no healing, then you have to focus fire on targets, swap who takes agro and the like.


With a gunslinger and a commando to heal, a slinger can simply wade in and all the commando has to do is keep the heals coming.


Sorry you are wailing much to do about nothing. All about tactics and when you play who you have as your companion. Problem is for sith/jedi, you don't get a companion healer till later on in the game unless you have Treek.


Get treek, and you can sit there and basically solo anything your level.

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You idiots arent reading the post, smugglers and troopers deal massively over powered damager, when a smuggler and trooper can finish a flash point in 30 min with no deaths at lvl 12 and the flash point is lvl 12 thats not right. while at lvl 13,14 and 15 three jedi knights and a jedi counsular could not finish it in veen 1 hour it took us 2 hours to finish with a total of 21 deaths. that is not right, read the *********** post im not saying the game is stupid im saying that this game IS NOT *********** BALANCED. when a pistol does 5 times more damage then a lightsaber how the **** is that balanced, when the force does 2 times more damage then a light saber how is that balanced. when a *********** lvl 12 companion can tank a sith and not take more than 300 points of damage, NO HEALS WHERE THROWN IN THE FLASHPOINT, thats not balanced. pleased not trolling im trying to make it clear to everyone that this is not a balanced game its ****.


You idiot dare to call character overpowered on level 15?

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MMOS are supposed to be that, balanced.


Class forums and PvP forums here tell me something VERY different. Especially the PvP forums.


You idiot dare to call character overpowered on level 15?


What is so wrong with level 15 character A being compared to level 15 character B ?


Or do you belong to that vocal minority that says that ALL levels up to level 55 now 60 just don't exist ?

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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So...OP and friends are hilariously god awful terrible at playing Jedi for some reason (Seriously, if you can't clear Esseles with 4 anything you should probably go back to Pong), and considers this proof that Jedi are underpowered?


Judging by his complaints about the lightsaber I'm guessing they all just ran up to enemies and spammed strike/saber strike. :p

Edited by jovianus
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You idiots arent reading the post, smugglers and troopers deal massively over powered damager, when a smuggler and trooper can finish a flash point in 30 min with no deaths at lvl 12 and the flash point is lvl 12 thats not right. while at lvl 13,14 and 15 three jedi knights and a jedi counsular could not finish it in veen 1 hour it took us 2 hours to finish with a total of 21 deaths. that is not right, read the *********** post im not saying the game is stupid im saying that this game IS NOT *********** BALANCED. when a pistol does 5 times more damage then a lightsaber how the **** is that balanced, when the force does 2 times more damage then a light saber how is that balanced. when a *********** lvl 12 companion can tank a sith and not take more than 300 points of damage, NO HEALS WHERE THROWN IN THE FLASHPOINT, thats not balanced. pleased not trolling im trying to make it clear to everyone that this is not a balanced game its ****.


Didn't take long for that to escalate.


You can't figure out how to play any of the force users decently and we are the idiots? Okay then. :mon_rolleyes:

Edited by Mithros
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Or do you belong to that vocal minority that says that ALL levels up to level 55 now 60 just don't exist ?


They don't. PVP suffers from it more, but even then ALL the balancing is made around level 60. It's not me, it's Bioware.


Also, at level 13 you don't have ANYTHING. No skills, no mechanics, no energy regeneration. How the hell can you complain about class when it haven't even started to work?

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I think OP should go back to WOW. I mean seriously you made it to sub lvl 20 and said "Dang I better go complain on the forums that this game does not work, and even though I've played for maybe a week and reached 1/5 of completion I know this is not right"


Lower class balance is maybe not the best but you have just started the game. Reach 60, and then you can start complaining. Nobody cares about what you can or can't do at lvl 20, 30, 56, and so on. Get to 60 and go from there.

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If Sith sabers can cut anything than my sniper should be able to hit people from a km away and use beat the force danger sense by focusing on something irrelevant to blowing that Sith warriors head off. It's only fair and its also lore friendly:D


"Such a beautiful day outside today."


*Click. BANG*

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