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Why are so many people crying about the machine who ****ed the economy?


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I dont understand are people really young on this game or got no sence at all whatsoever!? The Slot machinew a sliterally ****** the economy and killing it, the machine should have NEVER been implemented at all so stop crying about the nerf and be careful its still there at all!
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guess you might be just reading the headlines and not the comments, but to simplify it... the machine was originally paying out too much, it got nerfed into the ground making it useless and not worth the coins, instead of finding a happy medium they went to both extremes...


it's not all about Jawa Junk, there's way more to it, just focusing on the Jawa Junk is narrow-sighted... that wasn't the only prize they narfed into the -0% range, and not the only reason some people wanted it or used it...

Edited by Elly_Dawn
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I see Sarcasm scapes some people... there is no fine medium the slot machine should have NEVER EVER given items like it did, it should have given at best some rare mounts or furniture or whatever but not those kind of economic items.
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I dont understand are people really young on this game or got no sence at all whatsoever!? The Slot machinew a sliterally ****** the economy and killing it, the machine should have NEVER been implemented at all so stop crying about the nerf and be careful its still there at all!


an Economy is more than those few items, in my opinion it needed this shake up to make the prices more reasonable. Whilst I would agree that the Jawa Drops was far to high and should of been reduced, it should not of been done to this extent.

In my opinion the machines have been a good thing for the crafting communtiy as a whole and made it possible to start making items for all levels, thus opening lots of new markets. But now they have actually made the slot machine obsolete as there is not anything gained from using them. (a walker which moves at 90% is not a gift, more a joke!)

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I see Sarcasm scapes some people... there is no fine medium the slot machine should have NEVER EVER given items like it did, it should have given at best some rare mounts or furniture or whatever but not those kind of economic items.


And who's to blame for that.....?


Need I remind you that this pack was possibly their biggest seller based on how much cartel items flooded the market in that short time.


Kinda seem weird to me that a hotfix was ready for this , yet they allowed a broken op to go on for a full , what 3 or 4 weeks? I have as of yet heard anything about actions being taken for that.

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an Economy is more than those few items, in my opinion it needed this shake up to make the prices more reasonable. Whilst I would agree that the Jawa Drops was far to high and should of been reduced, it should not of been done to this extent.

In my opinion the machines have been a good thing for the crafting communtiy as a whole and made it possible to start making items for all levels, thus opening lots of new markets. But now they have actually made the slot machine obsolete as there is not anything gained from using them. (a walker which moves at 90% is not a gift, more a joke!)


Absolutely agree....

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indeed i'd wager all those people that are saying "good Riddance" are possibly the Cartel Barrons, and not even considering the people that got it for Certs to buy decos and stuff, nor those that only used it for themselves or their guilds... not everyone is out to make a quick buck, some of us just want to play the game and have fun while doing it... it's no longer fun without a chance of winning anything of any use for a reasonable amount of credits and time... Edited by Elly_Dawn
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I see Sarcasm scapes some people... there is no fine medium the slot machine should have NEVER EVER given items like it did, it should have given at best some rare mounts or furniture or whatever but not those kind of economic items.


Why Not? Yes the machine was jacked up to begin with anyone who used it at the start could tell you that the way the machine spit out mats was way to high and made sending out companions out all but useless but really instead of going full retard on the math they could have actually done a little more work to find the happy medium,but like in true bio-ware fashion it was hit with a hammer ..spit on then pronounced fixed... as will EVERY other bug in this expansion...


Having a second source of mats doesn't kill the economy, price gouging.. the player mentality of undercutting everything down to base value and having a ignorant and shortsighted ..instant gratification players kills the games economy so people can cry all they want about the machine, but low and behold the second the honeymoon was over didn't all you "smart"boys again girls lap up the cheap mats and post the back on the GTN at a higher number playing the GTN game again?

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I dont understand are people really young on this game or got no sence at all whatsoever!? The Slot machinew a sliterally ****** the economy and killing it, the machine should have NEVER been implemented at all so stop crying about the nerf and be careful its still there at all!


I guess you havent been paying much attention to things then.


The reason people are this upset is because when the slot machine first came out people had this reaction of "OH GOD, LOL! This is totally broken bioware, the drop rates are insane! This has got to be bugged. If we use this are you going to consider it exploiting or anything?" People held off on purchasing the slot machine, or (more importantly) on purchasing the cartel packs that could drop it (IE, the ones that cost real money) because they all assumed that it was bugged, etc, and that it would be changed.


Then, Bioware, specifically one Eric Musco, comes to the forums and directly states that the Slot Machine is "Working as Intended" but that they were looking at the Drop rate of Jawa Junk (IE, specifically the purple, artifact quality item) and would probably adjust that. This encouraged people. They understood that the drop rates on the Junk were a little out there and they were fine with a reasonable nerf to the item. So, people went and bought the slot machine. They spent real money to buy cartel packs and hypercrates to get the slot machine.


And then, in a complete about face, roughly five days after they just said that the Slot Machine was considered to be 'working as intended' but that they were going to change the drop rates on one item, they nerf the entire item so hard they might as well completely delete it.


This is either a Bait and Switch, or an absolutely astounding display of sheer and total incompetence and utter stupidity.

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Because customers bought into this expecting one thing and then had that thing taken away from them.


Consider this: Bioware advertises a new mount as a rare drop from a Cartel pack. It's cool as hell, allows for 150 % speed. allows for gathering nodes while mounted and shoots AoE missles that oblitherate mobs.


We all want it. Everyone buys packs for it. Hypercrates upon hypercrates. The mount sells for millions. We buy it off the GTN anyway.


Then, something happens. Bioware assesses the situation. Nerfs the mount. It's now 110 speed like every other mount, doesn't shoot missles anymore and won't allow for gathering. As compensation, it now gives the Meirm's 'HONK-HONK' when mounting, as to provide an incentive to still get it.


That's, roughly, what happened here.

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I guess you havent been paying much attention to things then.


The reason people are this upset is because when the slot machine first came out people had this reaction of "OH GOD, LOL! This is totally broken bioware, the drop rates are insane! This has got to be bugged. If we use this are you going to consider it exploiting or anything?" People held off on purchasing the slot machine, or (more importantly) on purchasing the cartel packs that could drop it (IE, the ones that cost real money) because they all assumed that it was bugged, etc, and that it would be changed.


Then, Bioware, specifically one Eric Musco, comes to the forums and directly states that the Slot Machine is "Working as Intended" but that they were looking at the Drop rate of Jawa Junk (IE, specifically the purple, artifact quality item) and would probably adjust that. This encouraged people. They understood that the drop rates on the Junk were a little out there and they were fine with a reasonable nerf to the item. So, people went and bought the slot machine. They spent real money to buy cartel packs and hypercrates to get the slot machine.


And then, in a complete about face, roughly five days after they just said that the Slot Machine was considered to be 'working as intended' but that they were going to change the drop rates on one item, they nerf the entire item so hard they might as well completely delete it.


This is either a Bait and Switch, or an absolutely astounding display of sheer and total incompetence and utter stupidity.


So basicly, after players posting ridiculous huge amounts of crafting mats gained in hours, you expected only a slight nerf ? Even Eric never said a slight nerf, he said react accordingly. And that happens. There was a huge problem with the gaining machine, so they made a huge change.

Edited by Neglience
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So basicly, after players posting ridiculous huge amounts of crafting mats gained in hours, you expected only a slight nerf ? Even Eric never said a slight nerf, he said react accordingly. And that happens. There was huge problem with the gaining machine, so they made a huge change.


Dude...do you have selective reading or something?


No one is arguing that they should not have nerfed the Jawa junk....and by reading Musco's post , that seemed to be the only item of concern.......then they fugging nuked the item to ...****.....


Why would people not be angered when they were assured by an employee from EA/Bio, thus "taking" people's money on a vague communique ??


Working as intended....was what they stated.....jawa junk was their concern.....

Nuke is what we got..

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So basicly, after players posting ridiculous huge amounts of crafting mats gained in hours, you expected only a slight nerf ? Even Eric never said a slight nerf, he said react accordingly. And that happens. There was huge problem with the gaining machine, so they made a huge change.


Let me try again....


Bioware specifically stated that they would be looking at and adjusting the drop rate of one item from the slot machine: the artifact grade Jawa Junk. No mention was made of any of the other possible drops, despite numerous people asking about them.


This assurance from Bioware prompted people to spend real money to acquire the slot machine decoration.


Bioware then does something completely different that turns the slot machine from a profitable item to something totally useless.


They (Eric) either point-blank lied to the community (which is really really bad, especially when this lie encouraged people to make real money investments) or, they are so incompetent and have such ridiculous communication problems between departments that they have NO clue whats going on with their own game. Which, as you might guess, is also really really bad.

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I see Sarcasm scapes some people... there is no fine medium the slot machine should have NEVER EVER given items like it did, it should have given at best some rare mounts or furniture or whatever but not those kind of economic items.


“You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means”

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Dude...do you have selective reading or something?


No one is arguing that they should not have nerfed the Jawa junk....and by reading Musco's post , that seemed to be the only item of concern.......then they fugging nuked the item to ...****.....


Why would people not be angered when they were assured by an employee from EA/Bio, thus "taking" people's money on a vague communique ??


Working as intended....was what they stated.....jawa junk was their concern.....

Nuke is what we got..


No selective reading here, but most of the QQ is not about the nerf on the certs. Its about the nerf on jawa junk.

Edited by Neglience
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I guess you havent been paying much attention to things then.


The reason people are this upset is because when the slot machine first came out people had this reaction of "OH GOD, LOL! This is totally broken bioware, the drop rates are insane! This has got to be bugged. If we use this are you going to consider it exploiting or anything?" People held off on purchasing the slot machine, or (more importantly) on purchasing the cartel packs that could drop it (IE, the ones that cost real money) because they all assumed that it was bugged, etc, and that it would be changed.


Then, Bioware, specifically one Eric Musco, comes to the forums and directly states that the Slot Machine is "Working as Intended" but that they were looking at the Drop rate of Jawa Junk (IE, specifically the purple, artifact quality item) and would probably adjust that. This encouraged people. They understood that the drop rates on the Junk were a little out there and they were fine with a reasonable nerf to the item. So, people went and bought the slot machine. They spent real money to buy cartel packs and hypercrates to get the slot machine.


And then, in a complete about face, roughly five days after they just said that the Slot Machine was considered to be 'working as intended' but that they were going to change the drop rates on one item, they nerf the entire item so hard they might as well completely delete it.


This is either a Bait and Switch, or an absolutely astounding display of sheer and total incompetence and utter stupidity.


Yeah it's all about real money > CC Purchase > Hipercrates / packs -> Slot Machine

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No selective reading here, but most of the QQ is not about the nerf on the certs. Its about the nerf on jawa junk.


:eek: Most of the qq is about the jawa junk? Lol, people are upset because the "working as intended" thing is now a complete useless toy, less worthy than a basic chair decoration.

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No selective reading here, but most of the QQ is not about the nerf on the certs. Its about the nerf on jawa junk.


Are you sure theres no selective reading here? Cause most of the QQ is about Bioware nerfing the drop rates on every useful item from the machine to approximately 0.

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No selective reading here, but most of the QQ is not about the nerf on the certs. Its about the nerf on jawa junk.


Actually no....it's about the total nerf to the item itself.....there is a general consensus that most people on the forums are in agreement that the jawa junk dropped to often. Just like there is a general consensus from gtn barons that the machine hurt crafting, even though they don't craft anything( the barons)....In all honesty they should have tweaked crafting mission return rates themselves and up the turn in ratio of jawa junk + tweaked jawa junk drop rate. And yes tone done Cert drops as well.

Edited by grombrinda
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:eek: Most of the qq is about the jawa junk? Lol, people are upset because the "working as intended" thing is now a complete useless toy, less worthy than a basic chair decoration.


They did state they might change the drop rate in the same post they said the machine as a whole is working as intended. Clearly, wording / communication is bad on this one, but it was clear what would happen to the gaining machine.

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They did state they might change the drop rate in the same post they said the machine as a whole is working as intended. Clearly, wording / communication is bad on this one, but it was clear what would happen to the gaining machine.


And that is why people are mad...communication.....

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