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Oofalong's Annihilation | Watchman Compendium & Model


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Don't forget the extra focus you get from critical melee hits on bleeding targets: More Slashes/Dispatches in your rotation instead of Strikes makes a huge difference.


EDIT: Generally you can't look at stats indepedently of one another. If you go for a build with more crit rating, you will also want a bit more surge in favour of alacrity. Your playstyle will be more focus consuming, aiming for a rotation that makes use of the extra resources with more stronger fillers.


If you go for an alacrity build, you will want to reduce crit rating since you can't afford that much surge. This will be a very constant playstyle with more planning ahead of the rotation in regard to focus consumption and will have less quick decisions about extra focus spending. It is also more bursty and better in target switching in raids.


Meaning, you can actually adjust your gear setup depending on the boss you're fighting.


20% vs 25% Crit is going to be a pretty minor difference in Focus generation.

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20% vs 25% Crit is going to be a pretty minor difference in Focus generation.


After experimenting with different Crit setups for about 50 parses each I can assure you, it's not. Although after 3.0 the optimal Crit rating has actually gone down for the reasons you mentioned. But you will still not want to run zero Crit in Watchman from the extensive testing and raiding I've been doing lately.

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