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Oofalong's Annihilation | Watchman Compendium & Model


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I have updated my compendium and model for 3.0 as before they live as google docs as it is easier for me to maintain and update and it provides more formatting options.


There are a few specific things I want to call attention to:


  • Core Rotation: Unlike 2.X this spec now has a very prescribed and static rotation; the dynamism from this spec has been removed. To be clear, this spec now plays very differently.
  • Alacrity is very good now. You will want 1 or 2 Alacrity enhancements (and potentially a few Alacrity augments although I am less confident in this recommendation at the moment.)
  • Resource generation is now very limited although it should be enough for our rotation, but rotational mistakes are potentially costly and compounding.
  • Set Bonuses: Our old 4-piece (and 2-piece) set bonuses are very strong still. Generally speaking, you won't want to break your old 4-piece Set Bonus until you have the pieces for the new 4-piece Set Bonus. Also, if you have the old 4-piece Set Bonus tier 186 keep it intact until you get at least the new 192 6-piece bonus.


I am fairly confident in everything in the model and compendium although I am sure there are typos and formula errors somewhere. As these became known I will correct/fix them.

Edited by oofalong
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One question on set bonus? Does the new 2-piece/old 4-piece apply only to watchman, or does it apply to combat and concentration too? Also does is just the 192 or the 198 also?


As far as at what tiers the old set bonus makes sense, I think it does still for 192, but at some point as you gear up to 198 it will make sense to switch to the new 6-piece. In any event, we are talking about <3% DPS differences, which will be undetectable on a given parse.


I am going to edit my first post and the compendium to:


Generally speaking, you won't want to break your old 4-piece Set Bonus until you have the pieces for the new 4-piece Set Bonus. Also, if you have the old 4-piece Set Bonus tier 186 keep it intact until you get at least the new 192 6-piece bonus.


I haven't studied the other specs enough to know for certain, but based on some quick math for Fury | Concentration it appears to mirror the Anni | Watchman recommendation.

Edited by oofalong
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Great work and very helpful as always, Oofalong, thanks so much for your effort!


I'm also still testing optimal gear. I had been seeing a decrease in DPS with power augments versus pri stat augments in the early days of 3.0 when I was using the cheap blue ones, but I haven't tested that in full 192s again.


As far as rotation goes, I think there are a variety of possible sequences, as long as you use the right abilities. Opener will always either delay one of the two Dots for one GCD or clip one of them. I chose to delay Cauterize rather than Force Melt, as it's the weaker Dot. It also gets Force Melt right before Merciless, which I find helpful in raids, as it gives you the chance to close a gap to your target using Melt from 10m and then be in range for Merciless. On the other hand in your version you can always use Force Melt when it lights up right after the third Merciless, which is easier to manage. I also have a focus builder between Merciless and Master Strike, potentially also a gap closer if it's Leap, which I again find beneficial prior to Master Strike in raiding situations with lots of moving targets.


Cheers and thx again!

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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Hi oofalong i was waiting for your update about this spec so thanks for it. I found watchman 3.0 more difficult then pre-patch and i can't improve my dps more then 4.3-4.4k. Currently i'm full 192 with 1 186 enhanc and i have the same gear you raccomended in your model. This is a parse http://torparse.com/view.php?tid=07fad82ca28911e4bc4d002590d9d1b8 (without adrenal and inspiration) can you tell me please where i'm doing wrong and how improve it? thanks again
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Hi oofalong i was waiting for your update about this spec so thanks for it. I found watchman 3.0 more difficult then pre-patch and i can't improve my dps more then 4.3-4.4k. Currently i'm full 192 with 1 186 enhanc and i have the same gear you raccomended in your model. This is a parse http://torparse.com/view.php?tid=07fad82ca28911e4bc4d002590d9d1b8 (without adrenal and inspiration) can you tell me please where i'm doing wrong and how improve it? thanks again


Until Torparse adds back in the ability to see the actual log, I am not sure how much help I can be. To start, typically the number one thing I see is inefficiencies in activating abilities. That is, there may be 1.55s or more between attacks. This is quite crippling when you are trying to squeeze out that last 5% of damage, and often it is beyond the player's control (except for upgrading your PC and/or connection).


Still based on the summary info I noticed a couple of things:

  • First, you mentioned you went with the gear my model recommends, but did you use the rotation it recommends?
  • There were 58 hits from Master Strike, which implies 10 uses although it also implies you clipped it and did not get the last hit which is the biggest. The other alternative is that the target dummy died mid-Master Strike.
  • There were only 10 uses of Twin Saber Throw based on the fight length there could have 13 of them.

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I have over 800 accuracy since I don't have the companion bonus (not entirely sure how you even get it for that matter >.>)


First off, reach max affection with Lord Scourge and complete all conversations with him. This should provide you a legacy-wide +1% Accuracy.



Until Torparse is fully operational or you can post a log of your parse it is too difficult to troubleshoot parses based on the summary info. Also, parsing on the 500k dummy won't really make your DPS higher as we don't benefit that much from Dispatch and we have a bit of ramp-up time where we aren't doing max damage.

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Here's the log from a 3650 parse.



17:58:34.730 You activate Force Leap

17:58:35.606 You activate Overload Saber

17:58:36.324 You activate Zealous Strike

17:58:37.838 You activate Cauterize

17:58:39.332 You activate Merciless Slash

17:58:40.944 You activate Force Melt

17:58:42.555 You activate Master Strike

17:58:45.558 You activate Zen

17:58:45.848 You activate Twin Saber Throw

17:58:47.370 You activate Force Leap

17:58:48.069 You activate Overload Saber

17:58:48.872 You activate Cauterize

17:58:50.471 You activate Strike

17:58:52.003 You activate Strike

17:58:53.534 You activate Merciless Slash

17:58:55.023 You activate Zealous Strike

17:58:56.646 You activate Strike

17:58:58.251 You activate Strike

17:58:59.755 You activate Force Leap

17:58:59.967 You activate Overload Saber

17:59:01.283 You activate Cauterize

17:59:02.822 You activate Merciless Slash

17:59:04.415 You activate Force Melt

17:59:05.997 You activate Master Strike

17:59:09.413 You activate Merciless Slash

17:59:11.057 You activate Zealous Strike

17:59:11.730 You activate Overload Saber

17:59:12.698 You activate Cauterize

17:59:13.574 You activate Zen

17:59:14.170 You activate Twin Saber Throw

17:59:16.131 You activate Merciless Slash

17:59:17.538 You activate Force Leap

17:59:19.050 You activate Strike

17:59:20.839 You activate Strike

17:59:22.493 You activate Merciless Slash

17:59:24.079 You activate Force Melt

17:59:24.293 You activate Overload Saber

17:59:25.620 You activate Cauterize

17:59:27.211 You activate Master Strike

17:59:30.374 You activate Merciless Slash

17:59:32.015 You activate Twin Saber Throw

17:59:33.619 You activate Force Leap

17:59:35.118 You activate Strike

17:59:36.630 You activate Merciless Slash

17:59:36.632 You activate Overload Saber

17:59:38.141 You activate Cauterize

17:59:39.024 You activate Zen

17:59:39.639 You activate Zealous Strike

17:59:41.419 You activate Strike

17:59:42.804 You activate Merciless Slash

17:59:44.306 You activate Force Melt

17:59:45.967 You activate Force Leap

17:59:47.583 You activate Strike

17:59:49.167 You activate Overload Saber

17:59:49.389 You activate Merciless Slash

17:59:50.871 You activate Cauterize

17:59:52.729 You activate Twin Saber Throw

17:59:54.166 You activate Strike

17:59:55.765 You activate Merciless Slash

17:59:57.364 You activate Master Strike

18:00:00.575 You activate Zealous Strike

18:00:02.068 You activate Merciless Slash

18:00:02.168 You activate Overload Saber

18:00:03.668 You activate Cauterize

18:00:05.181 You activate Force Melt

18:00:05.569 You activate Zen

18:00:06.879 You activate Force Leap

18:00:08.485 You activate Merciless Slash

18:00:10.172 You activate Strike

18:00:11.677 You activate Strike

18:00:13.289 You activate Strike

18:00:14.897 You activate Merciless Slash

18:00:15.311 You activate Overload Saber

18:00:16.423 You activate Cauterize

18:00:17.905 You activate Twin Saber Throw

18:00:19.676 You activate Dispatch

18:00:21.327 You activate Merciless Slash

18:00:22.908 You activate Force Melt

18:00:24.520 You activate Force Leap

18:00:26.092 You activate Zealous Strike

18:00:27.791 You activate Merciless Slash

18:00:28.027 You activate Overload Saber

18:00:29.561 You activate Cauterize

18:00:29.564 You activate Zen

18:00:31.089 You activate Master Strike

18:00:34.188 You activate Merciless Slash

18:00:35.707 You activate Dispatch

18:00:37.321 You activate Force Leap

18:00:38.817 You activate Twin Saber Throw

18:00:40.639 You activate Merciless Slash

18:00:41.234 You activate Overload Saber

18:00:42.149 You activate Force Melt

18:00:43.752 You activate Cauterize

18:00:45.253 You activate Zealous Strike

18:00:46.877 You activate Merciless Slash

18:00:48.358 You activate Dispatch

18:00:49.869 You activate Master Strike


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Soooooo after the opener, there are 6 groups of merciless + 2-3 other skills in a very specific order ... and if you mess up the sequence even by a single attack you run out of focus, DoTs drop and/or you lose your stacks? Is this seriously viable in an ops?
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Soooooo after the opener, there are 6 groups of merciless + 2-3 other skills in a very specific order ... and if you mess up the sequence even by a single attack you run out of focus, DoTs drop and/or you lose your stacks? Is this seriously viable in an ops?


Basically, yes, after the opener there 4 GCD blocks that always start with Merciless. The order really isn't as specific as you might think although the important thing is to not reapply DoTs prematurely and to be consistent in your ability usage so stuff comes off CD right as you want to re-use it. The order I selected is based on using our biggest hitting abilities as soon as possible.


In an actual operation the resource is a little more forgiving assuming you have Rebuke up. Plus, there are very few times, if any, where you will lose your stacks of Merciless at this point.

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Here's the log from a 3650 parse.


It looks like your rotation could use some work. There are times where you are close to the right sequences, but often something goes wrong. For instance, there is a sequence about 2mins into the fight where you go:



Merciless Slash > Strike > Strike > Strike > Merciless Slash



This simply shouldn't happen if you are using the proper rotation. It means you are missing out on more important abilities as well as delaying DoT applications.


You are losing a lot of time between ability activations. With no Alacrity the standard GCD is 1.5s, yet your average time to activate the next ability is 1.588. This contributes to a 6% loss in DPS at least. Depending on your lag you may want to adjust your ability queue time, and/or practice clicking the buttons faster :)

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Okay, I'm pushing 4k now with 2 piece 192 and mainly crap 186/192 gear. My APM is slightly higher, but I'm running into issues trying to activating abilities too quickly and instead they end up not activating at all and the rotation breaks down ever so slightly.



23:35:49.966 You activate Force Leap

23:35:51.451 You activate Merciless Slash

23:35:53.055 You activate Zealous Strike

23:35:53.532 You activate Overload Saber

23:35:54.684 You activate Cauterize

23:35:56.210 You activate Force Melt

23:35:56.307 You activate Zen

23:35:57.706 You activate Twin Saber Throw

23:35:59.307 You activate Strike

23:36:00.843 You activate Strike

23:36:02.665 You activate Force Leap

23:36:04.251 You activate Merciless Slash

23:36:05.649 You activate Overload Saber

23:36:07.062 You activate Cauterize

23:36:08.943 You activate Zealous Strike

23:36:10.538 You activate Strike

23:36:12.141 You activate Strike

23:36:13.654 You activate Merciless Slash

23:36:15.252 You activate Twin Saber Throw

23:36:17.159 You activate Force Melt

23:36:17.974 You activate Overload Saber

23:36:18.783 You activate Cauterize

23:36:20.465 You activate Merciless Slash

23:36:21.755 You activate Zen

23:36:21.952 You activate Master Strike

23:36:25.151 You activate Force Leap

23:36:26.658 You activate Merciless Slash

23:36:28.185 You activate Zealous Strike

23:36:29.762 You activate Strike

23:36:30.070 You activate Overload Saber

23:36:31.399 You activate Cauterize

23:36:32.901 You activate Merciless Slash

23:36:34.387 You activate Force Melt

23:36:35.867 You activate Twin Saber Throw

23:36:37.402 You activate Force Leap

23:36:39.005 You activate Merciless Slash

23:36:40.518 You activate Strike

23:36:42.110 You activate Strike

23:36:42.515 You activate Overload Saber

23:36:43.634 You activate Cauterize

23:36:45.125 You activate Merciless Slash

23:36:45.214 You activate Zen

23:36:46.634 You activate Master Strike

23:36:49.839 You activate Zealous Strike

23:36:51.719 You activate Merciless Slash

23:36:53.062 You activate Force Melt

23:36:54.566 You activate Force Leap

23:36:54.672 You activate Overload Saber

23:36:56.074 You activate Cauterize

23:36:57.561 You activate Merciless Slash

23:36:59.049 You activate Twin Saber Throw

23:37:00.551 You activate Strike

23:37:02.062 You activate Strike

23:37:03.558 You activate Merciless Slash

23:37:05.056 You activate Master Strike

23:37:08.217 You activate Overload Saber

23:37:08.937 You activate Cauterize

23:37:10.037 You activate Zen

23:37:10.541 You activate Merciless Slash

23:37:12.034 You activate Force Melt

23:37:13.568 You activate Zealous Strike

23:37:15.030 You activate Force Leap

23:37:16.558 You activate Merciless Slash

23:37:18.044 You activate Twin Saber Throw

23:37:19.650 You activate Strike

23:37:20.847 You activate Overload Saber

23:37:21.153 You activate Cauterize

23:37:22.853 You activate Merciless Slash

23:37:24.350 You activate Master Strike

23:37:27.543 You activate Force Leap

23:37:29.151 You activate Merciless Slash

23:37:30.650 You activate Force Melt

23:37:32.146 You activate Zealous Strike

23:37:32.546 You activate Overload Saber

23:37:34.031 You activate Cauterize

23:37:35.532 You activate Zen

23:37:36.538 You activate Twin Saber Throw

23:37:38.060 You activate Merciless Slash

23:37:39.545 You activate Force Leap

23:37:41.038 You activate Strike

23:37:42.644 You activate Strike

23:37:44.360 You activate Merciless Slash

23:37:44.560 You activate Overload Saber

23:37:45.961 You activate Cauterize

23:37:47.462 You activate Master Strike

23:37:50.658 You activate Merciless Slash

23:37:52.253 You activate Force Melt

23:37:53.759 You activate Zealous Strike

23:37:55.363 You activate Twin Saber Throw

23:37:56.941 You activate Merciless Slash

23:37:57.021 You activate Overload Saber

23:37:58.677 You activate Cauterize

23:37:59.832 You activate Zen

23:38:00.038 You activate Force Leap

23:38:01.701 You activate Strike

23:38:03.239 You activate Merciless Slash

23:38:04.731 You activate Strike

23:38:06.241 You activate Master Strike

23:38:09.398 You activate Merciless Slash

23:38:10.416 You activate Overload Saber

23:38:10.931 You activate Cauterize

23:38:12.424 You activate Force Melt

23:38:14.026 You activate Twin Saber Throw

23:38:15.642 You activate Merciless Slash

23:38:17.149 You activate Zealous Strike

23:38:18.828 You activate Force Leap

23:38:20.424 You activate Strike

23:38:22.036 You activate Merciless Slash

23:38:22.936 You activate Overload Saber

23:38:23.549 You activate Cauterize

23:38:24.532 You activate Zen

23:38:25.346 You activate Master Strike

23:38:28.550 You activate Merciless Slash

23:38:30.062 You activate Force Melt

23:38:31.541 You activate Strike

23:38:33.091 You activate Twin Saber Throw

23:38:34.819 You activate Merciless Slash

23:38:35.097 You activate Overload Saber

23:38:36.302 You activate Zealous Strike

23:38:37.796 You activate Cauterize

23:38:39.494 You activate Force Leap

23:38:41.019 You activate Merciless Slash

23:38:42.702 You activate Strike

23:38:44.207 You activate Master Strike

23:38:47.411 You activate Merciless Slash

23:38:47.715 You activate Overload Saber

23:38:48.911 You activate Cauterize

23:38:50.430 You activate Force Melt

23:38:50.526 You activate Zen

23:38:52.036 You activate Twin Saber Throw

23:38:53.545 You activate Merciless Slash

23:38:55.137 You activate Zealous Strike

23:38:56.642 You activate Dispatch

23:38:58.161 You activate Force Leap

23:38:59.953 You activate Merciless Slash

23:39:00.150 You activate Overload Saber

23:39:01.563 You activate Cauterize

23:39:03.050 You activate Master Strike

23:39:06.220 You activate Merciless Slash

23:39:07.837 You activate Force Melt

23:39:09.445 You activate Strike

23:39:11.084 You activate Zealous Strike

23:39:12.675 You activate Merciless Slash

23:39:12.677 You activate Overload Saber

23:39:14.073 You activate Zen

23:39:15.564 You activate Twin Saber Throw

23:39:17.084 You activate Dispatch

23:39:18.530 You activate Merciless Slash

23:39:20.153 You activate Force Leap

23:39:21.649 You activate Master Strike

23:39:24.814 You activate Merciless Slash

23:39:25.314 You activate Overload Saber

23:39:26.417 You activate Cauterize

23:39:27.929 You activate Force Melt

23:39:28.706 You activate Valorous Call

23:39:29.036 You activate Inspiration

23:39:29.841 You activate Zealous Strike

23:39:31.320 You activate Merciless Slash

23:39:32.924 You activate Twin Saber Throw

23:39:34.439 You activate Dispatch

23:39:36.042 You activate Force Leap

23:39:37.549 You activate Merciless Slash

23:39:37.942 You activate Overload Saber

23:39:39.284 You activate Strike

23:39:40.875 You activate Cauterize

23:39:42.374 You activate Master Strike

23:39:45.397 You activate Zealous Strike

23:39:46.895 You activate Merciless Slash

23:39:48.492 You activate Force Melt

23:39:49.985 You activate Force Leap

23:39:50.292 You activate Overload Saber

23:39:51.590 You activate Cauterize

23:39:51.692 You activate Zen

23:39:53.214 You activate Merciless Slash

23:39:54.801 You activate Twin Saber Throw

23:39:56.258 You activate Dispatch

23:39:57.878 You activate Strike

23:39:59.379 You activate Merciless Slash

23:40:01.077 You activate Strike




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Okay, I'm pushing 4k now with 2 piece 192 and mainly crap 186/192 gear. My APM is slightly higher, but I'm running into issues trying to activating abilities too quickly and instead they end up not activating at all and the rotation breaks down ever so slightly.


You can mess around with your ability queue time. If it is set at 0.0 now consider increasing it to 0.25.

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Okay, I'm pushing 4k now with 2 piece 192 and mainly crap 186/192 gear. My APM is slightly higher, but I'm running into issues trying to activating abilities too quickly and instead they end up not activating at all and the rotation breaks down ever so slightly.



23:35:49.966 You activate Force Leap

23:35:51.451 You activate Merciless Slash

23:35:53.055 You activate Zealous Strike

23:35:53.532 You activate Overload Saber

23:35:54.684 You activate Cauterize

23:35:56.210 You activate Force Melt

23:35:56.307 You activate Zen

23:35:57.706 You activate Twin Saber Throw

23:35:59.307 You activate Strike

23:36:00.843 You activate Strike

23:36:02.665 You activate Force Leap

23:36:04.251 You activate Merciless Slash

23:36:05.649 You activate Overload Saber

23:36:07.062 You activate Cauterize

23:36:08.943 You activate Zealous Strike

23:36:10.538 You activate Strike

23:36:12.141 You activate Strike

23:36:13.654 You activate Merciless Slash

23:36:15.252 You activate Twin Saber Throw

23:36:17.159 You activate Force Melt

23:36:17.974 You activate Overload Saber

23:36:18.783 You activate Cauterize

23:36:20.465 You activate Merciless Slash

23:36:21.755 You activate Zen

23:36:21.952 You activate Master Strike

23:36:25.151 You activate Force Leap

23:36:26.658 You activate Merciless Slash

23:36:28.185 You activate Zealous Strike

23:36:29.762 You activate Strike

23:36:30.070 You activate Overload Saber

23:36:31.399 You activate Cauterize

23:36:32.901 You activate Merciless Slash

23:36:34.387 You activate Force Melt

23:36:35.867 You activate Twin Saber Throw

23:36:37.402 You activate Force Leap

23:36:39.005 You activate Merciless Slash

23:36:40.518 You activate Strike

23:36:42.110 You activate Strike

23:36:42.515 You activate Overload Saber

23:36:43.634 You activate Cauterize

23:36:45.125 You activate Merciless Slash

23:36:45.214 You activate Zen

23:36:46.634 You activate Master Strike

23:36:49.839 You activate Zealous Strike

23:36:51.719 You activate Merciless Slash

23:36:53.062 You activate Force Melt

23:36:54.566 You activate Force Leap

23:36:54.672 You activate Overload Saber

23:36:56.074 You activate Cauterize

23:36:57.561 You activate Merciless Slash

23:36:59.049 You activate Twin Saber Throw

23:37:00.551 You activate Strike

23:37:02.062 You activate Strike

23:37:03.558 You activate Merciless Slash

23:37:05.056 You activate Master Strike

23:37:08.217 You activate Overload Saber

23:37:08.937 You activate Cauterize

23:37:10.037 You activate Zen

23:37:10.541 You activate Merciless Slash

23:37:12.034 You activate Force Melt

23:37:13.568 You activate Zealous Strike

23:37:15.030 You activate Force Leap

23:37:16.558 You activate Merciless Slash

23:37:18.044 You activate Twin Saber Throw

23:37:19.650 You activate Strike

23:37:20.847 You activate Overload Saber

23:37:21.153 You activate Cauterize

23:37:22.853 You activate Merciless Slash

23:37:24.350 You activate Master Strike

23:37:27.543 You activate Force Leap

23:37:29.151 You activate Merciless Slash

23:37:30.650 You activate Force Melt

23:37:32.146 You activate Zealous Strike

23:37:32.546 You activate Overload Saber

23:37:34.031 You activate Cauterize

23:37:35.532 You activate Zen

23:37:36.538 You activate Twin Saber Throw

23:37:38.060 You activate Merciless Slash

23:37:39.545 You activate Force Leap

23:37:41.038 You activate Strike

23:37:42.644 You activate Strike

23:37:44.360 You activate Merciless Slash

23:37:44.560 You activate Overload Saber

23:37:45.961 You activate Cauterize

23:37:47.462 You activate Master Strike

23:37:50.658 You activate Merciless Slash

23:37:52.253 You activate Force Melt

23:37:53.759 You activate Zealous Strike

23:37:55.363 You activate Twin Saber Throw

23:37:56.941 You activate Merciless Slash

23:37:57.021 You activate Overload Saber

23:37:58.677 You activate Cauterize

23:37:59.832 You activate Zen

23:38:00.038 You activate Force Leap

23:38:01.701 You activate Strike

23:38:03.239 You activate Merciless Slash

23:38:04.731 You activate Strike

23:38:06.241 You activate Master Strike

23:38:09.398 You activate Merciless Slash

23:38:10.416 You activate Overload Saber

23:38:10.931 You activate Cauterize

23:38:12.424 You activate Force Melt

23:38:14.026 You activate Twin Saber Throw

23:38:15.642 You activate Merciless Slash

23:38:17.149 You activate Zealous Strike

23:38:18.828 You activate Force Leap

23:38:20.424 You activate Strike

23:38:22.036 You activate Merciless Slash

23:38:22.936 You activate Overload Saber

23:38:23.549 You activate Cauterize

23:38:24.532 You activate Zen

23:38:25.346 You activate Master Strike

23:38:28.550 You activate Merciless Slash

23:38:30.062 You activate Force Melt

23:38:31.541 You activate Strike

23:38:33.091 You activate Twin Saber Throw

23:38:34.819 You activate Merciless Slash

23:38:35.097 You activate Overload Saber

23:38:36.302 You activate Zealous Strike

23:38:37.796 You activate Cauterize

23:38:39.494 You activate Force Leap

23:38:41.019 You activate Merciless Slash

23:38:42.702 You activate Strike

23:38:44.207 You activate Master Strike

23:38:47.411 You activate Merciless Slash

23:38:47.715 You activate Overload Saber

23:38:48.911 You activate Cauterize

23:38:50.430 You activate Force Melt

23:38:50.526 You activate Zen

23:38:52.036 You activate Twin Saber Throw

23:38:53.545 You activate Merciless Slash

23:38:55.137 You activate Zealous Strike

23:38:56.642 You activate Dispatch

23:38:58.161 You activate Force Leap

23:38:59.953 You activate Merciless Slash

23:39:00.150 You activate Overload Saber

23:39:01.563 You activate Cauterize

23:39:03.050 You activate Master Strike

23:39:06.220 You activate Merciless Slash

23:39:07.837 You activate Force Melt

23:39:09.445 You activate Strike

23:39:11.084 You activate Zealous Strike

23:39:12.675 You activate Merciless Slash

23:39:12.677 You activate Overload Saber

23:39:14.073 You activate Zen

23:39:15.564 You activate Twin Saber Throw

23:39:17.084 You activate Dispatch

23:39:18.530 You activate Merciless Slash

23:39:20.153 You activate Force Leap

23:39:21.649 You activate Master Strike

23:39:24.814 You activate Merciless Slash

23:39:25.314 You activate Overload Saber

23:39:26.417 You activate Cauterize

23:39:27.929 You activate Force Melt

23:39:28.706 You activate Valorous Call

23:39:29.036 You activate Inspiration

23:39:29.841 You activate Zealous Strike

23:39:31.320 You activate Merciless Slash

23:39:32.924 You activate Twin Saber Throw

23:39:34.439 You activate Dispatch

23:39:36.042 You activate Force Leap

23:39:37.549 You activate Merciless Slash

23:39:37.942 You activate Overload Saber

23:39:39.284 You activate Strike

23:39:40.875 You activate Cauterize

23:39:42.374 You activate Master Strike

23:39:45.397 You activate Zealous Strike

23:39:46.895 You activate Merciless Slash

23:39:48.492 You activate Force Melt

23:39:49.985 You activate Force Leap

23:39:50.292 You activate Overload Saber

23:39:51.590 You activate Cauterize

23:39:51.692 You activate Zen

23:39:53.214 You activate Merciless Slash

23:39:54.801 You activate Twin Saber Throw

23:39:56.258 You activate Dispatch

23:39:57.878 You activate Strike

23:39:59.379 You activate Merciless Slash

23:40:01.077 You activate Strike





I'd read the hell out of these guides and try to at least get the opener down first, because without doing the opener correctly you wont be set up for the core rotation. Judging from the log it just looks like you're hitting any ability that comes of cooldown rather than thinking carefully about what to use next and will it fit in before the next merciless comes off cooldown.

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Really nice work man as always thanks a lot!


There seems to be a bug however where the 198 initiative enhancement gives surge instead of accuracy and the battle enhancement gives accuracy instead of surge. Just thought I'd point that out so no one spends time tearing their hair trying to figure out why the stats don't cooperate :D (not saying i did that *cough*)

Also Annihilate is missing from the "damage by ability" on the character gear page.

Edited by gunte
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Really nice work man as always thanks a lot!


There seems to be a bug however where the 198 initiative enhancement gives surge instead of accuracy and the battle enhancement gives accuracy instead of surge. Just thought I'd point that out so no one spends time tearing their hair trying to figure out why the stats don't cooperate :D (not saying i did that *cough*)

Also Annihilate is missing from the "damage by ability" on the character gear page.


Thanks for pointing these things out; they are now fixed.

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So I learned the rotation that you recommend and did this http://swtor-parser.elasticbeanstalk.com/parser/view/1717/7 (without 5% strength buff) in a 4 piece. According to your model I should be hitting 4065~, but that doesn't account for the 4 piece buff.




Time Action

16:35:30.337 (pre-cast) 1,000,000 Health

16:35:20.016 (pre-cast) Shattered Armor

16:35:48.131 (pre-cast) Zen

16:35:49.081 Force Leap

16:35:49.453 Overload Saber

16:35:50.671 Zealous Strike

16:35:52.173 Merciless Slash

16:35:53.659 Cauterize

16:35:55.325 Force Melt

16:35:56.911 Master Strike

16:36:00.098 Twin Saber Throw

16:36:01.789 Force Leap

16:36:02.006 Overload Saber

16:36:03.303 Strike

16:36:04.879 Merciless Slash

16:36:06.320 Cauterize

16:36:07.816 Zealous Strike

16:36:09.419 Slash

16:36:11.132 Strike

16:36:12.533 Strike

16:36:14.335 Merciless Slash

16:36:14.633 Overload Saber

16:36:15.848 Force Melt

16:36:17.334 Strike

16:36:18.856 Cauterize

16:36:20.537 Merciless Slash

16:36:20.741 Zen

16:36:22.037 Master Strike

16:36:25.144 Force Leap

16:36:26.739 Merciless Slash

16:36:26.945 Overload Saber

16:36:28.243 Twin Saber Throw

16:36:29.054 Valorous Call

16:36:29.855 Zealous Strike

16:36:30.244 Zen

16:36:31.456 Cauterize

16:36:32.950 Merciless Slash

16:36:34.576 Force Melt

16:36:36.040 Strike

16:36:37.540 Force Leap

16:36:39.149 Merciless Slash

16:36:39.347 Overload Saber

16:36:40.745 Master Strike

16:36:43.742 Cauterize

16:36:45.367 Merciless Slash

16:36:46.960 Twin Saber Throw

16:36:48.558 Zealous Strike

16:36:50.157 Force Leap

16:36:51.779 Merciless Slash

16:36:51.974 Overload Saber

16:36:53.374 Force Melt

16:36:54.479 Zen

16:36:54.890 Strike

16:36:56.390 Cauterize

16:36:57.992 Merciless Slash

16:36:59.474 Master Strike

16:37:02.618 Force Leap

16:37:04.176 Merciless Slash

16:37:04.471 Overload Saber

16:37:05.750 Twin Saber Throw

16:37:07.313 Zealous Strike

16:37:10.020 Cauterize

16:37:11.634 Merciless Slash

16:37:13.220 Force Melt

16:37:14.715 Force Leap

16:37:16.411 Strike

16:37:16.914 Overload Saber

16:37:18.032 Merciless Slash

16:37:19.687 Master Strike

16:37:22.747 Cauterize

16:37:23.657 Zen

16:37:24.351 Merciless Slash

16:37:25.842 Twin Saber Throw

16:37:27.382 Zealous Strike

16:37:28.876 Force Leap

16:37:29.080 Overload Saber

16:37:30.422 Merciless Slash

16:37:31.908 Force Melt

16:37:33.415 Strike

16:37:34.981 Cauterize

16:37:36.552 Merciless Slash

16:37:38.037 Master Strike

16:37:41.139 Force Leap

16:37:41.644 Overload Saber

16:37:42.757 Merciless Slash

16:37:44.238 Twin Saber Throw

16:37:45.765 Zealous Strike

16:37:47.245 Cauterize

16:37:48.116 Zen

16:37:48.815 Merciless Slash

16:37:50.310 Force Melt

16:37:51.821 Strike

16:37:53.326 Force Leap

16:37:54.324 Overload Saber

16:37:54.932 Merciless Slash

16:37:56.419 Master Strike

16:37:59.470 Cauterize

16:38:01.088 Merciless Slash

16:38:02.626 Twin Saber Throw

16:38:04.085 Zealous Strike

16:38:05.702 Force Leap

16:38:07.292 Merciless Slash

16:38:07.487 Overload Saber

16:38:08.889 Force Melt

16:38:10.384 Strike

16:38:11.911 Cauterize

16:38:13.411 Merciless Slash

16:38:13.508 Zen

16:38:14.909 Master Strike

16:38:18.097 Force Leap

16:38:19.710 Merciless Slash

16:38:19.712 Overload Saber

16:38:21.280 Twin Saber Throw

16:38:22.795 Zealous Strike

16:38:24.287 Cauterize

16:38:25.865 Merciless Slash

16:38:27.460 Force Melt

16:38:28.965 Strike

16:38:30.463 Force Leap

16:38:32.086 Merciless Slash

16:38:32.185 Overload Saber

16:38:33.594 Master Strike

16:38:36.495 Cauterize

16:38:38.118 Merciless Slash

16:38:38.217 Zen

16:38:39.611 Twin Saber Throw

16:38:41.207 Zealous Strike

16:38:42.859 Force Leap

16:38:44.494 Merciless Slash

16:38:44.673 Overload Saber

16:38:46.077 Force Melt

16:38:47.571 Strike

16:38:49.074 Cauterize

16:38:50.607 Merciless Slash

16:38:50.885 Valorous Call

16:38:51.509 Zen

16:38:52.083 Master Strike

16:38:55.180 Strike

16:38:56.684 Force Leap

16:38:56.786 Overload Saber

16:38:58.177 Merciless Slash

16:38:59.680 Twin Saber Throw

16:39:01.295 Zealous Strike

16:39:02.837 Cauterize

16:39:04.688 Merciless Slash

16:39:06.095 Force Melt

16:39:07.680 Strike

16:39:09.578 Force Leap

16:39:09.982 Overload Saber

16:39:11.214 Merciless Slash

16:39:12.701 Master Strike

16:39:15.713 Cauterize

16:39:16.538 Zen

16:39:17.336 Merciless Slash

16:39:18.841 Twin Saber Throw

16:39:20.332 Zealous Strike

16:39:21.819 Force Leap

16:39:22.845 Overload Saber

16:39:23.456 Merciless Slash

16:39:24.958 Force Melt

16:39:26.443 Strike

16:39:28.046 Cauterize

16:39:29.546 Merciless Slash

16:39:31.296 Master Strike

16:39:34.452 Force Leap

16:39:34.763 Overload Saber

16:39:35.973 Merciless Slash

16:39:37.475 Twin Saber Throw

16:39:39.085 Zealous Strike

16:39:40.688 Cauterize

16:39:41.580 Zen

16:39:42.277 Merciless Slash

16:39:43.791 Force Melt

16:39:45.376 Strike

16:39:47.084 Force Leap

16:39:47.399 Overload Saber

16:39:48.614 Merciless Slash

16:39:50.207 Master Strike

16:39:53.221 Dispatch

16:39:54.824 Merciless Slash

16:39:56.350 Zealous Strike


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So I learned the rotation that you recommend and did this http://swtor-parser.elasticbeanstalk.com/parser/view/1717/7 (without 5% strength buff) in a 4 piece. According to your model I should be hitting 4065~, but that doesn't account for the 4 piece buff.


I am confused you did a parse without the our class buff, but you had all of the others?


Also, I should point out that the model calculates DPS but ignores some fixed amount buffs like adrenals, Inspiration | Bloodthirst, and the Weaponmaster buff from the 4-piece set bonus. Plus, it is highly unlikely that any single parse matches the calculated average DPS that my model estimates.

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I am confused you did a parse without the our class buff, but you had all of the others?


Also, I should point out that the model calculates DPS but ignores some fixed amount buffs like adrenals, Inspiration | Bloodthirst, and the Weaponmaster buff from the 4-piece set bonus. Plus, it is highly unlikely that any single parse matches the calculated average DPS that my model estimates.


Force Valor (5% strength) is the Consular buff. Our buff is +5% damage. I don't have a 50 Consular/Shadow so I don't always have that buff up.


Managed to push it up to 4200 DPS with that buff. So pretty close to what your model is suggesting. At this point I just need to improve my gear.


I've come to the conclusion that Alacrity = Power as far stat values go. They come out equal in your model, but that doesn't consider the increased uptime of Zen.

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Force Valor (5% strength) is the Consular buff...


It will also boost your Willpower which affects our force attacks.


I've come to the conclusion that Alacrity = Power as far stat values go. They come out equal in your model, but that doesn't consider the increased uptime of Zen.


Good point, I hadn't considered the potential additional damage under the Weaponsmaster buff.

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Just thought i'd point out also that the Set bonuses do not work. Changing them doesn't have any effect on DPS.


The only set bonus that affects the model is the old 2-piece set bonus. The model was originally created to figure how to gear your character to do the most expected DPS. Thus, I ignored many of the linear impacts on DPS such as Bloodthirst | Inspiration and Adrenals. Now, BioWare has added even more linear buffs like the Weaponmaster's & increased damage after Battering Assault | Zealous Strike. I still aspire to account for these, which is why the selection is there, but I haven't had time to do so.


In any event, I added a note to the "Read Me" tab to make this clearer.

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As far as stats go.


1) Crit is very low in value. Zen gives 100% crit rate on DoTs, which make up very large portion of our damage, thus rendering crit literally useless frequently.

2) Surge is actually on par with Alacrity. Our DoTs crit so frequently 40-50%, that Surge has a very high return.

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1) Crit is very low in value. Zen gives 100% crit rate on DoTs, which make up very large portion of our damage, thus rendering crit literally useless frequently.


Don't forget the extra focus you get from critical melee hits on bleeding targets: More Slashes/Dispatches in your rotation instead of Strikes makes a huge difference.


EDIT: Generally you can't look at stats indepedently of one another. If you go for a build with more crit rating, you will also want a bit more surge in favour of alacrity. Your playstyle will be more focus consuming, aiming for a rotation that makes use of the extra resources with more stronger fillers.


If you go for an alacrity build, you will want to reduce crit rating since you can't afford that much surge. This will be a very constant playstyle with more planning ahead of the rotation in regard to focus consumption and will have less quick decisions about extra focus spending. It is also more bursty and better in target switching in raids.


Meaning, you can actually adjust your gear setup depending on the boss you're fighting.

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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