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Freaking goldspammers!!!


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Well I'm take your guys advise and cutting my general chat off before I head to the fleet "If I remember" but I do hope they do something it is getting crazy, today wasn't as bad got only 3 general chats and 1 whisper but I only went to the fleet 4 times todays so :rolleyes:
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Gonna try this again.


I challenge anyone to name a problem that's LESS of a problem than gold spammers.


It's a minor inconvenience, get over it.


And your one of the reasons it doesn't get fixed. Are you a Gold Spammer by any chance?

Edited by Toecuttr
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your opinion Djiini, just like ours is merely that ... an opinion.


however, it bothers us enough to speak up about it and if it means nothing to you then there is no need to belittle something that obviously does irritate other people. Here is a real world simile for you to consider: when I buy a coffee from a coffee shop, I always have a plain flat white with 2 sugars. Quite often I will see other customers get quite fussy with their coffee order and although I myself am not as fussy, I understand that the shop is in the business of making coffee and keeping their customers happy, so I just shrug and say nothing. This game, much like a coffee shop, sells a specific product to a specific clientele and if some of those customers have specific criteria that (in my mind) are quite reasonable, then why criticize them for making these requests or having these expectations?.


oh bugger, I am not doing this right .....


something something something slap in the face!

something something paying customers!


is that better?

Edited by DasRoach
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And your one of the reasons it doesn't get fixed. Are you a Gold Spammer by any chance?


Yeah, clearly. :rolleyes: Talk about paranoia. Clearly I'm SUBSCRIBING TO THIS GAME and I'm a goldspammer.


You know those are bots, right?


It doesn't get fixed because there are bigger problems to be looked at. And I wouldn't say this if people weren't whining about a dozen other things on these very forums.

Edited by Djiini
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I can understand that there are other issues being looked at but you seem to be overlooking the fact that customer service is a completely different department to coding and development. I am not asking EricMusco to personally sit in chat and deal to the gold sellers as they spam but there are some employees who dealing with this issue is part of their job description.


and it would be kinda swell, if, you know, they did their job?

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Sorry only joking was going to leave it like that but thought they might think I am one of them and get ban-hammered lol.


But seriously, they are spreading like the clap through a brothel, something really does need doing about them, for now the wonderful power of the ignore list reigns supreme, but they are always back with a new character called kygrtye or something.


I remember the days of SWG, they were pretty adept at keeping the gold spammers out of the chat channels, so it isn't beyond the realms of possibility to do the same here.

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