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Bioware helping botters/hackers?


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Why is it that bioware adds and keeps game mechanics that heavily benefit botters/hackers? Security chests have been a problem since launch and while tweaks have been made (reducing credits/respawn times). These are being farmed by teleport botters. Basically giving them easy credits to spam us to buy in fleet. Nothing has ever been done to fix/stop this. I frankly don't care if chests are outright removed from the game. They really don't add much to the game itself. They benefit credit sellers more than legit players and hurt the economy. It might not be bad if they were very active on banning from player reports. The problem is they might not ban the account for months if they ever do. Even then its really silly to have the players play bot police when bioware can do something to stop it.


Now they add contraband slot machines which are basically like security chests. Instead of maybe adding more mechanics and making it a fun mini game while also making it harder for bots to be able to do it. They have the same dull boring right click on it mechanic. Yay now anyone can bot in the privacy of their very own home! Worst part is any one can do it with a simple macro program. Are you guys seriously just trying to kill the game at this point? The devs really can't be that clueless to how bad this stuff is.

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Think of it this way: They'll be so busy botting the slots that you can have the chests back. :D


Credit seller accounts do not benefit from the slot machines. Where did this idea come from?


Credit seller accounts are FtP throwaway accounts and hence can't put stuff up on the GTN, and don't benefit from Jawa junk or cartel certs.

Edited by wiredgutter
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Think of it this way: They'll be so busy botting the slots that you can have the chests back. :D


Nah they will still use the chests. They give tons of pure credits and no other work is required aka easy mode.


Credit seller accounts do not benefit from the slot machines. Where did this idea come from?


Credit seller accounts are FtP throwaway accounts and hence can't put stuff up on the GTN, and don't benefit from Jawa junk or cartel certs.


They spam on junk accounts but they bot and trade on higher level paid accounts.

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i doubt Gold Sellers will use any method that may only break even or less... they're more likely to go for a sure thing and gambling by definition is not a sure thing... they don't spend money to make money they want money for nothing, therefore will not invest in anything that costs Credits or CC... it's like an old drug dealer motto "you don't get high on your own supply", in other words they're not going to risk losing profits by throwing credits into a credit sink, that would be counter-productive... people are panicking way too much over nothing...



*and yes i am comparing RMTs to drug dealers, their business models are very similar...

Edited by Elly_Dawn
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Credit seller accounts do not benefit from the slot machines. Where did this idea come from?


Credit seller accounts are FtP throwaway accounts and hence can't put stuff up on the GTN, and don't benefit from Jawa junk or cartel certs.


If credit seller accounts are F2P, how do they transfer more credits than the F2P limit?

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Credit seller accounts do not benefit from the slot machines. Where did this idea come from?


Credit seller accounts are FtP throwaway accounts and hence can't put stuff up on the GTN, and don't benefit from Jawa junk or cartel certs.


Spam bots are not credit farmers, nor the brokers and sellers who move credits between players and farmers, they simply exist to advertise credit seller services.

Edited by DawnAskham
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i doubt Gold Sellers will use any method that may only break even or less... they're more likely to go for a sure thing and gambling by definition is not a sure thing... they don't spend money to make money they want money for nothing, therefore will not invest in anything that costs Credits or CC... it's like an old drug dealer motto "you don't get high on your own supply", in other words they're not going to risk losing profits by throwing credits into a credit sink, that would be counter-productive... people are panicking way too much over nothing...



*and yes i am comparing RMTs to drug dealers, their business models are very similar...


See I'm not really worried about gold sellers abusing the slots. The reality is most players are going to be using the slots from all this attention. The value of the items you can sell will crash so most likely gold sellers won't be using this. That doesn't mean they cannot use it in the future though. Like if prices raise back up or bioware is silly enough to add more profitable stuff to it.


The main issue is the fact that their design choices make it so easy for botters. Keep in mind credit sellers aren't the only ones that bot. Your average player can bot this in private with a macro program. I'm sure most people are already botting it cause who wants to sit there and mindlessly click for hours when they can easily do it with a macro program. Don't you think it is bad design to add a mechanic that people can easily bot and will bot because its boring while also destroying the value of crafting materials? The people that benefit and get enjoyment most from this is botters.

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Part of gold seller strategy is accounting for the account to be deleted sooner or later.


Every account they set up is considered a temporary one.


And the problem (for them) with the slot machine is that it is rare and costly.

So when that account goes away, chances are that they won't find another machine.


Using slot machines is simply not interesting to them when they make just as much (or more) money by farming chests and opponents on multiple F2P throwaway accounts simultaneously.


Trust me, gold farmers are not using the slot machine.

Regular players are.

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Part of gold seller strategy is accounting for the account to be deleted sooner or later.


Every account they set up is considered a temporary one.


And the problem (for them) with the slot machine is that it is rare and costly.

So when that account goes away, chances are that they won't find another machine.


Using slot machines is simply not interesting to them when they make just as much (or more) money by farming chests and opponents on multiple F2P throwaway accounts simultaneously.


Trust me, gold farmers are not using the slot machine.

Regular players are.


Why would they make accounts that they spent all that time and effort leveling to X to get the chests, have crafting skills, earn credits, etc., just to throw them away and have to start over, causing yet another period of low / no productivity?


Wouldn't it be smarter (and they're not idiots) to use one set of accounts to earn the money, another set of accounts to transfer the money to the buyers, and yet a third set of (f2p because they gonna get banned) accounts to spam ads?


Wouldn't it be even smarter to set up your credit "selling" business as a middle-man, offering the service of pairing buyers and sellers, both of whom otherwise are just "regular" players, and taking a fee for the service? It wouldn't even have to look like that was the service, at least probably not to the buyer.


I see lots of assumptions on this whole thread that are misinformed by a decade. It's... something.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Why would they make accounts that they spent all that time and effort leveling to X to get the chests, have crafting skills, earn credits, etc., just to throw them away and have to start over, causing yet another period of low / no productivity?


Wouldn't it be smarter (and they're not idiots) to use one set of accounts to earn the money, another set of accounts to transfer the money to the buyers, and yet a third set of (f2p because they gonna get banned) accounts to spam ads?


Wouldn't it be even smarter to set up your credit "selling" business as a middle-man, offering the service of pairing buyers and sellers, both of whom otherwise are just "regular" players, and taking a fee for the service? It wouldn't even have to look like that was the service, at least probably not to the buyer.


I see lots of assumptions on this whole thread that are misinformed by a decade. It's... something.


How much effort do you really think it takes to bot up a character from lvl 1-50 anyway?

They have many many accounts that are throwaway accounts.

Sure, they'll have "bank" accounts too that they send the credits to, but for the accounts that grind levels and slicing, it's purely throwaway accounts running on macros and bots.


Point is that even their credit-holding accounts are throwaway by design.

And the slot machine is available in (very) limited numbers so it's simply not cost effective for them.


There is pretty much zero effort for them to grind levels and skills. So why switch it up with a machine that requires you to actually make an effort (yes, you have to play the GTN game and you have to pick the right mats to sell and so on and so forth. Much more effort than just grinding the same chest over and over for the credits and vendoring items to vendors every five hours or so.)


And as for assumptions, your entire statement is an assumption too, so it has no more weight than anyone elses here.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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Someone missed DafthTHC's joke.


Where are these chests that give "tons" of credits?


Each one gives relatively little.


But you get a few dozen bots to farm a few dozen chests over and over and you'll amass a fortunte in short time.


(Oh damn, here I am, arguing with myself again :p )

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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I wouldn't mind seeing chests removed.


Instead, Bioware could make one gold chest per planet and make it like a datacron hunt, like Rishii. Make it longish. Maybe offer a mount, pet, legacy stuff, etc. something nice. For example, Alderaan, an actual Thranta RED Whale Mount as the prize for the chest there. Maybe you can take the concept you employed on Yavin with the ghosts and the puzzle and end result of that and apply it to every planet. Let the big credits from the chest be given there. Would be too complex for the bots, so would solve the whole problem there.



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Guess tomorrow we'll see if they truely ban the exploiters or not

Why, is Feb. 20 International Ban Exploiters Day? How do you know they have not already issued sanctions?


Re: the chests, seems to me the complainers are simply complaining that someone else is better than they are at farming chests.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Why, is Feb. 20 International Ban Exploiters Day? How do you know they have not already issued sanctions?


Re: the chests, seems to me the complainers are simply complaining that someone else is better than they are at farming chests.


Yea, clearly people are complaining because they don't have their own teleport botting program to farm chests for them 24/7. Playing with cheaters and getting spammed to buy their credits is fun! Not to mention all the credits they are putting into the economy is great!

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It is mind boggling they don't implement stuff in a way that is more complex for bots to do. As well as more fun for us players. My hope was that they would re-implement chests in a better way. Sadly I don't think they will ever do anything with chests. The teleport botters have been farming them the past couple years. I'am lucky if I ever see a chest while doing dailies. I actually saw 2 of the close together chests today on Makeb. I must of been passing by about when they spawned. As I was almost to the chest, a sniper teleported and took it and then teleported to the other and grabbed it. How foolish of me thinking I was going to get them, was kind of hilarious. It is no surprise they don't do anything to stop them from spamming in fleet if they won't even stop them from gathering credits from chests. Edited by lmansion
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Why is it that bioware adds and keeps game mechanics that heavily benefit botters/hackers? Security chests have been a problem since launch and while tweaks have been made (reducing credits/respawn times). These are being farmed by teleport botters. Basically giving them easy credits to spam us to buy in fleet. Nothing has ever been done to fix/stop this. I frankly don't care if chests are outright removed from the game. They really don't add much to the game itself. They benefit credit sellers more than legit players and hurt the economy. It might not be bad if they were very active on banning from player reports. The problem is they might not ban the account for months if they ever do. Even then its really silly to have the players play bot police when bioware can do something to stop it.


Now they add contraband slot machines which are basically like security chests. Instead of maybe adding more mechanics and making it a fun mini game while also making it harder for bots to be able to do it. They have the same dull boring right click on it mechanic. Yay now anyone can bot in the privacy of their very own home! Worst part is any one can do it with a simple macro program. Are you guys seriously just trying to kill the game at this point? The devs really can't be that clueless to how bad this stuff is.


You're right, they should't add fun things just because some jerk might exploit it. :rolleyes:

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You're right, they should't add fun things just because some jerk might exploit it. :rolleyes:


You realize they can add fun things in a way that it is a lot harder to exploit or simply not worth the effort to right? Also how are people suppose to get some type of fun out of chests when they might never see them thanks to teleport botters? At least with the slot machines someone botting won't affect someone else from being able to get some enjoyment out of it.

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