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Some thoughts on Utilities/PVP


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Haven't completely given up on my slinger yet. I'm full exhumed geared with offhand/ relics Reaver. The survivability is still abysmal and why does the damage seem so low compared to my sorc and mando; is what I keep asking myself.

Had some QOL thoughts on these utilities they gave us. Maybe some changes for the better maybe not; but I feel with some rearranging/ retuning they could be much more useful. feel free to add in your thoughts.


[u]Cool Under Pressure[/u]: I don't know anyone that uses this especially in an arena setting. The heals are just too low to make it worth being a considered utility. I'm not a numbers guy but perhaps a 3% heal every 5 sec? Also out of cover defenses are nil so I think it should have the added effect of flat 5% DR out of cover.


[u]Heads Up/ Holed up[/u]: why tie defenses to hunker down like these two are? Hunker down is only 20sec/23 in SS. If I need to escape with roll down it would seem better to me to have the heads up effects merged into Reset Engagement and proc off of blaster whip. The penetrating rounds/ SS KB could then be placed into Compounding Impact in the Heroic tree.


[u]Holed up[/u]: As I said before why tie it to Hunker down? Especially since is got a time limit and other AC's get to have theirs up always . Lower the AOE DR to 20-30% and have it always up.


[u]Riot screen:[/u] This should be a given or moved to a lower utility level like Masterful if not Skillful.


Hot Pursuit: I use this always on Sabo and sometimes in DF. I think the 4th Charge should proc Quickdraw (usuable on target with any health level) as sabo doesn't have an on demand/ procced execute because of its non rotational playstyle. Would help it's pvp single target damage better than the gimped rollbang anyway.


Just my thoughts anyway feel free to comment. The sling/Snipe forum seems dead to me lately and just wanted express myself. I'm far from the best Gunslinger out there. I'm not insanely insightful but I miss using this AC as my main folks. Sorry I used no Sniper terminology I got one, just never leveled him.

Edited by KingKalbo
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Cool under pressure could definitely do with a boost sure but even then the way things are at the moment I still don't think I'd take it. Would probably have to be OP before I would consider taking it. Was always a filler to use up some skill points pre 3.0 for me and now that it's optional....Ballistic Dampers and Reset Engagement are a must for me and atm using Flash Powder.


Heads up as sabo, not worth considering for me, I can see the value in it sure in some situations don't get me wrong but I'd much rather choose some of the others. Whilst they're nothing great Pandemonium, Dirty Trickster, Lay Low and Hotwired Defenses are higher on my pick list than that utility.


Pretty much agree with Riot Screen, it's daft having that as a heroic utility. 6% less damage whilst using cover....which we use a lot....would obviously be nice but there's no way I'm choose that over Compounding Impact or Crippling Diversion. Even then I'd rather choose Plan B & C or Hold your ground over it.

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Cool under pressure could definitely do with a boost sure but even then the way things are at the moment I still don't think I'd take it. Would probably have to be OP before I would consider taking it. Was always a filler to use up some skill points pre 3.0 for me and now that it's optional....Ballistic Dampers and Reset Engagement are a must for me and atm using Flash Powder.


Heads up as sabo, not worth considering for me, I can see the value in it sure in some situations don't get me wrong but I'd much rather choose some of the others. Whilst they're nothing great Pandemonium, Dirty Trickster, Lay Low and Hotwired Defenses are higher on my pick list than that utility.


Pretty much agree with Riot Screen, it's daft having that as a heroic utility. 6% less damage whilst using cover....which we use a lot....would obviously be nice but there's no way I'm choose that over Compounding Impact or Crippling Diversion. Even then I'd rather choose Plan B & C or Hold your ground over it.


I never use Flash Powder. Flash Nade hasn't been the same since it was nerfed. Only use it to shutdown other ranged for the most part. Sure you can lower its cooldown; but 45 secs is still a long time in an arena Diversion has a longer cooldown but works excellently dropped on yourself. I have taken Plan B&C for the faster DK CD; but mostly I spec for tanking up in an area; in the hopes there will be a heals I can sit on and peel for...Which is why I choose either holed up or riot screen and always compounding impact as heroics...


That is why I suggest putting the knockback effect into compounding impact; and the Hold the line effect into reset engagement I get a great peel/defense and a good escape mechanic should things go south as the saying goes. You also free up a masterful spot for something better to be put in. You can roll and root but with all the new movement immunities going around a back-up just seems better to me. (and I'll predict those Mara/Sent changes Musco pre-announced are gonna put slinger current escape/ defenses further in the toilet).

Edited by KingKalbo
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