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Mercenary Arsenal 3.0 stats pvp ?


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I have played Merc since Launch. pvped since launch. in all honesty its not worth it. i'm a stubborn cuss so i still play it. but its like beating your head against the wall. on JC nobody wants a merc on their ranked team. and your always first target in pvp...even if your going against an idiot group. they just seem to wander over to you so you get burned down. so having said that. if your stubborn like me and set on pvping merc. then your looking for some basics.. 20-25% crit depending on what you like, 70-72% surge, 104% tech acc (95% main hand acc) and the rest aim and power. with your augments you can run half and half. but i prefer Full Mainstat. as i run light on Crit. i'm still testing with crit. hope that helps.
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I agree agree with the above in terms of ranked, unless you are a really top class player with a top class team to carry you you'll struggle in group ranked, I only know 1 or 2 mercs who do well in ranked. I okay arsenal for normals and find it very enjoyable. The majority of the time you are just left to free cast and might get a little bit of bother but nothing crazy in normal matches.


So yeh just go for it. I stack full power to try and get bigger crits, I haven't really looked into stats very much other than maxing out in power. It does seem to be working though.


Good luck and have fun.

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