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Can't Solo SoR Flashpoints


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I am uncertain as to if this is a bug or not, since only I seem to be having this problem. I purchased the Shadow of Revan expansion for Christmas and was able to, on all three of my 55 characters, play out the flashpoints for the storyline from the prelude to the end in solo mode. I have only recently gone back to solo them again and doing them in Solo Mode is not an option for any of my three now level 60 characters. People in my guild tell me they can solo these missions all the time, but its not even presented as an option for me. The only thing that has changed was less than a week ago my friend sent me a referral that I accepted and now have a temporary sub. Is this the reason I am unable to solo these flashpoints? If so, considering I purchased it separately, it's very little incentive for me to renew my sub as I was considering doing within the next week.
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