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JC 3.0 PVE Progression Thread - 8/16man HM Ravagers & ToS


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This is the new raid lead for Holocrons pwn tang raid team. Ill be posting the teams progression from now on.


Master and Blaster - http://i.imgur.com/M8eDMA6.png - http://i.imgur.com/dqsJtNb.jpg


We have had some minor roster changes but is should still be in line with the regulations regarding different raid members.


Sorry, I'm unfortunately only showing 3 of the same members from your previous Torque screenshot in your Master and Blaster kill. Therefore, it doesn't fall in line with the 2 PUG rule.

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Sorry, I'm unfortunately only showing 3 of the same members from your previous Torque screenshot in your Master and Blaster kill. Therefore, it doesn't fall in line with the 2 PUG rule.


So when every team rolls 8 BHs and downs Revan, nobody will have technically "killed" Revan by the standards of this thread.

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Working as Intended will now join this list - Reactive Warding raid team.


Bulo, you a B****!


Bulo HM kill at ~11pm EST on 2.17.15.



Grats on the boss kill WAI, but sorry it's outside of the top 10 so won't be listed. However, it'll be used for your raid team's tracking purposes for who was in your group during the kill.


Happy you all were able to get it down! What's next on your list Torque or Storm Squadron? :)

Edited by xeraphyne
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To anyone who has any disputes with the way this is being handled with regards to the "2 PUGS" rule, let me make some clarification for you. If you post on this forum and are submitting for “progression” you are adhering to the terms and conditions set by Seraphyne and if you don't like it don't post, it is really that simple. So for the others that it is not so simple for here is a recent example: a team of 8 decides to swap out 5 (either pugs or alts, there is no way of verification) of them to down a boss thus breaking the “rule of two” and creating a new team requiring new screenshots of that group downing the bosses. A couple of teams/guilds that have already had this issue are Knights of Havoc and Nemesis and those teams were told that they will need additional screenshots of the members participating in the operations to maintain fairness and consistency among this thread. No single team will get any preferential treatment above another either, so it really won't matter how many times you complain.


If there are any further disputes in regards to this please forward all comments to me and I will set you straight.


In summary, if you don’t like/agree with the terms and conditions set forth in this don’t post.



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So when every team rolls 8 BHs and downs Revan, nobody will have technically "killed" Revan by the standards of this thread.


Unless they post screenshots of the 8 BHs doing the first 4 also :p

Feeling butthurt cuz you don't like the rules? go make your own progression tracking thread--everyone knows holocron has enough members/groups to fill up a sm/hm ops thread on their own.

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We weren't aware that we could post new screenshots. I was just told that no roster changes were allowed after the Torque screenshot, because only "2 PUGS" were allowed and only 3 of the same toons were present for Master and Blaster as Torque. In fact, this rule seems to have been implemented a full day after I spoke to Seraphyne. If you're allowing new screenshots for all of the bosses, we'll be fine with our new roster being considered a separate team from the Torque team. By Saturday night, I'll have Malaphar, Sparky, Bulo, and Torque screenshots uploaded with the 7 of the same toons as the Master and Blaster kill. I'll set those four screenshots as the standard roster, with me switching from my jugg to my sorc for Master and Blaster as the "PUG". We'll submit a new team name once we meet Saturday. Will that be satisfactory? Edited by Bradypan
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We weren't aware that we could post new screenshots, we were just told no roster changes apart from 2 PUGS/Alts were possible after the Torque screenshot. If you're allowing new screenshots for all of the bosses, we'll be fine with our new roster being considered a separate team from the Torque team. By Saturday night, I'll have Malaphar, Sparky, Bulo, and Torque screenshots uploaded with the 7 of the same toons as the Master and Blaster kill. I'll set those four screenshots as the standard roster, with me switching from my jugg to my sorc for Master and Blaster as the "PUG". Will that be satisfactory? We'll submit a new team name once we meet Saturday.


You wouldn't have known about it because it was something that we made considerations for today. Since there are a handful of groups that have come to me saying they don't have the same members as before, including your own. In interest of keeping the progression thread alive and fair, some exceptions had to be made across the board.


That being said tho, the reason the Master & Blaster kill didn't count beyond the 2 PUG rule was there were only 3 people from original screenshot, 4 if you count the one who swapped to their alt. That still leaves 4 unknowns.

Edited by xeraphyne
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You wouldn't have known about it because it was something that we made considerations for today. Since there are a handful of groups that have come to me saying they don't have the same members as before, including your own. In interest of keeping the progression thread alive and fair, some exceptions had to be made across the board.


That being said tho, the reason the Master & Blaster kill didn't count beyond the 2 PUG rule was there were only 3 people from original screenshot, 4 if you count the one who swapped to their alt. That still leaves 4 unknowns.


The Master and Blaster kill will count once we post Malaphar, Sparky, Bulo, and Torque with at least 6 of the same toons as the Master and Blaster screenshot though, right? You are correct that only 4 individuals are the same between the Torque and the Master and Blaster kill. The Torque kill was done with 2 substitute healers (Bipolar and Rumrun'r), as our official healers (Thmpot/Thokapot and Boobooque) could not make it Super Bowl Sunday. The next week, one healer (Boobooque) and one DPS (Xetic) left our team permanently, so we recruited 2 new DPS (Royale + Nyyah), and one of our DPS (Lu'faka) switched to heals (Espianes). I personally switched to my sorc (Scøurge) for Master and Blaster because we didn't want triple melee for Master and Blaster, although it is entirely doable, and something we will do once we've downed Coratanni. I was also responding more to BAKADESHI, who didn't seem to realize I had a valid point until you allowed roster changes/people switching to alts (if screenshots of all bosses could be shown up to Revan with 6 of the same toons as Revan kill, in my example).

Edited by Bradypan
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So when every team rolls 8 BHs and downs Revan, nobody will have technically "killed" Revan by the standards of this thread.


Just to throw in my two cents....


This is a ridiculous statement. Raid groups are fluid and therefore there are going to be roster changes over time. Rl stuff happens and there are all kinds of reasons that someone might leave a group and need to be replaced. Sera and the others involved have tried to come up with a rule set that accounts for those circumstances and tried to be as fair as possible to each group while also ensuring that only regular raid groups are able to participate in progression not pug groups or thrown together super teams like the 8 BH squad you mentioned.


An 8 man BH team is in no way a regular raid team and every group isn't going to roll 8 BH's to down Revan. However if they did you, are correct then no one would have technically killed Revan by our standards unless that team of 8 BH's downed all the previous fights as well. Frankly if you need 8 Bh's to down a boss than you are obviously doing something wrong.


As far as your team in particular, I don't get why it was hard for you to understand why your submission was not allowed. Even if the 2 PUG rule wasn't in place its fairly obvious that downing one boss with a team and then downing the next boss with only 3 of the same members from the previous down is not the same team.


It is my understanding that if you post the previous kills with your new team than the Master Blaster kill will count at that point. I think there was a bit of misunderstanding on this point as other groups have run into this issue and have had to do the same thing. Gilgamesh said it better than I think anyone else could so if anyone has any issues I would refer to his post first.

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The original pug rule was to cover alts, because I had originally stated the same members must be present in each screenshot. Which I'll take responsibility for and say I have worded it poorly.


My entire intention was to make the thread for guild run groups and groups that may be spread out over several guilds that have consistent members without calling it to question guilds who only bring in ringers to down bosses, or swapping out an entire team to down a boss. I tried to make it fair for a guild or team to bring in alts or days they may not have their full team and still count as progression with a 2 PUG rule. If you choose not to participate any longer then that's your choice. That being said, up until the recent 5 person Master & Blaster kill, there wasn't a group that had any differences outside of two people/alts. So, it didn't seem like it was an issue.


How do you propose to verify an alt? Have the screenshot their character list or family tree? That's more information than I already have to sift through. I'm sorry, but frankly, I don't time for that. My plate is full. Besides this thread, I help with the PvP thread with Yuuzhan and updating Torcommunity, run in 3 HM raid groups, and hardly have time to PvP when I'd like. Not to mention my personal life/work outside of this game.


If you wish to take over the thread and make your own rules about it by all means, please feel free. I was asked by Gilgamesh and Hayward to create a progression tracking thread. It wasn't mean to mark a world first thread (because let's be honest that doesn't happen on JC). If someone else wants to do it then I can still update the information on Torcommunity for you, or you can personally talk to Hayward and take over that part as well.


TLDR; If you're not happy with how the thread is run, please take it over and I'll work with you to update Torcommunity progression page.

Edited by xeraphyne
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The only issue I had was that before Gilgamesh and Seraphyne implemented their new rule, any significant roster changes would cripple any ability we had to post on this progression tracker thread. Before their post, I wasn't actually aware that "PUG" meant different toons, not just different individuals. When it came to actually pugging out for the Torque and Master and Blaster kills, we had 2 pugs for the Torque kill, according to our official roster at the time, and we had 0 pugs for the Master and Blaster kill, according to our official roster for that kill.
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The only issue I had was that before Gilgamesh and Seraphyne implemented their new rule, any significant roster changes would cripple any ability we had to post on this progression tracker thread. Before their post, I wasn't actually aware that "PUG" meant different toons, not just different individuals. When it came to actually pugging out for the Torque and Master and Blaster kills, we had 2 pugs for the Torque kill, according to our official roster at the time, and we had 0 pugs for the Master and Blaster kill, according to our official roster for that kill.


I'm getting conflicting reports from your team leader and yourself as far as pugs in your master & blaster kill, since the roster changed.


It wasn't a new rule, its been there the whole time, but I've already stated the clarification needed to be made better as far as a pug and that's on me.. The clause was put in b/c of the drastic changes that were made in your Pwntang roster and a way for you guys to continue in the progression rankings or any other teams that has had a roster fallout.


That said, trying to talk to gilgamesh and hayward for a solution to benefit everybody, so everyone needs to chill. We'll figure it out.

Edited by xeraphyne
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Stop being a bunch of whinny babies. This is her thread, either follow her rules or don't post, or start your own. Everyone else follows the rules and doesn't ***** about it. It's not her job to play detective and hunt people's Alts down for a video game record. So play by the rules or don't post.
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