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People Need To Learn Basic Economics


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Last week Adaptive Circuitry was selling on the GTN for 80k each and people were buying them left and right. Now, because of idiots devaluing the item, the market has been shot in the foot and they're selling for around 20k each. *** is wrong with you people?!?
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Because I sell for what I want to sell for.


I can't even pretend to care what you are selling it for.


Maybe I'm trying to clear out my banks, and price things to move quickly?


Maybe I've decided that your price is high, and I think my price is more of a "fair" price point?


Maybe I'm intentionally trying to drive the price down?


That's the beauty of the GTN, people can list for whatever they want. I've seen a single piece of desh sell (not list, but actually sell) for over 1,000,000 credits, and I've seen Revan's Mask (the original one) sell at 25k. If you disagree with someone's price point, either undercut them, or buy them out to relist at what you think is fair.


The only time I even look at what other people are selling something for is for the following 2 reasons:


1) They are undervaluing it, in which case, I will buy theirs, and relist.




2) To ensure that mine will appear first when people sort to show lowest price first.


I do not care if you've sold 1000's of (Item A) at 100,000 credits. I'll list it for 10% of that if I think that's a fair price.

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Yeah, seeing that I got 30 jawa junk in under 10 minutes... I'd totally say that they're contributing lol


Well the original price gouge was because people (I think foxy is a great example because he's our biggest conquest team points generator) had whole bays cull of the unredeemed mats stuff ever since 3.0 dropped.

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  • 3 weeks later...
ill just leave this here


That Andrellma spoke it quite well!


No one - NO ONE - knows what the market is going to do, whether it's going to go up, or if it's going to go down.


Also, thought that the new level 10 materials weren't on the Jawa Junk vendor? Maybe this was just the first bit after 3.0, but I do specifically recall having checked, right after 3.0 came out.





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