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The REAL Most Powerful Force Users - Rebooted


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You have to defy the will of the force.


The Force isn't an entity, lol. The Force is, to it basically, an energy source needed for life to exist and function. Those with enough midichlorians can manipulate the Force since they have enough Force energy flowing in them since midichlorians are the passageways between the exterior energies of the galaxy and the person.

Edited by MarcheseAMM
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You have to defy the will of the force.


True, but much more. The midi-chlorians draw on the Force and work in concert with their fellows in order to resist imposition. In order to impose one's will on them, the imposer has to overpower their collective strength.


You are basically forcing the Force's organic vessels into servitude.

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True, but much more. The midi-chlorians draw on the Force and work in concert with their fellows in order to resist imposition. In order to impose one's will on them, the imposer has to overpower their collective strength.


You are basically forcing the Force's organic vessels into servitude.

*shakes head* This is why you need me off ignore. :(

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So Vitiate has literally zero Control and Sense abilities.


What an amazing Sith Lord. :rak_01:


I actually thin Vitiate should never have made the list tbh. Not to say he is not some who MAY be deserving BUT we just don't have enough data. He is the man behind the curtain so to speak. He almost has to have some degree of sense ability. My understanding is that you simply can use other force techniques without some level of sense. Needing Revan to see visions (the comment made in Maelstrom) could be simply the Emperor wanting access to the light light o have such visions at will like Caedus or Revan's ego talking. Until the emperor really walks on stage I think trying to place him is like grasping at shadows.

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I actually thin Vitiate should never have made the list tbh. Not to say he is not some who MAY be deserving BUT we just don't have enough data. He is the man behind the curtain so to speak. He almost has to have some degree of sense ability. My understanding is that you simply can use other force techniques without some level of sense. Needing Revan to see visions (the comment made in Maelstrom) could be simply the Emperor wanting access to the light light o have such visions at will like Caedus or Revan's ego talking. Until the emperor really walks on stage I think trying to place him is like grasping at shadows.


Well, he has a great deal of feats and accolades going for him. They're all listed in the comparison. The link for that is on the front page, just so that I don't have to list them.


But, yeah, I wish he got more exposure than he has. Kind of.

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The Force isn't an entity, lol. The Force is, to it basically, an energy source needed for life to exist and function. Those with enough midichlorians can manipulate the Force since they have enough Force energy flowing in them since midichlorians are the passageways between the exterior energies of the galaxy and the person.


I actually agree with this to a degree, but its a question of which you believe in Unifying Force or Living Force, or both.

I personally believe both and niether to a degree, but Plageus believed in the Living force more so then the Unifying force. For him Manipulating the Living Force WOULD take power, for one that believes in the Unifying force it would not.


I have said before "your Focus determines your reality" and better yet..


Edit: Its also why I dont really consider "Size" of objects as power... but I do consider control of objects to be power.... To a degree.

Edited by tunewalker
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Yes you should. Fantasy + Sean Bean + *****. What not to like?


(also Lena Headey, Sophie Turner, Natalie Dormer, Leslie Rose, Emilia Clarke and Oona Chaplin is hawt)


I heard Sean Bean dies.


But that was kinda obvious, since he dies in almost every role I know him in. :p


I'll try to start watching it. I'm in the middle of another show right now.

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Sever Force would be when a user unleashes energy that blocks the midichlorians from within another person, forming a sort of barrier that separates them from the outside Force energy. (cs, you aren't doing a gj quoting). Edited by MarcheseAMM
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What? That doesn't make sense.


The belief in the Living Force means a Solid belief in the different sides of it, the LIght and the Dark. The unifying force believes in the Neutrality of the force.


A person that believes in the Unifying force believes the actions of the person are either light or dark not the force itself. As such the Force has no real will to be imposed upon, thus imposing your will on the force is simple.


The living force how ever has a WANT for the light and thus imposing your will on it and making it dark would be difficult. Or in the case in which it is already corrupted turning it back to the light would be difficult.


I believe what matters is what the Force user believes. If they believe in the Unifying force then they believe it just takes knowledge and not to much power to accomplish it, as such that will be true for them.


If they believe in the Living force then they believe they need to impose their will on the force which will take a lot of power AND knowledge, and because that is what they believe, it is ALSO what is true for them. Plaegus further believes he has enough power, and because he believes it, it is so.



Edit: it is one of my many ways of solving the idea that Force users can have the same level of "sense" force powers and still massively different spheres, as well as other such things for inconsistencies. I look to the movies the most when it comes to "How the force is supposed to work" Especially to Yoda's teaching Luke as he does tell Luke to pass on what he has learned. And if Luke is going to train ALL future Jedi what he tell him must be true for ALL future Jedi.



Edit 2: Just to be clear Plageus 100% believed there was a Light and Dark side in the force iteslf, He was more a believer of the Living force then one of the Unifying force.

Edited by tunewalker
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I heard Sean Bean dies.


But that was kinda obvious, since he dies in almost every role I know him in. :p


I'll try to start watching it. I'm in the middle of another show right now.


Sean Bean dies in everything, it's the universe attempting to correct the fact his name should rhyme but doesn't.


Also, yeh, watch it, it's awesome :p

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