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The REAL Most Powerful Force Users - Rebooted


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In rebels the inquisitor said that she favored Soresu. However, even if she mastered Vaapad that doesn't mean she can use it the same way Windu did. As we already know; Obi Wan was the greatest Soresu practitioner. That does mean there can be other masters but not on Obi Wan's level.


I don't think anyone's said that she can use it at Mace's level. If they did, I'm sure it's a slip of the tongue (fingers or whatever :p).


But Depa favoring Soresu does not prevent her from using other Forms. Indeed, Obi-Wan Kenobi favored Soresu as well, but was also a master of Ataru and practiced Niman as well.


Though I'm not sure what exactly you're implying here.

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In rebels the inquisitor said that she favored Soresu. However, even if she mastered Vaapad that doesn't mean she can use it the same way Windu did. As we already know; Obi Wan was the greatest Soresu practitioner. That does mean there can be other masters but not on Obi Wan's level.


Favored Soresu, in "Close quarters". In a more open field, or against blaster wielders, its possible she had a different preference.

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It looks like an AT-AT with horns of some sort in the Avatar picture. To me anyway. :p


*sigh* Aurbere... :rolleyes:


Just a reminder that you have to fix some stuff for your character sometime in the Conquest thread.


Though, back on topic, I think that while Caedus and Vitiate are insanely strong, Yoda is basically stated outright in cannon to be the strongest Jedi in history up until Luke upstaged him. :p I say this because despite the fact he very much follows the ideas of the Jedi and shows great restraint, it is in the glimpses of power that he uses only when necessary that we see that he far outstrips any of Jedi of his age. I know, I didn't use quotes! *gasp* :eek: :eek: :eek:


I am not saying he is guaranteed the number 3 spot, heavens no, but that from what I have seen and read about all three of these candidates, Yoda simply is more impressive/powerful. While Caedus has many exotic abilities and in time would surpass Luke himself, the fact of the matter is that he never reached that point. Nor do I consider Vitiate more powerful than Yoda since, while impressive, he does have some quite anti-climatic showings that support the theory that most of his power comes from rituals.


I do not have the quote on hand, but didn't Sidious, or was it Exar Kun?... say something along the lines of Sith Sorcery making up where one is weak, and bolstering their strength far beyond their normal levels? Though I think I remember Bane saying something along the lines of "Relics of the Dark Side are for the weak" or however he phrased it. I think that was when he was in the Academy Master's office which was filled with such. I would find the quotes, but my tablet that has those books is... out of commission... for a while. :(


Now, not to say that Vitiate is weak, heavens no! He is still extremely strong and able to effortlessly take down some really strong Jedi and Sith, but what I am getting at is that the vast majority of his big showings have to do with rituals that take much preparation. As long as you have enough time and are unhindered, rituals could be setup on any scale really...



Anyways, thought I would at least contribute a wee'bit while I think some things over for the "Conquest" thread. :o

Edited by Silenceo
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*sigh* Aurbere... :rolleyes:


Just a reminder that you have to fix some stuff for your character sometime in the Conquest thread.


Though, back on topic, I think that while Caedus and Vitiate are insanely strong, Yoda is basically stated outright in cannon to be the strongest Jedi in history up until Luke upstaged him. :p I say this because despite the fact he very much follows the ideas of the Jedi and shows great restraint, it is in the glimpses of power that he uses only when necessary that we see that he far outstrips any of Jedi of his age. I know, I didn't use quotes! *gasp* :eek: :eek: :eek:


I am not saying he is guaranteed the number 3 spot, heavens no, but that from what I have seen and read about all three of these candidates, Yoda simply is more impressive/powerful. While Caedus has many exotic abilities and in time would surpass Luke himself, the fact of the matter is that he never reached that point. Nor do I consider Vitiate more powerful than Yoda since, while impressive, he does have some quite anti-climatic showings that support the theory that most of his power comes from rituals.


I do not have the quote on hand, but didn't Sidious, or was it Exar Kun?... say something along the lines of Sith Sorcery making up where one is weak, and bolstering their strength far beyond their normal levels? Though I think I remember Bane saying something along the lines of "Relics of the Dark Side are for the weak" or however he phrased it. I think that was when he was in the Academy Master's office which was filled with such. I would find the quotes, but my tablet that has those books is... out of commission... for a while. :(


Now, not to say that Vitiate is weak, heavens no! He is still extremely strong and able to effortlessly take down some really strong Jedi and Sith, but what I am getting at is that the vast majority of his big showings have to do with rituals that take much preparation. As long as you have enough time and are unhindered, rituals could be setup on any scale really...



Anyways, thought I would at least contribute a wee'bit while I think some things over for the "Conquest" thread. :o

That's right Silenceo, throw logs of text on this great hearth of erm... debate! :p


But yes good point, I agree many of the Sith Emperor's greatest showings are a product of ritual, and that's not just lowballing, extensive ritualistic preparation and in general, knowledge, can help a wielder cut corners in terms of the energy they need to expend to perform specific tasks, and even the lowliest of Force users have performed comparable feats, the Sith Emperor just to a much higher level, but that is just as much a product of study than power.

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That's right Silenceo, throw logs of text on this great hearth of erm... debate! :p


But yes good point, I agree many of the Sith Emperor's greatest showings are a product of ritual, and that's not just lowballing, extensive ritualistic preparation and in general, knowledge, can help a wielder cut corners in terms of the energy they need to expend to perform specific tasks, and even the lowliest of Force users have performed comparable feats, the Sith Emperor just to a much higher level, but that is just as much a product of study than power.


You know you found it at least amusing. :p After all, we all know you are Green Lantern and I'm...


:d_rolls_eyes::D_rolls_eyes: :d_rolls_eyes::D_rolls_eyes: :d_rolls_eyes::D_rolls_eyes: :d_rolls_eyes::D_rolls_eyes: :d_rolls_eyes::D_rolls_eyes: :d_rolls_eyes::D_rolls_eyes: :d_rolls_eyes::D_rolls_eyes: :d_rolls_eyes::D_rolls_eyes:

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Alright, hopefully I can steer us back on topic here.


Does anyone have anything else to share regarding the current candidates? I've sent Sel and Beni my personal opinion and I think they've already said who they think is more powerful, so we just need to work things out and then I'm guessing the decision will be made.


So further thoughts are appreciated, particular for Darth Caedus as we haven't seen a whole lot of discussion on that end.

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So who are we voting as the victor, Vitiate or Yoda? They both got around the same amount of votes.


Like Beni said, this isn't a popularity contest. The 'votes' are to see who people support. Once a decision has been made, if there are two or more people in favor, then the decision passes. Basically, Sel, Beni, and I make the decision and if enough people support it then it will get passed. It's right in the OP in case you missed it.


Edit: To make it more clear. I'm basically saying that Beni, Sel, and I will say who we think is more powerful, and if two others support it then we make the decision.

Edited by Aurbere
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