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Combat/Carnage crit rating


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Hi guys i got a question, i followed different guides about new combat/carnage 3.0 and i found different points of view about the crit rating discussion: for some guides is better running with 0 crits, for others the new spec after 3.0 has more benefits from the crits itself (for exemple: Vukk prefer running with 0 crits, while Aria guide says is better a 250-330 crit rating in 192).

Currently i'm running with all 192 pieces except for relics (i got the new rusaan 186 atm), a couple of mods and nehanc 186, and 3 armoring (2 of them are the old 180 bonus set). My crit rating is 180 and i'm following Hayete guide http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=785316. My best parsec is this http://torparse.com/view.php?tid=ae2ce7209e6111e4a807002590d9d1b8.

My question is if crit rating is so beneficial for this spec or not, i see that i did my best try with a 21 % crit chance even if i had 180 crit rating: is 180 too high or too low? or i was just unlucky with the crits in that try?

Ty for help

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For the most part, Sents/Maras have abilities that can trigger an auto-crit in all 3 disciplines


watchmen-Zen causes your next 6 burns to be auto crits

Combat-Clashing Blast is an auto-crit w/ some proc or passive point in the tree (cant remember the name of it atm for some reason lol)

Concentration-Auto-crit and increased damage on Focused Burst or Force Sweep with the Koan and Singularity procs iirc


This is why you will see the argument for 0 crit rating on sents, because of all the autocrits on some key abiligies that sents/Maras get in any discipline. Though imo having some extra crit rating wont hurt you.after all, who wants to wait just on Zen for your burns to actually crit lol. Just as long as you are reaching your other caps first (ie melee Accuracy to 100%) extra crit is beneficial to a point. it sounds like the 250-350 crit rating is in the ball park of what i heard as well so you should be fine

Edited by UrbanSaint
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There will never be an end to the debate because either build is perfectly viable.


Before 3.0 I ran a +0 crit, All power/surge build. I did it to take advantage of the autocrits and was bursty as hell. And there's still a good argument for it because with set bonuses we have yet another autocrit.


Now I run quite a bit of crit, more than some might recommend because I was tired of the "lull" between bursts. Remember that any one of your actual attacks has a chance to crit> so with massacre thats 3 hits - usually 4 with Ataru proc. With some alacrity and Ataru's natural speed, that's a lot of opportunity to hit a critical.


Consider even some small differences in crit build

  • <20% less than 1/5 attacks.
  • 25% 1/4. It makes a difference if you are spamming your attacks rapidly.


In short:

Power/Surge> more burst, more lull between bursts.

Crit> less burst, better sustain.


The difference is quite subtle tho. As long as you are playing the spec to its fullest you will do fine either way.

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Hi guys i got a question, i followed different guides about new combat/carnage 3.0 and i found different points of view about the crit rating discussion: for some guides is better running with 0 crits, for others the new spec after 3.0 has more benefits from the crits itself (for exemple: Vukk prefer running with 0 crits, while Aria guide says is better a 250-330 crit rating in 192).

Currently i'm running with all 192 pieces except for relics (i got the new rusaan 186 atm), a couple of mods and nehanc 186, and 3 armoring (2 of them are the old 180 bonus set). My crit rating is 180 and i'm following Hayete guide http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=785316. My best parsec is this http://torparse.com/view.php?tid=ae2ce7209e6111e4a807002590d9d1b8.

My question is if crit rating is so beneficial for this spec or not, i see that i did my best try with a 21 % crit chance even if i had 180 crit rating: is 180 too high or too low? or i was just unlucky with the crits in that try?

Ty for help


What the poster above said is spot on man. The differences are so negligible that its really up to your preferred play style. This debate has been around since just about launch i feel and has always been a question looming over the heads of Sentinels. If you're doing Combat then the place your Crit rating will benefit the most, aside from the Clashing Blast auto Crit, is from the Saber Storm passive you gain at level 59. Much past that you're on a strict baseline Crit chance. If you're at 20% then you have that 1 in 5 chance of any melee attack Crit'ing. I did testing with Crit and without Crit as well as under Overkill (Power) Augments and Main Stat Augments and the difference, at least for me, was around 50 DPS give or take a point. For my play style and the way i go about my rotation, priorities, etc. i got higher parses without Crit, others get higher with Crit. I would say experiment with both and go with whichever you do best with. My personal opinion though i would not push my Crit into the 300 or even 250 range. I feel the return you'd get on Crit compared to the damage you'd loose on non Crit attacks would not be worth it or balanced, but that's just my opinion :D

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Something to also note is Marauders get 30% surge on Massacre/Devastating Blast while Sents only get 10% on Blade Rush/Clashing Blast, because reasons (I suspect its a tooltip bug but considering people thought the difference between Watchman and Annihilation was also a tooltip bug when it wasn't...)!


This means that crit is worth far more for a marauder than a sentinel


Fix devs plz

Edited by TACeMossie
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