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Trooper class quest: Col Nol -- Callsign Monarch: his letter after the quest


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Did any troopers read the letter he sends you after the quest? Honestly one of the best, meaningful/emotional after-quest letters I've read. Really good.


Especially considering I hoped we could help them instead of the outcome Garza wanted/achieved.

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Did any troopers read the letter he sends you after the quest? Honestly one of the best, meaningful/emotional after-quest letters I've read. Really good.


Especially considering I hoped we could help them instead of the outcome Garza wanted/achieved.



I thought all the class quest (or at least my 3 most played characters, Trooper, Agent, Knight) to be touching. That letter in particular his me hard. I thought it was an excellent quest.



And the idea of Garza getting a spot in SIS kind of disturbs me lol. She is too valuable to just have her retire though so I told her I would cover for her


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Will leave this here:

!!!!!! ::reading the follow-up mail to the Trooper class quest and almost crying:: Why do you keep doing this to me? =)

That one I can't take credit for, actually! I didn't write the follow-up mails for SoR... blame @Charles_Boyd or @TheSeanMcKeever!

@AlexanderMFreed @Charles_Boyd @TheSeanMcKeever You two did a great job on that!! I felt so bad for what she had to do!

It was really awesome to have Alex take a spin with the Trooper, couldn't be happier with the end result
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It was the most sad part of the quest but being light side trooper there a part of me that know her way of thinking there been few times the in game mail has made me think about her actions on a few missions that she seams to be a under lining dark side. I just hope in the next part they care this forward with the missions. To think there been a long time from the end of chapter 3 until now. Do not know % of player base that enjoy the class story lines but I do.
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To be honest, I-




*puts on a fireproof outfit*


To be honest, I didn't really like the Trooper Rishi quest.


Don't get me wrong, the fate of the cyborgified squad was utterly tragic, and the colonel's final message was absolutely wonderful.


But... there's two issues for me.


1: I get that Havok Squad became something of a ragtag group of misfits whose teamwork helped layer over any individual's failings, and that each was an expert in one aspect or another... but really, they needed to go all mad scientist in order to replace a backwater officer, an Imperial defector, a parochial and inflexible combat droid, a douchey and insubordinate explosives expert and an overly religious mechanic led by a guy who got thrown into a leadership position because just about every other SpecOps soldier went rogue?


It felt a bit pandery, that the writer felt like the only way to make Havok Squad seem even more awesome was that no one could possibly ever replace them in the Black Ops field, not without evil science coming into play!


To me, a strong theme of the Trooper Story is... well, to paraphrase Ratatoullie: "Not everyone can become a great soldier; but a great soldier can come from anywhere."


And 2: Another "General Garza does something really freaking stupid and needs to be bailed out by the Trooper PC" story. The only difference this time is that this time she might not be able to cover it up.


The Jedi Knight's story was wonderful because it was reminding the Knight (and the players) what the Jedi are supposed to be, what they're supposed to do, because with all the warfare, its too easy for forget. The Trooper has that element of revisiting, sure, but to tell the same old story in a slightly different way... eh.


Again, there was a lot that worked with it, and worked great. Its just that the base concept of it was faulty.

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Did any troopers read the letter he sends you after the quest? Honestly one of the best, meaningful/emotional after-quest letters I've read. Really good.


Especially considering I hoped we could help them instead of the outcome Garza wanted/achieved.


Yes, I thought the Trooper quest was the best of the 8 stories. Really, really good work they did there.

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I liked the mission, but had several issues with it, starting with:



  • Vowrawn and Garza apparently sharing a safe house makes little to no sense to me. I know Rishi is small and everything, but would it have been THAT hard to have EVERY class instances occur in SEPARATE places?


  • How many Selkath labs, underwater, have access to Rakata technology meant to augment regular sentient beings? I was under the impression Darok and Arkous raided the Academy on Korriban and the Temple on Tython, to supposedly rob the Rakata technology stored there. Instead, we had an additional Selkath in an additional underwater lab doing research on additional Rakata technology. Maybe they'll delve into that later? Maybe there's a trove of Rakata technology in Manaan's ocean bed?


  • Garza is FULLY AWARE of the Revanite threat, but approaches it in a very casual manner. I found that frankly... odd to say the least.


  • The mission was too short and had no variety to it, something EVERY SINGLE class story for SoR shared truth be told.


  • The auto-pilot conversations. There was this one moment where I suggested Garza to come clean, with she asking me in turn if I'd testify against her; in that moment, I thought I wouldn't be sure but alas, the game responded for me and my character IMMEDIATELY said yes -- if the character had to.


As mentioned, several issues.




And I think I discovered another bug; great. :rolleyes:

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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  • 3 weeks later...

The auto-pilot conversations. There was this one moment where I suggested Garza to come clean, with she asking me in turn if I'd testify against her; in that moment, I thought I wouldn't be sure but alas, the game responded for me and my character IMMEDIATELY said yes -- if the character had to.


I despise the autodialogue in SoR. With a passion. It's like Mass Effect 3 all over again. I am no longer playing my character. I'm playing BioWare's Trooper/Smuggler/whatever with their desires, their personality and their manner of speech, and I just get to prod at the conversation every once in a while.


I play this game for the dialogue and conversations. I play it over and above other MMOs, because it's the only one that does it right. But the sheer amount of autodialogue in SoR makes me a very sad panda. I know that it's cheaper than recording multiple lines all the time. I know that it's cheaper than producing 3 times as much dialogue. I know that I'm probably in the minority here and most gamers can't tell the difference between a conversational NPC and one that's just an expositional info dump. I know that BioWare knows that most people spacebar through conversations anyway, because all they care about is killing more bad guys and I know that BioWare are only going to grudgingly spend time and money on something that only a smaller portion of the playerbase feel is important.


But It still makes me sad :(

Edited by Raphael_diSanto
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I so far only went through the Consular, Inquisitor, Warrior and Trooper. The Trooper's started to me as a 'not another one!' because frankly we had been there before numerous times. But the denouement with Graza, and her narrative about each soldier was really good. To be honest, the letter to me paled in comparison with the contrast of the narrative and your character's just doing his job. The letter sort of diluted the tragedy.


I play this game for the dialogue and conversations. I play it over and above other MMOs, because it's the only one that does it right. But the sheer amount of autodialogue in SoR makes me a very sad panda.


That's come from the universal acclaim for the IA story that was a sequence of 'no choices' and long exposes without much player input. and everyone loved it. So, they built of that success.


But, I think, in this one, it actually, for once, worked. Well, at the very least for me what the Trooper was saying felt right :) Plus, I think he actually improved as an actor, and was delivering much better emotionally.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I despise the autodialogue in SoR. With a passion. It's like Mass Effect 3 all over again. I am no longer playing my character. I'm playing BioWare's Trooper/Smuggler/whatever with their desires, their personality and their manner of speech, and I just get to prod at the conversation every once in a while.


I play this game for the dialogue and conversations. I play it over and above other MMOs, because it's the only one that does it right. But the sheer amount of autodialogue in SoR makes me a very sad panda. I know that it's cheaper than recording multiple lines all the time. I know that it's cheaper than producing 3 times as much dialogue. I know that I'm probably in the minority here and most gamers can't tell the difference between a conversational NPC and one that's just an expositional info dump. I know that BioWare knows that most people spacebar through conversations anyway, because all they care about is killing more bad guys and I know that BioWare are only going to grudgingly spend time and money on something that only a smaller portion of the playerbase feel is important.


But It still makes me sad :(


^^ I agree wholeheartedly. :D


Oddly enough, I also thought of ME3 fairly often while playing SoR. They started going that route with FA already but seriously... SoR is just a massive overkill.


That's come from the universal acclaim for the IA story that was a sequence of 'no choices' and long exposes without much player input. and everyone loved it. So, they built of that success.


Pay more attention, please.


The issue is the auto-pilot conversations, NOT the storytelling. I finished the IA story four times by now, and what you're saying is clearly FALSE.



, it would seem the writer for the JC story didn't think highly enough of players. Otherwise, it wouldn't dictate on them the dialogue for the big reveal pertaining Vivicar.


Pot. Kettle.


Even so, as stated already, your earlier claim is FALSE.


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False? I don't know.


To me the most notorious aspects of the IA story were numerous options to ‘stay silent’, prompt-style responses, or the responses that lead to the character effectually staying silent. It felt like a very passive class dialogue-wise. As close to the auto dialogue as it gets. Just sit out the cutscenes….


Cutscenes where everyone had long monologues. Everyone that is, but the player.


Then, whenever there seemed to be a choice, it came to be null and void. :confused:

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False? I don't know.


I do.


To me the most notorious aspects of the IA story were numerous options to ‘stay silent’, prompt-style responses, or the responses that lead to the character effectually staying silent. It felt like a very passive class dialogue-wise. As close to the auto dialogue as it gets. Just sit out the cutscenes….


Finished the class story four times by now. Have no idea what you are talking about.


Again, it would seem you did not pay any attention whatsoever to what was said earlier. The issue with SoR ( and with FA, to an extent ) is the auto-pilot conversations, where the player character responds automatically.


This wasn't the case with the Vanilla release, bar some exceptions here and there... including the one I posted above, which is MAJOR.


Cutscenes where everyone had long monologues. Everyone that is, but the player.


Again, read what is being discussed, namely what I said above.


Then, whenever there seemed to be a choice, it came to be null and void. :confused:


And again, this is FALSE.


As far as any semblance of choice is concerned, the Agent story is arguably the one with the most latitude overall.

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To me it is but one small step from the ‘stay silent’ options in the IA conversations to the “let’s forgo it all together and let the character just say things.” I don’t like either. I like the player to have a choice of different things to say and influence the conversation. Preferably by delivering interesting lines.


I agree that ‘no choices in conversations’ was a Bad Thing in SoR. My reference to the IA derails the thread. I am glad that the overwhelming majority of the player base has enjoyed and continue to enjoy that fascinating Class story.

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To me it is but one small step from the ‘stay silent’ options in the IA conversations to the “let’s forgo it all together and let the character just say things.” I don’t like either. I like the player to have a choice of different things to say and influence the conversation. Preferably by delivering interesting lines.


And the Imperial Agent surely has that.


As far as the writing is concerned, it is arguably second only to the Sith Warrior IMO.


I agree that ‘no choices in conversations’ was a Bad Thing in SoR. My reference to the IA derails the thread. I am glad that the overwhelming majority of the player base has enjoyed and continue to enjoy that fascinating Class story.


Is it irony I detect in your post? :o

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I liked the mission, but had several issues with it, starting with:



  • Vowrawn and Garza apparently sharing a safe house makes little to no sense to me. I know Rishi is small and everything, but would it have been THAT hard to have EVERY class instances occur in SEPARATE places?


  • How many Selkath labs, underwater, have access to Rakata technology meant to augment regular sentient beings? I was under the impression Darok and Arkous raided the Academy on Korriban and the Temple on Tython, to supposedly rob the Rakata technology stored there. Instead, we had an additional Selkath in an additional underwater lab doing research on additional Rakata technology. Maybe they'll delve into that later? Maybe there's a trove of Rakata technology in Manaan's ocean bed?


  • Garza is FULLY AWARE of the Revanite threat, but approaches it in a very casual manner. I found that frankly... odd to say the least.


  • The mission was too short and had no variety to it, something EVERY SINGLE class story for SoR shared truth be told.


  • The auto-pilot conversations. There was this one moment where I suggested Garza to come clean, with she asking me in turn if I'd testify against her; in that moment, I thought I wouldn't be sure but alas, the game responded for me and my character IMMEDIATELY said yes -- if the character had to.


As mentioned, several issues.




And I think I discovered another bug; great. :rolleyes:


About the rakkata tech on manaan maybe they found the star map? I mean at least the place has a confirmed rakata presence so its not a total *** pull

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I am positive that Garza said that she sent a team after my character to Manaan. Maybe the sequence does not trigger only for people who played FA as a tactical FP?



"Solo FA didn't count for completing FA for that conversation. It only worked right if you did FA completely via the non-Solo versions." -- s_m

In other words, no.

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Well, I guess I was lucky. Or different responses link to different options. I do not record the dialogues, but I remember that conversation flowing naturally and not having contradictions to the story. Who knows. All and all, it was a really good quest. Edited by DomiSotto
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Well, I guess I was lucky. Or different responses link to different options. I do not record the dialogues, but I remember that conversation flowing naturally and not having contradictions to the story. Who knows. All and all, it was a really good quest.


Unless you have a screenshot of it, which you apparently don't, I'll take it with a grain of salt and dispute whatever you're saying.


No offense. :o

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If it's unacceptable, I apologize. I am sorry I've liked it. I am sorry it made sense to me. I am sorry I have posted. I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry.... I don't want to dispute anything. I just liked the quest... I like my character. I liked his story. Edited by DomiSotto
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If it's unacceptable, I apologize. I am sorry I've liked it. I am sorry it made sense to me. I am sorry I have posted. I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry.... I don't want to dispute anything. I just liked the quest... I like my character. I liked his story.


Ummmmmm... What?



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I don't want to dispute anything. I think I saw a version that referred to my Trooper doing the FA. It's not like I can go back and replay it to check the exact lines. But I like how the quest turned out, how the character acted, what they said. It was really nice. If that's not the right thing to say, well, I apologize.
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I don't want to dispute anything. I think I saw a version that referred to my Trooper doing the FA. It's not like I can go back and replay it to check the exact lines. But I like how the quest turned out, how the character acted, what they said. It was really nice. If that's not the right thing to say, well, I apologize.


* exhales *


Whatever you say.

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