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API :: we really need it


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Per the title, it is my opinion that SWTOR needs a community-accessible API


There are great community sites like swtorconquest.com for checking conquest (but that guy has a 7-hour delay), torhead.com and askmrrobot.com with item databases and skill trees that are months out ot date.

There are innumerable ways to fetch data on whether a server is up/down/green/red/yellow, but, they all require a LOT of effort, effort that is, frankly, not worth it.


As a community tech support guy, I would find an API invaluable. An up-to-date items database that can be linked in all sorts of places, a simple query that can be made instead of fighting with google floodlight tags on the server page, and soooo on.

I would find it extremely helpful to augment guides with accurate ability tooltips for GSF and dirtside Disciplines.

Link achievemtns, watch the conq leaderboards. That sort of thing.


This data is definitely availabe, after all, I doubt everytime a dev wants to see how conquest is doing, they log onto a Body Type 4 Juggernaught called Dath DevBot to see what the boards under the log show.

It would not impact game security, and help the community, a LOT!



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