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Guards get unremitting -no utility pt needed- 4 sec cc immunity after leap...we get?


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As a melee class, sent/mara susceptibility to cc - especially movement effects that knock us out of melee, or keep us from getting into melee- are one of the biggest problems I see with the class atm.


While ranged classes (gunslinger is ridiculous, sage is close) get MORE and MORE cc and escapes...all of which reduces our ability to get into and stay in melee range. For example, slingers have cover which means we can never leap to them...then they have slows, so we take longer to get to them, all the while we are being deeps'd...Then when you do FINALLY make it into melee range, they can scamper away and reset cover, or knock us back...either way we cant effectively close before we lose massive health, and when we do, we will have almost zero time on target in melee range. This is preposterous design. Then you have requirements for resource building and a set rotation (e.g., watchman if you want to apply and spread you DoTs) or a VERY small window to burst (3 sec precision) where any of these CCs ruin your ability to do the dps that is your sole purpose as a dps spec.


Then you have crap like this, where WITHOUT even spending a skill point, guards/jugs get a 20% damage reduction and 4 sec cc immunity to ENSURE they can get into their rotation and don't have their closer WASTED as we do SO MANY TIMES. How come they get it and we don't??? Some one explain that to me please...also consider this is FOUR SECONDS of CC immunity EVERY 15 seconds (force leap timer) or less, if a force push is used to reset. This alone explains a HUGE chunk of the damage difference I see between sents and jugs in WZs. Juggs are basically cc immune up to 25% of the time with this ONE PASSIVE SKILL that doesn't even require a utility point spent.


It should be a standard JK utility for both advanced classes, or a standard JK trained passive FOR BOTH CLASSES.

Edited by Dyvim
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It really just needs to be a utility. Especially for Maras. Not to mention Juggs/Guardians get snare immunity from the Endure Pain/Enure utility... For 10 seconds. It also increases movement speed by 50%... for 10 seconds. well done bioware, well done.
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As a melee class, sent/mara susceptibility to cc - especially movement effects that knock us out of melee, or keep us from getting into melee- are one of the biggest problems I see with the class atm.


While ranged classes (gunslinger is ridiculous, sage is close) get MORE and MORE cc and escapes...all of which reduces our ability to get into and stay in melee range. For example, slingers have cover which means we can never leap to them...then they have slows, so we take longer to get to them, all the while we are being deeps'd...Then when you do FINALLY make it into melee range, they can scamper away and reset cover, or knock us back...either way we cant effectively close before we lose massive health, and when we do, we will have almost zero time on target in melee range. This is preposterous design. Then you have requirements for resource building and a set rotation (e.g., watchman if you want to apply and spread you DoTs) or a VERY small window to burst (3 sec precision) where any of these CCs ruin your ability to do the dps that is your sole purpose as a dps spec.


Then you have crap like this, where WITHOUT even spending a skill point, guards/jugs get a 20% damage reduction and 4 sec cc immunity to ENSURE they can get into their rotation and don't have their closer WASTED as we do SO MANY TIMES. How come they get it and we don't??? Some one explain that to me please...


It should be a standard JK utility for both advanced classes, or a standard JK trained passive FOR BOTH CLASSES.


For the record, only Vigilance discipline gets the talent Unremitting, not all Guardians. I do agree some form of baseline CC protection is needed for all Knights, and then certain disciplines should get upgrades that: extend the duration, increase the number of effects it protects from, adds some additional effect while active, etc... Tank Guardians have been needing one for a while. It sucks to leap in and immediately get knocked back from adds when your DPS are going all out. It forces you to use taunts/saber reflect immediately, instead of using it tactically.

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It really just needs to be a utility. Especially for Maras. Not to mention Juggs/Guardians get snare immunity from the Endure Pain/Enure utility... For 10 seconds. It also increases movement speed by 50%... for 10 seconds. well done bioware, well done.


Yeah...also consider this is FOUR SECONDS of CC immunity EVERY 15 seconds (force leap timer) or less, if a force push is used to reset. This alone explains a HUGE chunk of the damage difference I see between sents and jugs in WZs. Juggs are basically cc immune up to 25% of the time with this ONE PASSIVE SKILL that doesn't even require a utility point spent.

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