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deff of the commando


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hello all :)

i made a trooper commando heal build


and done the first FP solo ad lvl 14 the esseles

now it seems that even with more then 1k deff rating and every thing is higher then jorgan stats


that my hp drop very very fast and i was *** is going on

and when mops attack jorgan he only have so 700 + deff they don't scratch him that much he even can kill mops in 1 hit -.-


so i rely don't no what is going on ??

so i wanna ask if any pro trooper gamers have this problem to


ore will trooper be better ad later lvls ??


sorry for my bad English

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I beg to differ. Esseless is meant to be solo'ed. Every single SM fp is meant to be 2-manned at level. Every single one!!!!! Except maybe Collicoid


Last time I looked (which is right now) it was a [Group 2] flashpoint. So by the very definition of the word it's not meant to be solod. Whether you can do it or not is irrelevant.

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Honestly, I think you simply have gimped yourself playing the healer.


This can be cleared solo at your level, but it assumes you are doing the bulk of the clearing. Your companion's abilities are just too limited even playing ranged DPS to carry the load. And this likely drags the instance out even longer. Going in as two DPS any you could probably clear the place flat in short order.


Also, it should be pointed out that "silvers" now do more damage than before the expansion. I haven't run this instance since then, so I don't know what this has done to the difficulty level.


Finally, although you mention the defense level of the gear, you don't mention the actual level of it. So if it is level 9 or 10, you probably will need two people. Your gear level, regardless of defense, is simply below level against these mobs.

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