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Romances for force users suck


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la la la .


Going to disagree a bit.

Vector- a bug. Sorry but he's a bug. I need not say anthing more. He's a bug. Keeper was a nice idea tbh, but Vector=bug , bugs=creepy. And his bugfriends are watching you together. Creepy, I say.


Ravage- is at least 50 years old older than the SI (He was a Darth Council member when Thanaton was given his Darth title, 26 years before the sacking of Coruscant. A bit too old and I doubt that he'd be interested in such affairs.


Marr- same, really. he's also too old, likely younger than Ravage as I can't see everyone at the Dark Council being "youngsters" at the same time during this time. Still, who knows? And again, we're not to know what he's hiding. Scars? That's he's Marr from KOTOR2's offspring? That's he's an alien? Who knows. But well, probably too old anyways.


And I Don't think the Dark Council members are that romance or sexual driven. It's a reason the SI has like, almost no romance options. The Sith Warrior might like such things, but the SI is obsessed with power and is therefore not affected by such options. Not speaking about the characters we RP as, but as the character I (assume) Bioware tried to make. That's why it's like, 1 flirt option every 5 planets or so. The closest thing I ever get to a romance is with Zash. "You can't get me out of your head, can you?"

Oh, my lovely master, you make rodians look kissable. "(The last quote was altered, obviously)


Still, SI doesn't like such things, just like Marr or Ravage doesn't like such things. Like Jedi, the "highest" of the Sith seems to be unaffected by romances. Sidious, Plagueis, Vitiatie, Nihilius, etc, they probably don't know what that is. The Warrior isn't really that high up in terms of rank or sorcery, or the dark side for that matter, so he's allowed to be a little playboy, obviously.Or playgirl, as it was for yo He's the enforcer, enforcers have different rules. See Sion from KOTOR2, in love with the pretty jedi and all. Warriors have other priotities than Sorcerers, often "more normal". OR so it seems. after all, sorcerery is much harder as the Force is very complex and takes much more practice than the phsyical, and sorcerers are normally also good at, or even experts at lightsaber duels(Anyone can understand that it takes 10 times more time to study and train at the same time), as well as a much higher cost on the body.So, u know.The Inquisitor has "other" priorities. Hence why you get like, a one.night stand at Alderaan(Female) and one at Nar Shadda(Male), even though the Male one is a bit more romantic as you actually sort of have a connection with the little cultist. And she's sort of stalking you in the Dreamworld, cute stuff. Too bad I let Paladius kill her, but you know. Power over love. Sith Sorceres don't have time for friendships, or romances. We're busy in our tombs, studing ancient rituals, empowering ourselves and suddenly getting sick because the strenght we found was too much for a human body. Like poor Nihilius.

Edited by Leaveshill
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Going to disagree a bit.

Vector- a bug. Sorry but he's a bug. I need not say anthing more. He's a bug. Keeper was a nice idea tbh, but Vector=bug , bugs=creepy. And his bugfriends are watching you together. Creepy, I say.


Ravage- is at least 50 years old older than the SI (He was a Darth Council member when Thanaton was given his Darth title, 26 years before the sacking of Coruscant. A bit too old and I doubt that he'd be interested in such affairs.


Marr- same, really. he's also too old, likely younger than Ravage as I can't see everyone at the Dark Council being "youngsters" at the same time during this time. Still, who knows? And again, we're not to know what he's hiding. Scars? That's he's Marr from KOTOR2's offspring? That's he's an alien? Who knows. But well, probably too old anyways.


And I Don't think the Dark Council members are that romance or sexual driven. It's a reason the SI has like, almost no romance options. The Sith Warrior might like such things, but the SI is obsessed with power and is therefore not affected by such options. Not speaking about the characters we RP as, but as the character I (assume) Bioware tried to make. That's why it's like, 1 flirt option every 5 planets or so. The closest thing I ever get to a romance is with Zash. "You can't get me out of your head, can you?"

Oh, my lovely master, you make rodians look kissable. "(The last quote was altered, obviously)


Still, SI doesn't like such things, just like Marr or Ravage doesn't like such things. Like Jedi, the "highest" of the Sith seems to be unaffected by romances. Sidious, Plagueis, Vitiatie, Nihilius, etc, they probably don't know what that is. The Warrior isn't really that high up in terms of rank or sorcery, or the dark side for that matter, so he's allowed to be a little playboy, obviously.Or playgirl, as it was for yo He's the enforcer, enforcers have different rules. See Sion from KOTOR2, in love with the pretty jedi and all. Warriors have other priotities than Sorcerers, often "more normal". OR so it seems. after all, sorcerery is much harder as the Force is very complex and takes much more practice than the phsyical, and sorcerers are normally also good at, or even experts at lightsaber duels(Anyone can understand that it takes 10 times more time to study and train at the same time), as well as a much higher cost on the body.So, u know.The Inquisitor has "other" priorities. Hence why you get like, a one.night stand at Alderaan(Female) and one at Nar Shadda(Male), even though the Male one is a bit more romantic as you actually sort of have a connection with the little cultist. And she's sort of stalking you in the Dreamworld, cute stuff. Too bad I let Paladius kill her, but you know. Power over love. Sith Sorceres don't have time for friendships, or romances. We're busy in our tombs, studing ancient rituals, empowering ourselves and suddenly getting sick because the strenght we found was too much for a human body. Like poor Nihilius.


Well, I think you and I could argue this forever and day, and I don't feel up to it lol. :) You have your vision for the characters, and that's cool, but I have mine, and this is how I see it, and play it. My SI is still a young lady, and I see no harm in her enjoying some romance as a side to her power. When she's older and less hawt, I'm sure she'll be much more focused on being powerful and evading death, just like the others.


It sounds to me like you may be a younger person...I'm guessing, if I'm wrong, forgive me. I'm 46, so the idea of being with the guys on the Dark council doesn't ick me out that much. I kinda like it. I know we haven't seen much evidence for them having wives, or women, or any sort of romantic situation at their current place and age, but I think there is room for it. Malgus even enjoyed romance for a while, but like you say, power and the vulnerability his lady love brought to him made him end it.


So you're quite entitled to disagree, and I'm good with it, but I'm also the sort of person that won't budge on my principles and beliefs either. :)

Edited by Lunafox
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In SIth Empire, Lords of the Dark Council are the men in position of power. Because of how high the SI climbs the ladder in the story, if there is any chance of equality, it has to be either a Lord of Dark Council, a Head of the Imperial Guard, or someone in the high ranking military, or an across-the-lines romance, with a Criminal or Rebel Lead, or a Jedi of an equal standing to PC's Knight or Consular.


I too would like to see Marr as a re-occurring out of party interest for either Warrior or Sith Inq, more so for the Warrior, because well, I'd rather see Andronikus promoted by the game in parallel with the SI.


Theron is Okay, but since everyone can have Theron... it's not the same as a class-specific interest.


Kind of funny, comments on the men being too old.


Well, tbh, four of the RI simply are too young for me, but I like that the options are there, because well, I figure that they would appeal to a younger player to have someone they can relate to. It's too bad that two of those options are for the same class with no alternatives.


I figure having an option or two that are too old for a younger player, well, won't be too bad, no?


In regards to the Warrior vs Inquisitor not being romantic by the restrictions of the game, erm, no, because in both cases it is the female who is not allowed to be flirty. The male Warrior gets 2 in-party romances, as well as all the flirts shared between the Imperial males. M!Inquisitor gets the best romance in the game if he plays LS (IMO), as all the flirts shared between the Imperial males.


As a consequence, tbh, my male SI feels like my most romantic character out of all my 7 Class representatives.


It's the females of both classes that to me have their romantic options drastically reduced, because there is one less romantic option for a female Warrior, and there are very few flirts available to all Imperial females than there are available to all Imperial males.


In general, the number of flirts available to a female of any class is less that available to a male of any class. IIRC, Bounty Hunter is the only class where it is about equal.

Edited by DomiSotto
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It's the females of both classes that to me have their romantic options drastically reduced, because there is one less romantic option for a female Warrior, and there are very few flirts available to all Imperial females than there are available to all Imperial males.


In general, the number of flirts available to a female of any class is less that available to a male of any class. IIRC, Bounty Hunter is the only class where it is about equal.

I seem to recall having a fair number of flirts on my female IA, although not as many as I'm getting now with my male agent, and with fewer FTBs. The female warrior is definitely a denizen of the flirt desert, though - in stark contrast to the bounty of romance opportunities the male warrior is bombarded with.

Edited by SelinaH
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Both female Smuggler and Inquisitor get the most flirting opportunities than other Classes, but both have far less than their male counterpart. So, while an F!Smuggler has a rich love life going compared to an F!Knight or an F!Con, compared to an M!Smuggler she is an Ice Queen.
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Both female Smuggler and Inquisitor get the most flirting opportunities than other Classes, but both have far less than their male counterpart. So, while an F!Smuggler has a rich love life going compared to an F!Knight or an F!Con, compared to an M!Smuggler she is an Ice Queen.


Hmmm. As a SI male; you get ; One flirt option on Korriban(to the acolyte). You get one on Nar Shadda, then you get the next one at like, then a one-night stand if you spared your cultist, then the Voss with the Pureblood (one line) again. This makes, 1 romance and two randoms you can flirt with. How is this "most"? As an Imperial agent(male), I romanced like,7-8 girls. As a Sith warrior, you also get quite a few, at least 5 if we include both companions. Si Male has 2 romances available for each gender (maybe the Female has more than the Alderaan Sith, but I haven't seen/tried so idk). Tbh JC and SI seems to have the least "Flirts". At least less than JK, SW, IA, BH.


I'm 100% sure that SI has less "potential" flirts than the other Imp-classes. I mean. When I let Paladius kill Rylee, I actually lose my only potential romance outside of Ashara. And trust me, I've done SI three times and a number of "half-ways". There's always the chance that I did "something wrong", but it's higly unlikely that SI and "most classes" can be compared in terms of romance. SI has barely any romance. I haven't tried the classes in female, mind you, but I can gurantee that I was almost suprised by the fact that I had no romance options outside of Ashara. (Again, Rylee - dead).

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To be fair, Smuggler and Agent were pretty clearly designed with a male protagonist in mind, so naturally the female counterparts don't get as much. I think Inquisitors and Hunters are equal, and that's it.


No, wait, female Consulars get to flirt more than males ones. They can have a one-night stand with Tharan, males don't get any one-night stands. Yay?


Ha, if you think being a female Warrior is like living in the flirt desert, try rolling a female Knight. I seriously can't remember flirting with anyone from 1 to 55, fem!Warrior at least gets Pierce and that guy on Nar Shaddaa.

Edited by Abvora
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Well, I think you and I could argue this forever and day, and I don't feel up to it lol. :) You have your vision for the characters, and that's cool, but I have mine, and this is how I see it, and play it. My SI is still a young lady, and I see no harm in her enjoying some romance as a side to her power. When she's older and less hawt, I'm sure she'll be much more focused on being powerful and evading death, just like the others.


It sounds to me like you may be a younger person...I'm guessing, if I'm wrong, forgive me. I'm 46, so the idea of being with the guys on the Dark council doesn't ick me out that much. I kinda like it. I know we haven't seen much evidence for them having wives, or women, or any sort of romantic situation at their current place and age, but I think there is room for it. Malgus even enjoyed romance for a while, but like you say, power and the vulnerability his lady love brought to him made him end it.


So you're quite entitled to disagree, and I'm good with it, but I'm also the sort of person that won't budge on my principles and beliefs either. :)


Midtwenties and our youthfulness, haha.

But I didn't mean that your character can't be played like that. I just said that, most Dark Council members aren't prone to such "lowely" emotions. I think their concerns are, normally, put in other places than their personal lives. Exceptions are of course there, but the lack of romance-options for SI(at least male) seems to favor the point. But mainly, your character can be different. I just guess and think that the SI is suposed to be sort of "boring" in that area, as the Sith Warrior flirts with woman on a daily basis while the SI has like a try every season. But more to the point, I doubt that Darth Marr or Ravage is different! That was the main point with my post tbh, that I doubt that they'd actually be interested, even if a young sith female was. And well, on Ravage and his age I was likely mistaken, I thought I read that he was present when Thanaton was sent after the Emperor's apprentice decades before the war ended, but he wasn't. But I still doubt that he's into such things these days.I think you're 10-20 years late for the days when he cared. And Marr has likely been too occupied with his duty since he could well, wear armor.


And of course, I didn't mean that you should alter your opinions. I just well, added my insight in the matter.

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Hmmm. As a SI male; you get ; One flirt option on Korriban(to the acolyte). You get one on Nar Shadda, then you get the next one at like, then a one-night stand if you spared your cultist, then the Voss with the Pureblood (one line) again. This makes, 1 romance and two randoms you can flirt with. How is this "most"?


I did not say M!SI gets the most flirts, I said he gets the best romance - and that's in my opinion. It just so happens that my Male Inquisitor was went through the tragic romance with Ashara, then tragic romance with Cytherat, then tragic romance with Theron... becoming basically the hero-lover for me :) My Male Warrior is too well-adjusted, and so is my M!Trooper, and my M!Knight - their girls are either good or great match, and they show up basically on Day 1... no time for angst. The Inquisitor just feels like the troubled and restless soul :) Aww, I do like him.


SI would also has a long Darth Larchis /Thana Vesh sequence on Balmorra/Taris of which all Imperial males could avail themselves, he certainly gets the adoration from the cultist... I am pretty sure He-Inquisitor gets more flirts than the She-Inquisitor.


Can't find the old spreadsheet, but, yeah, BH I think was the only one that was about the smae number.

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Midtwenties and our youthfulness, haha.

But I didn't mean that your character can't be played like that. I just said that, most Dark Council members aren't prone to such "lowely" emotions. I think their concerns are, normally, put in other places than their personal lives. Exceptions are of course there, but the lack of romance-options for SI(at least male) seems to favor the point. But mainly, your character can be different. I just guess and think that the SI is suposed to be sort of "boring" in that area, as the Sith Warrior flirts with woman on a daily basis while the SI has like a try every season. But more to the point, I doubt that Darth Marr or Ravage is different! That was the main point with my post tbh, that I doubt that they'd actually be interested, even if a young sith female was. And well, on Ravage and his age I was likely mistaken, I thought I read that he was present when Thanaton was sent after the Emperor's apprentice decades before the war ended, but he wasn't. But I still doubt that he's into such things these days.I think you're 10-20 years late for the days when he cared. And Marr has likely been too occupied with his duty since he could well, wear armor.


And of course, I didn't mean that you should alter your opinions. I just well, added my insight in the matter.


It's all good. You do bring interesting points to the table, and I certainly can't argue about how crappy the SI's lovelife is, especially the male, in my perception anyway (and most of that is owing to the fact I despise Ashara with the flaming hatred of a thousand Tatooine suns lol). I wouldn't be shocked that Marr has larger concerns than what his wife might be up to, if he has one. She might be having a relationship with his money and prestige, which might be enough for a Sith wife. I doubt he's home much, or perhaps his wife travels with him, though nothing of the sort has been alluded to. Same with Ravage. I'm just of the the mind that just because it doesn't seem that way, doesn't mean that it necessarily is, and you know, part of this gaming stuff, is the pretend crap in our heads anyhow. I would have no issue whatsoever in becoming Marr's or Ravage's lady love. That's good fun to me. But anyhoo...my main thought was it would be nice if they offered female players who play a force user, a respectable force user to love, someone more our level of equality. :D


So...mid twenties...cool. :) But, hey, once a gamer, always a gamer, in my thinking. That never really goes away, so some day you might be fending back the whippersnappers too lol ;D

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I suspect that Ashara suffers more from bad press than anything else. Ashara and LS Jaesa are, in effect, identical; and I can't recall hearing much bad said about the latter. What you've got with both characters (as far as I can tell, anyways) is probably the equivalent of being raised as a nun and suddenly finding out that you're the mafia's bosses only daughter. Oh and by the way, you'll have to kill this guy who is a traitor to the family....
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Okay, here is the list of flirts. The Author never got around to playing the F!Consular to L55, but frankly I don't remember anything between Cedrax and Iresso.




Pretty decent, but I see a lot of flaws there (unless I'm mistaken).

First, Male warrior can sleep with Vette's sister too unless I'm mistaken. Secondly, Ashara wasn't included at the SI. female SW has the possibility for a one-nighter with Pierce, and the IA can marry Kalyio as well. So it's a bit flawed, bust most of it is OK.

Also, adding the "not-class story-characters" make it a bit confusing. It should be one for "non-class story" as well, as they're open for all of the opposite gender. But well, nice link anyways. Both SI is rather "far off" in terms of romances tbh.


.la la .

Well. Ashara and Jaesa aren't identical. Ashara is a hybrid between Light Sith and Dark jedi. She believes in passion, power, strenght, freedom as well as parts of the Jedi code. Lightside Jaesa is a pure jedi, one that can't even be romanced. COmparing them isn't really working in truth. Jaesa (ls) is a Jedi in the Sith Empire. Ashara is a hybrid, she wants to be a Jedi but she's still fascinated by Sith knowledge and power. Unlikes LS Jaesa, she's actually getting influenced to the dark side. LS Jaesa is like, a jedi that don't know her place. And people can't complain about LS Jaesa because you get a choice; have her as a total psyhopath or a real jedi.

In truth she is a psyhopath and that's why you can chose her place for her. Ler her supress her feelings and stay Jedi or let them lose and become a total maniac.

Again, Ashara isn't a pure Jedi, but a hybrid. Jaesa is either a pure jed or an insane Sith. Hence, they're never alike. EIther, Jaesa is much more light, or the other way around. Depending on the warrior's life. People are annoyed with Ashara because you can't turn her into a psyhopath, which is annoying to them. Personally I like it, it makes her more complicated. And as I said, she's not supposed to be your prize apprentice. She'll replace Zash once the beloved Dashade is cleansed. She was a fanatic to the Jedi, turning her is challenging and she's therefore a hybrid. Which isn't a problem, she's a decent replacement for Zash in the long run. Just without the schemes and ambitions, which in truth makes her worth much more. Her schemes aren't needed anymore and in truth it's only a risk to have her. Ashara can't prove a risk. Unless you want to silence her for knowing about the Force walking ritual... I might've killed Talos, Revel and Ashara to keep it safe. Khem wouldn't need to die and Xalek came too late to know about it, so he's safe as well. Yeah I'd probably wipe out the witnesses. After all, if nobody knows, then people won't understand how much power you really posess and that's important.


*Sorry Ashara, I know we romanced and all but you know too much - "shocks her to death, adds Revel and Talos as well). Good, safe secrets.


La la

So...mid twenties...cool. :) But, hey, once a gamer, always a gamer, in my thinking. That never really goes away, so some day you might be fending back the whippersnappers too lol ;D

Well, I'd find SI (female) lovelife worse. I don't like Revel, and I don't like pirates in general so. He's to me just a servant, one I never finished conversation with. And indeed, Marr probably has larger concerns. In truth I'm sure most of those guys are single, haha.And well, female players aren't given respecatble lovers in truth. At least the Forceusers aren't. It's a reason all the romanceable apprentices are female. To the women's distaste, obviosuly.

And well. Who doesn't love to insult or bash the younger generations? :)

Edited by Leaveshill
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First, Male warrior can sleep with Vette's sister too unless I'm mistaken.

Yes, the male warrior can

coerce Vette's sister into having sex with him in return for her freedom from slavery.


And Vette will still love and marry you if you do this.

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Yes, the male warrior can

coerce Vette's sister into having sex with him in return for her freedom from slavery.


And Vette will still love and marry you if you do this.


So romantic.


"Oh my love, I love you so much. But please don't mention the time I sort of forced your sister to have intercourse with me..:"



I didn't do this, mind you, I'm too much a gentleman to do so. I just thought it was possible, as the "guide" to flirts and so linked seemed a bit flawed to me from what I remember.

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I didn't do this, mind you, I'm too much a gentleman to do so. I just thought it was possible, as the "guide" to flirts and so linked seemed a bit flawed to me from what I remember.

It looks to me as though the guide isn't intended to be an exhaustive list of the romantic options for all characters, but a record of what situations the author personally encountered while playing the game.

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I suspect that Ashara suffers more from bad press than anything else. Ashara and LS Jaesa are, in effect, identical; and I can't recall hearing much bad said about the latter. What you've got with both characters (as far as I can tell, anyways) is probably the equivalent of being raised as a nun and suddenly finding out that you're the mafia's bosses only daughter. Oh and by the way, you'll have to kill this guy who is a traitor to the family....


I never had any real problems with Ashara on my Gray Inquisitor. She actually approves of some of the more pragmatic dark side choices, the problem is of course that so many DS choices boil down to plain old 'MURDER ALL THE THINGS!".:p

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It looks to me as though the guide isn't intended to be an exhaustive list of the romantic options for all characters, but a record of what situations the author personally encountered while playing the game.


Oh, nvm then. I thought it was supposed to be "full" one.

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Regarding Ashara my personal fanon for the DS or dark Grey SI is that after completing Khem Val's storyline and siding with Khem, they immediatly bring Azhara to the box and swap her mind for Zash.


Bingo you get an appropriate companion/romance for a Sith Inquisitor.....

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Regarding Ashara my personal fanon for the DS or dark Grey SI is that after completing Khem Val's storyline and siding with Khem, they immediatly bring Azhara to the box and swap her mind for Zash.


Bingo you get an appropriate companion/romance for a Sith Inquisitor.....


Do you want to be murdered in your sleep? Because that's how you get murdered in your sleep.

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Do you want to be murdered in your sleep? Because that's how you get murdered in your sleep.


10/10 would not do. Getting murdered in my sleep sounds rather against my plans.


If Nox wants a suitable romance, find a new Sith apprentice at the Academy in the future. No use for Zash

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Do you want to be murdered in your sleep? Because that's how you get murdered in your sleep.


Yeah but what a way to go...


Seriously though, I won't deny that a murder attempt is not a possibility but it is far from a certainty too. Also having your former master now being your apprentice is something I find amusing...

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