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Republic military uniform

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After all this time I'm dissapointed to still not have this uniform in the CC store or in a CC pack.


Numerous of NPC's including Aric Jorgan have it on Ord Mantell which indicates that the uniform is very common in the military ranks of the Republic army.


It hurts a bit extra since the Imperial Clandestine Officer uniform had no trouble making it to the store.

I am very aware of the CE Officer and the Fleet Commendations Officer uniform but unfortunately they are not close to this specific uniform.


Here is a imgur picture;


Republic Military Uniform


I'd really love to have this worn by the entire Havoc Squad.

Edited by redsovereign
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The fleet comms vendor has at least a variation of this uniform, and the CE vendor has one, too.


No this uniform doesn't exist!


What I posted in my OP and what most of you that replied seem to have missed is and I'll quote myself;


"I am very aware of the CE Officer and the Fleet Commendations Officer uniform but unfortunately they are not close to this specific uniform."


There is no way for the player to get this specific uniform currently which is a shame because it's the best looking Republic side.


How can I give more proof that it's not the same uniform?


For one my female trooper does infact wear the fleet commendation uniform ingame. I'll post pictures of both the CE Vendor/Fleet Commendation republic officer uniform (which both share the same model with minor differences) and I'll also post the Ord Mantell republic officer uniform:


IMGUR of the CE Vendor/Fleet Commendations Republic officer uniform


IMGUR of the specific Ord Mantell officer uniform


As you can see from the pictures the CE Vendor & Fleet Commendations uniform(they are almost the same) are more of a... I'll call it a Hakama top for lack of better words...


The one I want is the one that Aric Jorgan wears which is the Ord Mantell uniform which also is the same very uniform that General Garza wears although hers is all beige.


Would be nice to see it in the Cartel Store that's all I'm saying



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I'm not sure why you would want to equip an elite combat unit in non-armor pieces, but the parts are in game if that's what you want.


Fair remark :)


The reason my character is wearing an officer uniform is to not look like the "standard" Trooper.

I have always had trouble "RPing" (only done in my head) a character if the look of the character I'm playing doesn't feel correct to how I envision them.


It doesn't help either that in this game more or less all of the Trooper armor looks the same. Even in the Clone Wars animated show there was a very fine difference between the armor Commander Cody wore and the armor his troops wore to battle.

You could instantly see even when Cody had his whole get-up on that he was of higher rank then his men.


It's true that it would be very disadvantageous to wear a uniform as a Vanguard like my trooper to close corner (what about Scoundrels then? They even have less high-tech gear then Troopers) battle but I'm using it as a RP reason to show that she is infact the leading officer of Havoc Squad.


Because of her rank it can be imagined that my character is today probably more of a military strategist that is commanding her squad firstmost and engaging herself in battle secondly. Like they say in the animated Beowulf movie " My Lord, the king must not engage in direct battle".


I also imagine that wearing the Republic uniform can certainly be adventageous when interacting with locals and different types of authority because you can indeed prove that you are a high-ranking officer that is representing the Republic on offical errands.

Edited by redsovereign
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  • 5 months later...
I'd love General Garza's uniform. Just finished that last Trooper class quest on Rishi, and now I'm all nostalgic. CE, alas, is unavailable, but some sort of Cartel Market uniform that could be unlocked via collections would be great, even if it looked differently.
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