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Naboo and new races


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Hi, I thought why SWTOR is so good and came to the conclusion - because of the freedom of action (and of course the excellent technical development).


I think it would be useful to increase the atmosphere of freedom to add the planet Naboo. On this planet is much connected with. It would also be nice to add more races. I would be interested to play for the Gungan.


And maybe create more classes. (Not only 4 basic but some rare)

Space missions are very nice. But can we pilot a warship like Star destroyer or dreadnought and shoot cannons from it in future? That will be a pleasure.

And also please add speeder piloting 4,5,6 levels. Its not good to waste time on slowly exploration.


Edited by iamskyfall
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Even if they included Naboo in the future, the likelihood of playable Gungans is low.


They aren't "human" enough for one, and that the species has a gait that doesn't match the animation in the game for player characters.


Never mind that massive amount of hate that the species has engendered in many Star Wars fans.

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Gungan was just for fun. But main idea was about Naboo, and more speeder piloting levels, starship battles.

It`s very important if others agree with that. What do You think about it?


I think they introduce planets when needed for the "story arc" - I personally have no specific hankering to be on Naboo over any other planet, just don't think of the game like that really. Naboo is pretty bland - how would it differ particularly from, say, Alderaan?

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Increased Speeder Speed is extremely unlikely to happen and as far as the Space Battles you are wanting, might not happen.


I think they introduce planets when needed for the "story arc" - I personally have no specific hankering to be on Naboo over any other planet, just don't think of the game like that really. Naboo is pretty bland - how would it differ particularly from, say, Alderaan?


Plus there really isn't much of anything there on Naboo at this point.

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Gungan was just for fun. But main idea was about Naboo, and more speeder piloting levels, starship battles.

It`s very important if others agree with that. What do You think about it?


What would be the purpose of creating capital ship combat missions?

How do these differ from current space missions in any significant way?

Are you talking about guild flagships or just generic capital ships that the player can fly?




Naboo? Why? I know that it is a major planet in terms of the Star Wars films, but what does it have to offer the game?

I wouldn't be surprised to see it put in the game at some point in the future, but Naboo in the day and age of this game may not bear a great likeness to the Naboo of the movies.


Still though, if Gungans were included then I am sure that many players in one or both factions would appreciate the opportunity to go out and kill them.




Speeder piloting speed increases? At best they might offer some sort of legacy purchase option to give players a small speed boost, but to increase them across the board?


They have a multitude of quick travel options as well as some extra shortcuts possible with a stronghold. They even have a legacy speed boost for characters that can not use a speeder.

Why not just ask to be instantly teleported to the mission site with no need for actual travel? Let them get rid of the planets themselves and just create mssion instances that they tell you are on this or that world?


You want Naboo, but want to spend as little time as possible actually moving around and exploring that world?

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Naboo? Why? I know that it is a major planet in terms of the Star Wars films, but what does it have to offer the game?

I wouldn't be surprised to see it put in the game at some point in the future, but Naboo in the day and age of this game may not bear a great likeness to the Naboo of the movies.


It wouldn't as there are only a few settlements.


Theed doesn't exist and it won't until 832 BBY, which is around 2,800 years after this Game.


Dee'ja Peek does exist as it was one of the first human settlements.


Kaadara doesn't exist because it hasn't been founded yet: "Founded about one thousand years after the first Human settlers arrived on Naboo, Kaadara was originally designed as a lavish retreat for Naboo royalty and their large entourages." The first Human settlers didn't arrive until 3,950 - 3,900 so Kaadara won't be founded until 2,950 - 2,900 BBY which is around 700 years after this Game.


Keren, I'm not sure on it's status during this era so it could exist in some form or not exist at all.


Moenia does exist during the Old Republic Era, though I don't know when it was founded. So it could be around during the time period of the Game in some form or it might not.


Either way, there aren't any big Cities or whatever because during this Time Period, they were all pretty much Settlements and small towns. So them adding in Naboo would be relatively pointless as there wouldn't be much of anything there and before someone brings up Naboo's moon Rori, it won't be colonized until 2,000 BBY so there won't be any spaceport or any real reason to go to Rori during this Time Period.


One other thing, the Human Settlers that are on Naboo currently don't join the Republic, or more correctly the Republic doesn't offer them to join the Republic until around 868 BBY. I say that to counter any possible argument of "But they could add Naboo into the game and have the Republic Players go there as part of a mission to get the Humans to join the Republic, and the Empire sends their own representatives (Imperial Players) to stop the Republic and force Naboo to join the Empire".

Edited by Altyrell
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What would be the purpose of creating capital ship combat missions?

How do these differ from current space missions in any significant way?

Are you talking about guild flagships or just generic capital ships that the player can fly?


The only kind of Capital Ship Battles I'd like would be a Mission in which somewhat mirrored the opening of Episode 3 (Space battle scene -> crash landing onto the hanger bay of Capital Ship -> etc). Doesn't have to be exactly like Ep. 3 (ie Supreme Chancellor kidnapped and Republic rescuing etc). Heck it could even be somewhat of a Flash Point or whatever, where the Players could either fly their Class Ships (or be on a group member's Class Ship for those that don't like space battle) or fly (GSF) Starfighters.

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The only kind of Capital Ship Battles I'd like would be a Mission in which somewhat mirrored the opening of Episode 3 (Space battle scene -> crash landing onto the hanger bay of Capital Ship -> etc). Doesn't have to be exactly like Ep. 3 (ie Supreme Chancellor kidnapped and Republic rescuing etc). Heck it could even be somewhat of a Flash Point or whatever, where the Players could either fly their Class Ships (or be on a group member's Class Ship for those that don't like space battle) or fly (GSF) Starfighters.


But you are drifting into class ships now, and the OP was clear about capital ships.


Heck, from beta I was suggesting that they could create combined space/ground missions. Let us get in our class ships or starfighters, fly through a blockade, land on a planet/moon/space station, do our business there (kill someone, rescue someone, destroy something, steal/recover some technological doodad... Whatever) and then have to fight our way back through the blockade or some such.


But they seem to be averse to any such mixing of things. Ground stuff is ground stuff, space stuff is space stuff, GSF is GSF.


I was just wondering what sort of combat the OP envisioned for capital ship combat. How that would differ from what we have now? Besides the hopeful "fun factor", what would the players get out of participating in this if implemented?


I could come up with something if I had to, but I wanted to know what the OP had in mind.


Personally, if they were going to add something more to the space side of the game, I would rather see them add some PvE scenarios to GSF so that players could explore that without dealing with the PvP and PvP only right from the start.


Who knows? Given a chance to practice more people might find that they enjoy GSF and they might spend a little money on some of the GSF stuff in the cartel store.


But that just might be me.

Edited by Mithros
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One other thing, the Human Settlers that are on Naboo currently don't join the Republic, or more correctly the Republic doesn't offer them to join the Republic until around 868 BBY. I say that to counter any possible argument of "But they could add Naboo into the game and have the Republic Players go there as part of a mission to get the Humans to join the Republic, and the Empire sends their own representatives (Imperial Players) to stop the Republic and force Naboo to join the Empire".


I'd say that's a perfect argument as a staging point for using the planet in it's early colonised state, having both Republic and Empire try to get a foothold to reap the potential.

That the Republic doesn't offer them to join until 868BBY is not much of a counter; like you yourself said, there are 2800 years to go until that point, a LOT can happen in three millenia, entire civilisations and cultures could rise and fall in such a timeperiod (go back 2800 years in our timeline and you're at the very beginning of classical antiquity).

I think it's important for Bioware writers to not let themselves be constrained by what is ultimately only a tiny fragment of information over a vast period of time covered by the expanded universe.

That goes for everything, not just Naboo, but it's the example given.

Oh, and I'd only want to see Gungans if we get to kill them. A lot of pent up prequel rage still lingers :p

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  • 1 month later...
OP was probably trolling, he should probably have taken his post to somewhere where that kind of stuff is common. Like 4chan. In all seriousness though, I don't understand why gungans have become a sort of no-true-scotsman thing among fans. Still don't think they should be playable, causes lots of problems with voice, romance...
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  • 2 years later...
Naboo as neutral planet would be a great addition to the game. But i'm honestly say that's not a good idea to make Gungans playable. Most of the fans hate the Gungans thanks to Jar Jar Binks. Maybe for an cartell market buyable race option, but not implemented together with a playable Naboo.
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