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Two Cheaters in PvP


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So, I was in the Alderaan Civil War warzone, and there were two opposing players who set up shop atop a wall around the middle turret emplacement and who were targeting our team as we came out of the gate, and I do not believe we could target them back. Visual evidence is presented below...





Please do something about them, BioWare. Thank you.


EDIT: Two more exploiting this whatever it is. And people were able to damage them this time, so it must have been my error in not being able to damage them earlier. Apologies for that. Pictures of other exploiters are below...




Edited by BattleFries
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and I do not believe we could target them back. Visual evidence is presented below...





Evidence that you could target them? Or could not?


They likely were knocked/pushed up there by your own team. This is old.

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I apologize for not being clear. That was simply evidence for them being there, which I have never seen before in a match, and was not aware was even possible. If it turns out that this is not an issue of cheating, but merely of an unusual location to take advantage of, then I apologize for being mistaken. I would be honestly surprised, however, if this turned out to be a legitimate strategy. How would our team even knock them up there in the first place? There are abilities that push players backwards, but upwards? I don't think so.
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Then how did you target us in the screenshot?:rak_01:



Are you admitting you were one of the two in the picture?


Either way there is no possible way to get up there that I know and if after 3 years on this game I dont know it then its not possible. Im all for a fair game and this is stupid. Im sure that a player on the ground 30m away would not be able to hit you because they wouldn't be able to see you. Whoever it was will probably get banned because this was a huge issue not 2 weeks ago.

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Are you admitting you were one of the two in the picture?


Either way there is no possible way to get up there that I know and if after 3 years on this game I dont know it then its not possible. Im all for a fair game and this is stupid. Im sure that a player on the ground 30m away would not be able to hit you because they wouldn't be able to see you. Whoever it was will probably get banned because this was a huge issue not 2 weeks ago.


Underlined part is perfect reason to discredit anything you have to say due to being 100% full of yourself.


I'm sure you'll call this: http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/217878/module_gallery/original/1474306.jpg

"HAX" even though it was done using the game alone

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Don't mind all these trolls, they weren't hacking but they were using the poor map design that is Civil War. There are ways to get up there and that's been the case for while. I'm sure BW is more focused on enabling mounts on the move than fixing that tho.



In other news, Death Smile haxsters confirmed :rak_01:

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And I thought I was the only one who went up there. I shouldn't have taught that trick to that other guy ... Now I feel less special.


Anyway, it is not cheating, there is an invisible ground LoSes, they are LoSed but you are also LoSed. They either have to jump or move into a certain sweet spot to attack you (which they can be attacked from as well). I did this trick like 100 time by now but you definitely can attack them. Vodrin even killed me once while I was up there.

Edited by sithBracer
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Underlined part is perfect reason to discredit anything you have to say due to being 100% full of yourself.


I'm sure you'll call this: http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/217878/module_gallery/original/1474306.jpg

"HAX" even though it was done using the game alone



Oh my nice picture. Seem I'm supposed to think your a hacker because you ran up the side of a mountain. Nope I've done that plenty of times myself. No worries. And to discredit anything I say is your prerogative. By all means don't listen to me. But I pvp often and have never seen anything to that nature. I guess im just lucky and play with people who only print screen to make you lag.

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