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An Open Letter to the Combat Team.


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Look I realize you guys are super busy drinking your lattes and going to your yoga classes and having thought provoking discussions about our rampant rape culture. Maybe, though you could take five minutes out and speak to the Sentinel/Marauder community talk about the changes you intend to make. Allow some people outside of the PTS to voice their opinion on some of the changes that are going to be made. Had this been done in the first place we could have avoided this situation all together.


The community has been patiently waiting for A response from the developers. It has been some six weeks. Nothing has been said, not a word at all. I apologize if I seem abrasive, but I have very little faith in the Combat Team now since Just Pursuit, a massive increase in movement CC, and our class was left to stagnate while others surged forward some of them in every area possible.


I am not asking for much just something would be nice. Right now we do not know anything, and being in the dark about what changes are to come is almost as frustrating as getting stunned by an Operative only to realize that Rebuke is on cooldown and your only "option" is to watch your hit points disappear while you stand there, while having a seizure.


Thank You for your time,

Sad Sentinel

Edited by HanSollo
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Sry, they're busy buffing a class that is already strong... Tank Guardian/Jugg if you're inclined to ask


Guardian is putting out less damage then other tanks so they do need a damage buff, but as far as I can tell the People it is affecting Guardian Tanks really don't care.

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Guardian is putting out less damage then other tanks so they do need a damage buff, but as far as I can tell the People it is affecting Guardian Tanks really don't care.


Well because a Guardian Tank tends to live very very long. I have seen guardians laughing their *** of with Reflect doing DPS for them;)


Yeah Devs are busy buffing classes that are fine, well maybe they will make it for 3.3.. Gunslingers feel weak and Sorcs are complaining got to give those guys some love. Sents are fine, we will just continue to delete your posts and to answer tickets/questions this: "You are fine l2play noob"

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Allow some people outside of the PTS to voice their opinion on some of the changes that are going to be made. Had this been done in the first place we could have avoided this situation all together.


Can't go into specifics because of NDA, but I'm pretty sure you are making false assumptions about what happened.


Enthusiastic, passionate and outspoken long time Sentinel, also sad these days...

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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Marauders are working as intended. Just heal to full and make them pay.


I keep pressing the heal button, but I keep dying. Maybe Sentinel needs some buffs to thier heals :rak_02:


Can't go into specifics because of NDA, but I'm pretty sure you are making false assumptions about what happened.


Enthusiastic, passionate and outspoken long time Sentinel, also sad these days...


It is irrelevant whether I was right or not. The fact of the matter is the majority of the community is in the dark about what is going on with the class. Most of us don't know if the class is broken or working as intended. It has been five weeks since 3.0 went live, and we have received no official statement about the state of the Sentinel class.


P.S. There are only two possible situations here either the Sentinel community in PTS has downs and thought Just Pursuit was a good Idea or they didn't and told the devs not to implement this and the Devs ignored them. Either way apparently the Devs needs some outside sources to reinforce/counter what the PTS Sentinel community is saying.

Edited by HanSollo
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Can't go into specifics because of NDA, but I'm pretty sure you are making false assumptions about what happened.


Enthusiastic, passionate and outspoken long time Sentinel, also sad these days...


You know either people did a very bad job or their was a massive hate againts the class, since normally only the creme de la creme get on those beta test server I would expect the later more than the earlier. So I will stay with my assumption^^


On the other hand, lets take over the PTS Forum they read that forum I believe^^

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Either way apparently the Devs needs some outside sources to reinforce/counter what the PTS Sentinel community is saying.


I can't go much further, but if you think PTS is a "class community says x, Devs do x"-thing, you're totally delusional. How do you even get to thinking anyone can "reinforce" something on Devs? Mind you, the thing is called public TEST server, not public LET'S DESIGN THE CLASS TOGETHER FROM THE BOTTOM server. You get results there, the process that you - quite naively as I must say - think can be influenced, is long concluded at that point.


If you want to contribute something to the better of the class, you have to do so in a continuous way months before expansions come out- and be reasonable and articulate enough so other players second your suggestions and Devs take notice. Which they mostly do quietly, without someone noticing necessarily, in my experience...

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I can't go much further, but if you think PTS is a "class community says x, Devs do x"-thing, you're totally delusional. How do you even get to thinking anyone can "reinforce" something on Devs? Mind you, the thing is called public TEST server, not public LET'S DESIGN THE CLASS TOGETHER FROM THE BOTTOM server. You get results there, the process that you - quite naively as I must say - think can be influenced, is long concluded at that point.


If you want to contribute something to the better of the class, you have to do so in a continuous way months before expansions come out- and be reasonable and articulate enough so other players second your suggestions and Devs take notice. Which they mostly do quietly, without someone noticing necessarily, in my experience...


This. Anything seen on a Test Server made available to players is something mostly done. The Devs are mostly interested in bugs and small fixes. There isn't really enough time to make big mechanical changes, if they even agree with the suggested changes at all. You don't get a blueprint to edit on a Test Server, or even a rough draft of changes. You get the second to last draft, where the focus is on polish rather than large, sweeping changes.

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I can't go much further, but if you think PTS is a "class community says x, Devs do x"-thing, you're totally delusional. How do you even get to thinking anyone can "reinforce" something on Devs? Mind you, the thing is called public TEST server, not public LET'S DESIGN THE CLASS TOGETHER FROM THE BOTTOM server. You get results there, the process that you - quite naively as I must say - think can be influenced, is long concluded at that point.


So what your saying is that they don't ask you anything. Your input is not considered. You are a bio-bot designed to detect bugs and present a pre-determined set of information so the developers can fix them. On top of that your telling me that no one at any point maybe said "you guys should remove the spam leg slash utility (a.k.a. Just Pursuit) just a suggestion you should consider" and if I am getting you correctly Just Pursuit was a pure developer conception. Which is absolutely horrifying.


Yes it is called a PUBLIC TEST server. It is for testing the game in a public situation. Included in that should be how the changes will be received by the current community, because if you make changes that drives all of your players away not much sense in making the changes now is there.


BTW none of that has anything to do with the fact that the developers still have not spoken to the community about the changes that were made and whether or not they will be making any changes.

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So what your saying is that they don't ask you anything.


No, they actually do...


Your input is not considered.


...but they will decide wether they consider it.


You are a bio-bot designed
Excuse me, no!


to detect bugs and present a pre-determined set of information so the developers can fix them.


That's spot on.


On top of that your telling me that no one at any point maybe said "you guys should remove the spam leg slash utility (a.k.a. Just Pursuit) just a suggestion you should consider" and if I am getting you correctly Just Pursuit was a pure developer conception. Which is absolutely horrifying.


Well at this point you should be able to answer that yourself :-)


Yes it is called a PUBLIC TEST server. It is for testing the game in a public situation.

Well, no. It was called CLOSED BETA testing with invites only (and I'm probably risking my next invitation writing all this).


Included in that should be how the changes will be received by the current community, because if you make changes that drives all of your players away not much sense in making the changes now is there.

That's your main misconception, because that happens long before, surely based on what people are saying on the forums in the months this is being designed and developed. By the time of Closed Beta it's just ironing out what's basically a set concept.


BTW none of that has anything to do with the fact that the developers still have not spoken to the community about the changes that were made and whether or not they will be making any changes.

I agree with you on that one :-)

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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That's your main misconception, because that happens long before, surely based on what people are saying on the forums in the months this is being designed and developed. By the time of Closed Beta it's just ironing out what's basically a set concept.


Probably not based on what people are saying, but just what they want to do.


...but they will decide whether they consider it.


And that is my point pretty sure I have stated this before but I thought it was a Developer screw up testers told them not to make some of these changes because they would not be well received by the community and the developers went /shrug don't care doing it anyways. If they had gone outside the beta testers into forums say under an alias account and posted the changes, as suggested changes, to see how the community would react in general they would get a much better base line response to the effect of the changes.


The bio-bot thing was just a reference to the fact that you were there to serve one purpose not to imply that you were actually designed.

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