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Moves to avoid as annihilation?


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I'm returning from maybe a year ago, obviously a few things have changed, but it seems like there aren't a lot of varying builds or build options out there, but I'm really just hankering to finish all the different class storys. I'm level 33 right now on Alderaan, and want to know what moves are staple, should be a normal part of the rotation, and what moves I shouldn't even bother putting on my quickslots.


Also, I took Cloak of Rage, Cloak of Carnage, and Defensive form for my 3 utility points, from what I recall Annihlation is meant to deal a lot of DoT/Bleeding, are these going to suffice for PVE?

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Force Scream is useless for Annihilation.


As for your Utilities... Cloak of Rage isn't that useful. Cloak of Carnage and Defensive Forms though, are almost required. I prefer Path Carver, but Sweeping Slash isn't too useful for Annihilation (it's a decent AOE that is spammable.) Defensive Roll and Cloak of Annihilation should be your 2nd tier Utilities. and final tier should be Brooding and Expunging Camouflage.

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Blade storm can be useful as a cap interrupt in pvp when your other ranged abilities are on cd and rooted

Ah, that's smart.


On a related note, I can see where Watchman/Annihilation would be great as a support DPS for a healer, with the Zen heals flying around.


But what happens when you're alone (say heading out to support an off-node) and you end up in a 1v1? Are the self-heals noticeable? For instance, on my Serenity Shadow I can expect to see my health go up as my DoTs tick, and I really notice a boost when I use Serenity Strike. I'm wondering if the self-heals will actually make a difference if I'm locked up in a 1v1 for whatever reason.


And what about the Utility that recovers 3% health per tick when Saber Ward is active? Can that actually make a difference when stacked with Zen for Juyo form?


Thanks again!

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But what happens when you're alone (say heading out to support an off-node) and you end up in a 1v1? Are the self-heals noticeable?


And what about the Utility that recovers 3% health per tick when Saber Ward is active? Can that actually make a difference when stacked with Zen for Juyo form?


Thanks again!


Thats a good question. The dots from Rend and Rupture should be constantly ticking, but I havent noticed how much impact the self-healing makes in a 1v1.


Blood Ward (The healing on getting attacked during Saber Ward) is nice. But you are still susceptible to focus fire.

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So, Blade Storm is out.


What about Slash? Does it have a place as a filler, or should Watchman be using Cauterize in place of Slash?


Thanks in advance!


Slash is used when you cant use anything else. so, Cauterize and Force Melt are ticking (Try to avoid clipping both DoT's) Twin Saber Throw is on CD or no proc, both Force Leap and Overcharge Saber are on CD (use them in conjunction) and Merciless Slash is on CD also. then you can use Slash. it has a low chance to proc Mind Sear for TST. and deals decent damage.

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There aren't really any to avoid, but there are definitely those that are a last resort. In watchman/anni you use everything besides Blade Storm/Force Scream unless circumstance calls for it. ie; stopping a cap outside of 4m range, or keeping damage up on an operative that just popped dodge. Like I said, situational.


Zealous Ward on the other hand is pretty useless. As far as I know, it doesn't trigger from dots... and considering how dot heavy pvp is now... If it dropped the cooldown on Saber Ward, had a higher heal and was changed from 'being attacked' to 'taking damage', maybe it would be worth it.


Currently I'm running; Jedi Enforcer, Debilitation, Jedi Crusader, Defensive Forms, Jedi Promulgator, Displacement and Watchguard (which I sometimes switch out with Defensive Roll or Expunging Camo - depending on how opposing teams seem to be stacking.)

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