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Leveling up a Marauder and a Assassin side by side


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And i'm currently in Alderaan and its just amazing how much better the SW's story is compared to the Inquisitors. I mean not just in the overall story arch, but in their interactions with companions, interactions with quest NPCs. Sure i get that thematically they are suppose to be different but its still shocking how 1 sided it is. Its a good thing i love the gameplay style of the Assassin as i would never be able to stand leveling it up again if i didnt.


:full disclosure, i've leveled a juggernat and sorcerer to cap, back at launch, so i know the whole storyline, i just recently came back to the game and i'm getting a fresh start.

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And i'm currently in Alderaan and its just amazing how much better the SW's story is compared to the Inquisitors. I mean not just in the overall story arch, but in their interactions with companions, interactions with quest NPCs. Sure i get that thematically they are suppose to be different but its still shocking how 1 sided it is. Its a good thing i love the gameplay style of the Assassin as i would never be able to stand leveling it up again if i didnt.


:full disclosure, i've leveled a juggernat and sorcerer to cap, back at launch, so i know the whole storyline, i just recently came back to the game and i'm getting a fresh start.


The SW storyline has some edges.

Korriban, more fun as SI for me. Being the "underdog" beats being the spoiled brat any day of the weak. Also, what you do (the trials) has something to do with chapter 1, which is nice.

Dromund Kaas; you do "bigger" things (Kill a sith Lord then Darth Skotia), and again, all of it has something to do with chapter 1. Only the part where you stop the gangsters from stealing the prisoner and the dark temple (50% of the quests) has something to do with your chapter 1.


The first chapter is more giving as SW, as you get to fight Republic scum all over the world. Yet, the SI has a more "varied" story. First planet, you don't even "have" to murder anyone, while the SW is killing "his own", which makes the two first planets as SW boring. You're a traitor, traitors are not fun. Nar Shadaa gets a small star for the fight with Rathari, which is nice. Yet it's pretty simiular to the SI quest (getting the "hidden" sith lord out).


Tattooine; Much better as SW. I find Tattooine to be really dull as SI. Unlike on Balmorra, where you have Bessiker helping you (One of my fav officers), you have a lot of criminal scum. Yet, it's nice to see something different. Alderaan is actually better as SI. You get to murder a famous Jedi Master, uncover his secrets as well as murdering his wife. And then save Elana Thul by stopping a Jedi strike team, it's pure and simple a joy.

Also, your quests to get the mask and lightsaber of your ancestor, Kallig, is really nice.

So the concept of warrior is more "straightforward", and I personally prefers to strike at Jedi.


As SI, you actually have to "fight" for respect, which makes it more fun when Moffs and other Sith Lords bow to you, you actually earned it. As SW; you start as a glorified acolyte, turns into a glorified apprentice then a gloritied Lord. Not really that interesting, you're "destined" for greateness.


The second chapter as SI is really amazing. I love the Force walking, and the fact that you face Thanaton twice in that chapter alone is outstanding. You actually face your "nemesis" four times, (Start of C2, he "kills" you, end of C2, you throw him across his chamber and feel the force sickness.

SW chapter 2 is also nice, with the "preemptive strike"; killing important republic filth is always lovely. And then he betrays you (Baras, obvously), which is a bit dull. Since I personally admired him and I did bow and kneel all over the place. It only fits if you're a "rebel."

But ofc, Thanaton would probably not try to murder you if you explain everything to him and bow and kneel around. The game is designed for the SW to be a bit "rebel-ish".

3 chapter is awesome anyways, but I do find it more giving to be SI because;

It's not always "Murder him, murder that"

You actually have to "find" items, do rituals, (beat ritual bosse doesn't count as killing ,it's there to make it "challenging"), and you do actually create a powerbase, meeting moffs, playing the Sith game as a politician as well as a warrior. And, I personally love the way you can turn Ashara, either by giving her Angral's holocron or even by hiring assassins to hunt her and "save" her. Then either convince her or torture her, sick stuff...



Khem is one of the best companions. His interactions beat Vette by MILES. He's like Kira for Jedi Knight. He's 100% part of the Main story. 100%.

Vette is on the other hand there for the purpose of looking like Malgus, and for the trial with the lightsaber.

Please, don't try to claim that she's "better" than Khem. He has a huge role, he's actually the "second main character"; while vette is some "Pretty face" for the cameras.

Yes, Quinn beats the pirate any day of the weak. Jaesa might be better than Ashara, I prefer her. You get the Sergeant, he's cool(better than Talos in some ways ("cooler"), but Talos has a nice personality. Does the Sergeant?

And you end up with that filthy Talz creature, 0/10. Xalek is actually a decent apprentice, and he has a story worth reading. And he's a psycho murder, we all love them. The Talz is just... remove it, please.

It's pretty equal. The SW has "better" companions, but Khem is better than all of the SW companions. He's more important to the story, he has a huge background, he has a huuuge personality. He even has a sense of honor in some points, while Vette is greedy (loves corruption), Quinn is a traitor, Jaesa is a psycho without any sense of honor, the Sergeant has some, and the filthy creature is just a creature.


I don't really see how their companions are better. You actually have to win Khem over, and he's, unlike Vette, important to the main story. He's 10/10 would have, and he's better than the other 9 companions (Both SW and SI) combined.


The interactions are "better" as SW if you want to be bowed for, that's it.Which planets "beats" the other varies, as stated. Alderaan is better as SI, at least I found it to be. Tattooine is better as SW, Nar Shadaa pretty equal and it's more "entertaining" at Balmorra as SW because of the Jedi, but the point of murdering your own makes it a bit dull. At least I feel that murdering your own servants, people loyal for decades... that's just boring.

Oh, and;

SW has a better ending to CH1 from a "gaming" perspective, "more epic", but the SI ending is uniqe, it's more "interesting" and it has something to do with the ending and even Khem's conversations and quests.

The SI ending of CH2 and CH3 are directly linked in a perfect way.


OFC; it does get boring to gather artifacts for Zash. Luckily it's varied; To find a way into the vault (not that interesting, but at least "different than the typical "murder him for the key", NS (get his attention, steal his cult), Tattoine (criminals, blah) and ofc Alde, which is pretty awesome as SI.


SW is nice at Alde as well, but finding and "murdering" her parents is just a more boring mission than finding an artifact from a Jedi. And murdering his love before it, which makes it more fun as well.

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I agree, I much prefer the SW's story-line. However, the romance in the Male Inqusitor's story is my favorite from the whole game. I also felt that the Inquisitor made more sense as LS, which is a plus in my books.


I guess the thing I really disliked about the Inquisitor was that his writing did not reflect him being a slave atall. He spoke as an arrogant nobleman. At some point he does mention that he was taken slave on a battlefield when his planet was conquered, but that was not a part of the back-story from the onset, and imo should have if that was the intent.


Overall, it seemed that the Inquisitor had a bunch of great ideas, but had troubles fitting them in into the planetary framework.


Still, the romance was awesome, and made up for everything.


Well, my 2 cents.

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I agree, I much prefer the SW's story-line. However, the romance in the Male Inqusitor's story is my favorite from the whole game. I also felt that the Inquisitor made more sense as LS, which is a plus in my books.


I guess the thing I really disliked about the Inquisitor was that his writing did not reflect him being a slave atall. He spoke as an arrogant nobleman. At some point he does mention that he was taken slave on a battlefield when his planet was conquered, but that was not a part of the back-story from the onset, and imo should have if that was the intent.


Overall, it seemed that the Inquisitor had a bunch of great ideas, but had troubles fitting them in into the planetary framework.


Still, the romance was awesome, and made up for everything.


Well, my 2 cents.

Actually, SW is better as LS. You can even fight against "your inner darkness" at Tattooine, and you do have a much more pleasent story (pleasent as in, nicer people, less reason to be dark) than SI.

SI has a harder life, he has more enemies, actually even more powerful enemies as well. You have the Emperor and his servants backing you, meaning that you're his servant. As SI, you're the underdog. SW = the "top dog", fighting against a weaker enemy with a huge power behind him.


And LS SW is fine as he can be nice. He has a lot of "nice" people with him. Nobody murder his apprentices. He's not hated for his "past":

And the SI is haunted by it. Do not look at ANY side quests, they're not relevant.

You're called slave by Skotia until he dies.

You're called slave by Thanaton all the time.

You're basically being treated as filth your entire life.

Why should you speak about "slavery" on a daily basis? It's your shame. Remember that. I don't believe you speak about crying at night because the dog died, especially not if you're supposed to be "dangerous".

You're as much a slave you can hope to be.


Even when Harkun sees you as a Sith Lord, he complains that he "trains slaves to be sith lords" if you annoy him.


Every god damn dialogue cannot be about "I was a slave", and "You're a slave", it's an insult, most people dare not question a Sith and you're busy working for most of the time. Not playing Slave.

I'm sure you have more valid reasons for disliking SI, than him not being "enough like a former slave".

He is arrogant because he made it out of the life as a slave, he conquered everyone and everything and he went from being a slave to murdering Sith lords. Impressive, yes. And that's why he's arrogant. Because he is no longer a slave, and he values it.


You even have a quest "purely" for you, to learn how to control others (torture, yay). This is to make you forget every weakness you once had, and to purely and simply push away your victims, to rise further.


Ofc the SW storyline is awesome in many ways, and we're all different. Nothing is really "better"; it's personal preferences.


But the part with "former slave" is extremely well written. He removes that side of himself, by torture and climbing the ladder. He's not supposed to speak more about his former life than he has to, as slaves are nothing to him. His arrogance is well earned.

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You interpret it nicely, but it was not what I have expected. It was hard for me to let go of the character I had thought it's going to be. I felt there was a continuous dissonance between being called a slave and speaking like a former slave. I just did not believe he was a slave his whole life - and if that was made a part of the opening scenes, I would have totally rolled with it. A former noble, becoming a slave, fighting back to the top, the writing then makes sense. For a former slave, who was born as a slave... the writing doesn't.


Look, I am not dismissing the SI story as a bad story, I just liked the way the SW was presented more and it was what I expected, it was easy to create a protagonist that felt right, etc.


I am going to play an LS warrior, but I really liked a DS one because it felt very organic and fit the story so well; with some LS choices it was basically a compelling story of a medieval lord's raising to power through whatever means at her disposal.


As for companions, I like the Inquisitor's crew more, mainly because while I adore Vette and Pierce, I hate Jasea with passion and dislike Quinn. On the inquisitor's side, I loved Ashara to bits (though I am sure I'd hate her on a DS Female play-through) and liked everyone else. Well, Andronikos was really tedious, but nothing to dislike.

Edited by DomiSotto
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You interpret it nicely, but it was not what I have expected. It was hard for me to let go of the character I had thought it's going to be. I felt there was a continuous dissonance between being called a slave and speaking like a former slave. I just did not believe he was a slave his whole life - and if that was made a part of the opening scenes, I would have totally rolled with it. A former noble, becoming a slave, fighting back to the top, the writing then makes sense. For a former slave, who was born as a slave... the writing doesn't.


Look, I am not dismissing the SI story as a bad story, I just liked the way the SW was presented more and it was what I expected, it was easy to create a protagonist that felt right, etc.


I am going to play an LS warrior, but I really liked a DS one because it felt very organic and fit the story so well; with some LS choices it was basically a compelling story of a medieval lord's raising to power through whatever means at her disposal.


As for companions, I like the Inquisitor's crew more, mainly because while I adore Vette and Pierce, I hate Jasea with passion and dislike Quinn. On the inquisitor's side, I loved Ashara to bits (though I am sure I'd hate her on a DS Female play-through) and liked everyone else. Well, Andronikos was really tedious, but nothing to dislike.


Ah, I see. Well, I did feel like I had been enslaved, one that had lost his freedom then regained it. But I can see that from your POW and "hopes" about the class, that you were let down. I was on my side hoping for somehing like it was, a "former slave that wanted to rise, and that maybe felt "more powerful than he was".

I don't like SI female, so I've only played as Male and I do like Ashara even as "DS", even though we're not "really meant to be." I never go "too far" into DS, as I don't feel like being a total psyopatch. And I do value her as an "heir" to Zash, someone that could work with information after I doom Zash to a thousand thousand years in a box.


And we're all different, so how can we agree on "what's more fun", as what's fun is normally a bit different due to our own experiences etc. That's why I disliked SI LS a lot, while I do accept SW LS while you feel the other way around.

At least we can agree on ; Empire over Republic. Right!?

Go kill some Jedi, fellow Sith

Edited by Leaveshill
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