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[BUG] Ruffian Sanguinary Shot Double Ticks from Brutal Shots Bleeds


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…and Lethality's Toxic Blast does not!


Steps to reproduce:


  1. Activate Sanguinary Shot on the target
  2. Activate Shrap Bomb
  3. Activate Brutal Shots
  4. Exit combat


Check the log. Following the Brutal Shots activation, you will have four Sanguinary Shots ticks: one from Shrap Bomb, one from Brutal Shots main damage, and two from Brutal Shots bleed damage with a single DoT. You can run the same test with Vital Shot applied, and you will get two extra Sanguinary Shot ticks: one extra from each bleed.


Toxic Blast (the Lethality equivalent) does not behave the same way with Corrosive Assault. Thus, this is a faction-specific bug.


However, with that said, and after some conversation with various operative/scoundrel DPS in the community, we believe that the class meta for Ruffian is actually in a very good place. Ruffian is competitive for DPS slots on the virtue of its extremely high sustained DPS, but it isn't dominating for those slots (as Innovative Ordinance is, for example). There are several fights in current content where it is at least as good to run Scrapper as it would be to run Ruffian, and it comes down largely to familiarity and personal preference. Ruffian also isn't evicting other classes from competing for raid slots, since its pronounced weaknesses (setup time, lack of burst, melee, limited defensive CDs, no gap closer) remain. Thus, Ruffian is exactly what it should be as a spec in the current meta: on precisely equal footing with the other balanced disciplines. Lethality is not balanced in this way, as it does not exhibit the same DPS-increasing bug.


Thus, we are of the opinion (as a community) that this bug should be either enshrined as the way that things are intended to be (obviously, with Toxic Blast acquiring the same effect), or the bug should be fixed and Sanguinary Shot/Toxic Blast should be given a secondary buff to Brutal Shots/Corrosive Assault. The added damage that Ruffian is getting should remain on Brutal Shots, and specifically on Brutal Shots under the Sanguinary Shot buff. This retains the primary skill factor of the discipline in exactly the same place and avoids changing the rotation.


My preferred way to fix this would be to remove the double ticks under Brutal Shots, but to add an effect to Sanguinary Shot that specifically increases the damage dealt by Brutal Shots by a percentage (no math here, but around 20% sounds right). This would be in addition to the other effects of Sanguinary Shot (specifically, the weapon damage proc). The only downside that I see to this is it shifts a small amount of damage from weapon (in the form of extra Sanguinary Shot ticks) to internal/elemental (in the form of more powerful Brutal Shots ticks).

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This explains so much. I thought it was a case of me finally getting the hang of the rotation when it went live when all along it was just a case of you getting twice as many ticks due to being on a scoundrel!


Pretty much. :-) That's what tipped off Raulos. He and Slaffen were the ones who found the bug.

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