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regarding punishment for exploit


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Of course I think the people posting here that it would be a game killer are the people that exploited repeatedly and are afraid of being banned.


Oh look, another one. "If you're not in favor of dropping the hammer, you must be a cheater afraid of being hit!"


:rolleyes: So many witch-hunters...

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Ok, as someone who have used the exploit let me say some things about it. In general terms I agree with the general rule about payers must submit any bug or exploit or something like that, ok. For the other side SWTOR is not free of buggs at all, most of times not exactly for the benefit of players (high lag in some areas, tactical FP, PvP, or some operation bosses still bugged for years), this usually is translated in a big loose of game money (which is not really important), but a feel of loosing time and big frustration (wich I think it's more important). This time the exploit is massively known and used by players, and yes... We have done a good profit with that.


I know and assume that this is against general rules, but to be fair (and what's fair and what's not depends on personal view). My opinion is that there's a problem bigger than the players behaviour with a particular bugg. I have the feeling that Bioware/EA is giving us an unfinished product (in particular with the expansion 3.0). Most of this things may be avoided with a serius pre-test after open the expansion, so I think it's not fair to punish players with a severe measures for something that, at least BW/EA have a part of responsability. I have read some thinks like ban for 3 months or so, seriously? I don't think any ban can be reasonable, and if this is the case can be a big number of players who left the game and go to other MMOs. For my part I really like SWTOR, but there's some other MMOs that I like even more, I'm still in SWTOR more for friends than for the game itself, and because is the first MMO i played (almost from the beguining).


Finally... There's a thing that I can't undestand. It seems like this bugg is known from one month ago or so (I knew about it from two weeks). Why they havn't done anything yet? Solving it is that hard?


And I will write the game off if they DON'T ban you. Simply because I don't play games where the rules are not enforced.


So one of us will be gone no matter what they do, neither of us can say who will BW listen to, or should listen to.

Edited by Jandi
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Hey everyone look! You can tell which people took advantage of the exploit!


Really, there needs to be appropriate punishment. Also, I doubt it is 70% of the player base. Or whatever high number some have been saying here. Of course I think the people posting here that it would be a game killer are the people that exploited repeatedly and are afraid of being banned. Good. I am glad you are afraid. You should be. You knew you were breaking the rules. Maybe you have used exploits in the past and nothing happened. See that is where this goes. If people exploit, and then are not punished, then when the next exploit surfaces they will take advantage of it, because why not? They have exploited before and nothing happened.


Some have mentioned that if the devs swing the ban hammer the news would spread around the gaming world. I would hope so, the like minded non cheaters would flock to a game where exploiters are punished.


I am crossing my fingers for some long bans, even some perma bans, or even some creative not yet thought of punishment that will make the exploiters cry themselves to sleep.


Rules have no meaning whatsoever if there is no personal consequence for breaking the rules. If you decided to speed all of the time, and when you got pulled over the cop just told you that you shouldn't do that (never gave you a ticket), then you would just continue to speed. Same thing with shoplifting, no punishment, no problem, keep shoplifting. That is what this exploit sounds like, shoplifting. Stealing something you didn't "pay" for by actually being in the op group that killed the boss.


Yeah, keep hiding behind your innocent curtain. We all know you did it :rolleyes:

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and when the devs are unemployed they can thank you for helping them make a statement. and it will be their turn to pay consequences.


You overestimate your value to the game.


Assuming there are currently ~500k subscribers, if Bioware were to permanently ban the top 500 exploiters, they would potentially eat a "loss" of 1/10th of 1%.


Exploiters need to be dealt with severely to prevent this from happening again in the future.

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You overestimate your value to the game.


Assuming there are currently ~500k subscribers, if Bioware were to permanently ban the top 500 exploiters, they would potentially eat a "loss" of 1/10th of 1%.


Exploiters need to be dealt with severely to prevent this from happening again in the future.


They can prevent this from happening again in the future by reacting quicker to exploits/bugs.


Obviously there will always be bugs and exploits, but how long as this one gone on for? If they cracked down on this in the first few days, there would be a small number of exploiters and it would be easier to ban them. Then bioware can send a warning message to everyone "IF YOU DO THIS YOULL GET BANNED" straight away. Bioware seemed to have took their time in this case.


"Damn bioware are pretty quick with fixing the exploit and banning those people...i better not do it because i dont want to get banned!"


"Damn bioware are taking their time with this! I'm sure loads of people have done it, so im less likely to get banned! Surely bioware wont ban ALL those people?"

Edited by EvenHardNiner
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And I will write the game off if they DON'T ban you. Simply because I don't play games where the rules are not enforced.


So one of us will be gone no matter what they do, neither of us can say who will BW listen to, or should listen to.


I am with you. There are people who took advantage of this exploit in the group I usually raid with. I stopped raiding because of it. I tried to get them removed from the raiding group, to no avail, and I don't want to raid with exploiters that think they are entitled to exploit. That being said, I have been pugging. I have not gotten into as many raids as I used to at the times that I used to. So really I am punishing myself because others cheated. I am hoping that there are suspensions or bans handed out, but if not I do not know how much longer this game will keep my interest, which really bums me out.

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So much this! We have too much of it in the world today... lynch mobs and pitchforks everywhere! None of that in game, please.


If those in power would do their *********** jobs, maybe it wouldn't be so prevalent?


BW has had a month to fix it, they haven't, people are pissed off and it's BW's own fault.

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Well if you were standing in front of a brinks truck that was overturned, you could be said to have constructive knowledge that the money should be returned to the truck's owner. But if you were walking in say a park and a few loose bills were spotted, how would you know who to return it to?


what dose that have to do with anything??

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And I will write the game off if they DON'T ban you. Simply because I don't play games where the rules are not enforced.


So one of us will be gone no matter what they do, neither of us can say who will BW listen to, or should listen to.


Translation: I don't have any interest of what you (me) are saying. You (me) are an exploiter no mater how long, no mather what profit. You (me) must be punished.


I'm not posting to open any war with anyone. Just giving my opinion about that even knowing that doing can risk me to a ban. Nothing else.

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If those in power would do their *********** jobs, maybe it wouldn't be so prevalent?


BW has had a month to fix it, they haven't, people are pissed off and it's BW's own fault.


The engineers informed me that any code change will have a profound impact regardless of the change, so they consider them very high risk. That means extensive testing! A bad change could take down the entire service, or at least cause some surprising bugs.


This is from Eric in response to the ability lag issue... but I'm going to post it everywhere someone uses that tired old argument. Mostly because other than the most superficial of changes, it applies.

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And I will write the game off if they DON'T ban you. Simply because I don't play games where the rules are not enforced.

There are no online games where the "rules" are always enforced. SWTOR like most online games exists to make money for the game's owners. The "rules" exist to preserve the ability of the game to make money. When enforcing the rules would lead to the game making less money, then the owner has the choice to not enforce the rules, and when the owner is a publicly-held corporation, may be legally obliged to not enforce the rules in order to protect the interest of the shareholders.


It's all about money. Not morals, not ethics, not right and wrong.


If you cannot accept that, can I haz ur stuf?

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You overestimate your value to the game.


Assuming there are currently ~500k subscribers, if Bioware were to permanently ban the top 500 exploiters, they would potentially eat a "loss" of 1/10th of 1%.


Exploiters need to be dealt with severely to prevent this from happening again in the future.


if you think it is only 500, you have been smoking something. and they are almost all subscribers. shutting off the servers will prevent this from happening again, but that is going to far, just like blanket bans

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This is from Eric in response to the ability lag issue... but I'm going to post it everywhere someone uses that tired old argument. Mostly because other than the most superficial of changes, it applies.


and your response is bs. they could have delayed opening ravagers to use, while they fixed it. it is in NO WAY connected to the lag issue. it does not apply here.

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Who the **** are you to tell me what I can and can't post?

The person you are responding to did not say anything that could be interpreted as telling you what you can and cannot post.


IMO, falsely accusing people of doing things they did not do is worse than exploiting a bug.

So, maybe you should be banned? :p

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if you think it is only 500, you have been smoking something. and they are almost all subscribers. shutting off the servers will prevent this from happening again, but that is going to far, just like blanket bans


Even if it is 5000 that is 1%.


That is nothing for EA, this game is only one of many so it is still less than 1% total revenue.


They would be fools to get a reputation for not enforcing the rules, which would cause players to start all kinds of crap, over such a measly amount of money.


If the money matters they can fire the engineer to offset the cost.

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122 pages of exploiters desperately trying to avoid the ban stick.


Pure comedy :D


I so hope you all get banned, but even if you don't watching you squirm and make up bs justifications in this thread has been entertaining :p


122 pages of self-righteous overblown rage and assumptions that anyone not baying for blood must by trying to cover their own arse. :rolleyes: That assumption -- that there are only the outraged and the guilty -- is a good chunk of why I no longer care if this never gets fixed and no one gets punished. I'd rather see the witch-hunters leave in self-righteous indignation than see the Bioware go full-freak-out.


I will laugh heartily if BW does go full-freak-out and throws a wide net, and some of the people baying for blood are caught up in it. I'm safe, I don't have any 192 or 198 gear, or any of the exotic mats, and there's no sign this "exploit" is even happening on my server. Many of the people baying for blood are also people who DO have those things on their characters and in their inventories -- they're far more at risk than I am, so I guess I'll sit back and laugh my butt off if instant karma gets them.


But guilty until proven innocent, right? "Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius!"


In the call for draconian "justice", none of those baying for blood ever stop to think that they could get caught up in the the whirlwind too, no matter how innocent they are. As in life, so in video games.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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what dose that have to do with anything??


10's of thousands of players might get in trouble for a "exploit" they didn't think was an exploit. Selling a lockout and instructions on how to cheat is one end of the spectrum. Exiting area because your group leader said it would bug out if you don't exit is another. Not everyone knew how this worked.

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122 pages of self-righteous overblown rage and assumptions that anyone not baying for blood must by trying to cover their own arse. :rolleyes: That assumption that there are only the outraged and the guilty is a good chunk of why I no longer care if this never gets fixed and no one gets punished. I'd rather see the witch-hunters leave in self-righteous indignation than see the Bioware go full-freak-out.


I will laugh heartily if BW does go full-freak-out and throws a wide net, and some of the people baying for baying for blood are caught up in it. I'm safe, I don't have any 192 or 198 gear, or any of the exotic mats, and there's no sign this "exploit" is even happening on my server. Many of the people baying for blood are also people who DO have those things on their characters and in their inventories -- they're far more at risk than I am, so I guess I'll sit back and laugh my butt off if instant karma gets them.


But guilty until proven innocent, right? "Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius!"


In the call for draconian "justice", none of those baying for blood ever stop to think that they could get caught up in the the whirlwind too, no matter how innocent they are. As in life, so in video games.


I haven't even stepped into an operation since 3.0.


But hey, go on, keep telling me what I am or am not.

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