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A Missed Opportunity with Commando / BH Design - Force User Slayer


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On my rather long drive to work this morning I was thinking about the numerous ***** whippings I received in PVP at the hands of the countless Sith characters that seem to inundate my PVP server. (Seriously, do Imps play anything but Sorcs and warriors.) And then my mind went to the US World War II history as we modified tactics, weapons, and equipment to deal with changes to the Japanese tactics used near the end of the war.


And I thought to myself. Why don't we have a Commando / BH variation that sole purpose is to counter these classes tactics. Throw out those long range tactics that both classes are known and completely useless against the Force Users and completely switch gears. Have a variant that is a tank class intended for in your face combat. Throw out the assault cannon for the commando and give them a scatter gun. No more AOE except immediate cone damage. No DOTS, just the ability to pull targets to themselves, toss in an additional interupt, and two additional close range stuns (one for 1 min and one for the normal 4 seconds) and say goodbye to concussion round for the Commandos. With the exception of the basic Hammershot, everything is intended for close range attacks only.


So tell me people what do you think? Am I crazy? Is this something that people would love to see?

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You mean like Vanguard\Powertech with cortosis plating, power armour-integrated blades\charged gauntlets, explosives, stun munitions, flamethrowers and ion pulse projectors designed specifically for close-range encounters, Force-users included? Edited by Helig
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Throw out those long range tactics that both classes are known and completely useless against the Force Users and completely switch gears. Have a variant that is a tank class intended for in your face combat. Throw out the assault cannon[...]No more AOE except immediate cone damage[...]the ability to pull targets to themselves


This seems oddly familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on where I've seen it before...

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