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Edited ....Super Queue!!!!


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Hey, durhame :)

Let me save you time, cuz you won't change the mind of the unminded. When you end in a match against a superque, just leave it, or maybe avoid the battle. Don't waste time here talking to them.


The superquers want 2 types of things, you have the ones that want to farm easy (frankly I can't see the fun in playing easy mode haha, Im an old gamer not a teen).

Or you have the ones that think they can get fun playing with all their friends together at the same time in voice channel, searching for some kind of -hardly possible- challenge (these guys are stick with glue and cant be separated or they will die horribly). So, leave, they get nothing of that ;)

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Hey, durhame :)

Let me save you time, cuz you won't change the mind of the unminded. When you end in a match against a superque, just leave it, or maybe avoid the battle. Don't waste time here talking to them.


The superquers want 2 types of things, you have the ones that want to farm easy (frankly I can't see the fun in playing easy mode haha, Im an old gamer not a teen).

Or you have the ones that think they can get fun playing with all their friends together at the same time in voice channel, searching for some kind of -hardly possible- challenge (these guys are stick with glue and cant be separated or they will die horribly). So, leave, they get nothing of that ;)


Ahh, clearly here was have someone who has it all figured out.


To summarize: Superqueuers are all teens who want the game on easy mode....Now I get it. Thanks for enlightening everyone with your stupid assumptions.

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Hey, durhame :)

Let me save you time, cuz you won't change the mind of the unminded. When you end in a match against a superque, just leave it, or maybe avoid the battle. Don't waste time here talking to them.


The superquers want 2 types of things, you have the ones that want to farm easy (frankly I can't see the fun in playing easy mode haha, Im an old gamer not a teen).

Or you have the ones that think they can get fun playing with all their friends together at the same time in voice channel, searching for some kind of -hardly possible- challenge (these guys are stick with glue and cant be separated or they will die horribly). So, leave, they get nothing of that ;)


I was thinking more of people who haven't learned how to keybind yet but you also make some very valid points. Either case, it is what it is and if they pvp guild leaders can't see that they are actually hurting the pvp community more than helping it then I guess we will have to deal with it or move on.


It is the pvp community. Exploit advantage > challenge. For most that is.

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Hey, durhame :)

Let me save you time, cuz you won't change the mind of the unminded. When you end in a match against a superque, just leave it, or maybe avoid the battle. Don't waste time here talking to them.


The superquers want 2 types of things, you have the ones that want to farm easy (frankly I can't see the fun in playing easy mode haha, Im an old gamer not a teen).

Or you have the ones that think they can get fun playing with all their friends together at the same time in voice channel, searching for some kind of -hardly possible- challenge (these guys are stick with glue and cant be separated or they will die horribly). So, leave, they get nothing of that ;)


I love you Meffy... You're a good player and I'm sorry you hate me now.

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/guild Guys, I know we are a PvP guild, but we can't queue right now, 17 people online....so ya, if we queue, people will accuse us of super queuing. So look, I know you pay to play and all but to avoid hurting someone's feelings I am going to have to ask that some of you get out of queue right now.


/guild Ok so we have a few people in a warzone, I am going to roll a random number for everyone, 4 highest people get to queue next, wait...actually make it 3 highest, we don't want to upset people who hate premades either.


/guild So looks like we are all in different warzones great stuff guys, glad we can hold the community together by desynchronizing our queues. Oh, I just got a tell that using voice comms is upsetting some solo queuers. Let's just try it tonight, not using ventrilo. I know James that you just paid for it, but let's think about the solo queuers here.


/guild Ok so no matter what we do, we are upsetting people, but I have one final idea, let's have a solo queue for regs only policy for a week and see what happens. So no group queuing guys, I know you may get an arena with 3 healers or three tanks, but think of the community. We are trying to make it fair for everyone. So solo queue regs only.


/guild So after my initial tests for this week, we have been grouped together more often when solo queueing than group queueing. Since we are 5-6 in a match, I don't feel the need to type call outs considering our PvE pugs are not going to respond anyway. Also the community is still calling us super queuers even though we have done everything we can to avoid it.


/guild Let's go back to the way it was, when we just got online, got into ventrilo and had fun as a group and enjoy our lives. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Edited by Honortyrant
Accidentilly put a curse word in and speeling mistake
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Ok... I think I understand now.


What you are saying is... it's ok to group up, and it's ok to have 2 groups of four on the same team of a WZ, and it's OK to destroy Pugs.... BUT, the two groups can't be from the same guild and the PUGs that get beat up have to be PUB's.




You are arguing for the side of SQing. It doesn't matter what side it is being done. The logical conclusion to this is you are in fact encouraging this behavior even though your PM to me said you didn't. Also, you asked for my logic as to why this is an exploit and I gave it to you with no retort from you. I know now there is no way to Chang the thought process of you, and that is okay. The only thing I can say as mentioned before is those guild leaders that condone it are hurting the community as a hole more than helping it as BW removed it from game for obvious reasons.


Since there is no changing your mind and you seem to be the self appointed representative of all pvp guild leaders who condone it, I would like to fight on your side to help get back 8v8 queues in game (Via ranked 8v8) so you guys can play together (like you should be able to in an MMO) And give the rest of us who follow the game design a chance at game design play. I hope you have a fabulously pvp day! Thank you for your time and consideration!

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You are arguing for the side of SQing. It doesn't matter what side it is being done. The logical conclusion to this is you are in fact encouraging this behavior even though your PM to me said you didn't. Also, you asked for my logic as to why this is an exploit and I gave it to you with no retort from you. I know now there is no way to Chang the thought process of you, and that is okay. The only thing I can say as mentioned before is those guild leaders that condone it are hurting the community as a hole more than helping it as BW removed it from game for obvious reasons.


Since there is no changing your mind and you seem to be the self appointed representative of all pvp guild leaders who condone it, I would like to fight on your side to help get back 8v8 queues in game (Via ranked 8v8) so you guys can play together (like you should be able to in an MMO) And give the rest of us who follow the game design a chance at game design play. I hope you have a fabulously pvp day! Thank you for your time and consideration!


My problems are this... 1. I'm a horrendous troll and enjoy screwing with people... 2. your solution to having more than one group running with the same guild tag is to wait for Bioware to implement something they took away and vowed to never bring back (Not that i'm opposed to it). And 3. Your point of reference is being on the crap side of a blow-out wz where you look across and see >4 people with the same guild tag. If this was something where you only ever saw certain guild tags in groups of 8 in PVP, then I would probably call BS too. But that isn't the case, or at least you have shown no compelling evidence of that.


Finally, there is no exploit in having 2 groups queing for PVP at the same time as there is no way to game the match making system to ensure both teams get in the same WZ. As I stated before, is it any worse to face 8 from 1 guild or two different guilds A-team ranked squads? Because I've been against both and scenario 2 usually ends in getting farmed for the duration of a WZ, while scenario 1 ends in a very quick objective based match. Scenario #2 happens FAR more frequently than scenario #1.

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My problems are this... 1. I'm a horrendous troll and enjoy screwing with people... 2. your solution to having more than one group running with the same guild tag is to wait for Bioware to implement something they took away and vowed to never bring back (Not that i'm opposed to it). And 3. Your point of reference is being on the crap side of a blow-out wz where you look across and see >4 people with the same guild tag. If this was something where you only ever saw certain guild tags in groups of 8 in PVP, then I would probably call BS too. But that isn't the case, or at least you have shown no compelling evidence of that.


Finally, there is no exploit in having 2 groups queing for PVP at the same time as there is no way to game the match making system to ensure both teams get in the same WZ. As I stated before, is it any worse to face 8 from 1 guild or two different guilds A-team ranked squads? Because I've been against both and scenario 2 usually ends in getting farmed for the duration of a WZ, while scenario 1 ends in a very quick objective based match. Scenario #2 happens FAR more frequently than scenario #1.


I've given my $0.02 as a member of this pvp community and paying customer. It is what it is take it or leave it. Good luck and see you in game! May the Parse be with you!

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