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[BUG] Independent Anarchy not buffing Sweeping Gunfire


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Title says it all. The Gunslinger Saboteur passive ability "Independent Anarchy" is NOT increasing Sweeping Gunfire's damage by 15%. It does seem to affect Thermal Grenade's damage. I can't speak for the other abilities baked into Sab's tree like Incendiary Grenade, nor can I speak for the Imp mirror.


I tested it naked with no buffs and lvl 1 white weapons. Consistently, each tick of Sweeping Gunfire (with no discipline selected) hit for about 165-170. Having chosen Sab, and therefore automatically getting Independent Anarchy, Sweeping Gunfire was STILL ticking for 165-170.


As a side note, the talent that increases Sweeping Gunfire from the selectable shared talents does in fact increase the damage by 25%--just not Independent Anarchy. Also, the debuff from Incendiary Grenade is increasing damage taken from Sweeping Gunfire by 10%. So really, it's just the passive ability that's currently borked.


I guess I wouldn't care so much, but without the buff, Sharpshooter and Sab's Sweeping Gunfire do the exact same amount of damage, and it's one less reason to play around with Sab.

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