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Leg Slash is fine just needs a small change


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I like the way leg slash is supposed to work we can slow them down with throw then when we get to the target we leg slash to root. The problem is it costs to much rage it will work better then the old throw root if you removed the rage cost and If you made this slow/root unable to be cleansed we would not have trouble being mobile and staying on target. The rage cost gets in the way of the damage and slows down the rotation if you leg slash and cant burst what is the point. Edited by Lampwrecker
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I like the way leg slash is supposed to work we can slow them down with throw then when we get to the target we leg slash to root. The problem is it costs to much rage it will work better then the old throw root. If you made this slow/root unable to be cleansed we would not have trouble being mobile and staying on target. I suggest make the slow/root from leg slash unable to be cleansed and remove the rage cost. The rage cost gets in the way of the damage and slows down the rotation if you leg slash and cant burst what is the point.


The class would be much better off and would play much better in PvP if they removed leg slash and replaced it with crippling throw again. Just add an 8 second cooldown to it and change the heroic utility so it converts the snare to a 3 second root on one application.

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The class would be much better off and would play much better in PvP if they removed leg slash and replaced it with crippling throw again. Just add an 8 second cooldown to it and change the heroic utility so it converts the snare to a 3 second root on one application.


Yep, i agree. There maybe a case for making the utility masterful too.

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No, Crippling Throw was much, much better. The whole point was having the 10m root, no point in rooting people when you're already right on them.


And about utilities, a lot of marauder utilities are lackluster... I feel like at least half of them should be baseline for the adv class, and then a bunch of them honestly should be combined, there aren't many that don't sound like they should be just passives for a tree.


Hell, I don't even use crippling slash for the slow, I only use it for the trauma debuff. I already get a slow on my core abilities from that one utility that makes the discipline heavy hitters slow.

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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The class would be much better off and would play much better in PvP if they removed leg slash and replaced it with crippling throw again. Just add an 8 second cooldown to it and change the heroic utility so it converts the snare to a 3 second root on one application.


No you are wrong because what good is a root when you are still running to the target they are out of it by the time you get there to do damage. With leg slash you can slow with throw root with slash then burst but it cost to much rage if they removed the rage cost it would epic. Also they should make the slow from leg slash so they cant cleanse it nothing makes me more mad then wasting rage and time using this when they just hit 1 button and keep on trucking maybe make the slow last longer as well. If they get this right pvp Marauder will be fine the way it is.

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We are fine with a healer the main problem is staying on target leg slash uncleansible with no rage cost and longer slow effect something like 8 to 10 seconds. We have to be on target to hit them this will make all the difference. Edited by Lampwrecker
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No you are wrong because what good is a root when you are still running to the target they are out of it by the time you get there to do damage.


Thats the point of a root for melee in pvp bro.To be able to get back in range asap.If you are on melee range already,why use leg slash twice :eek: instead of your heavy hitters? Use your logic,if you have any,no offense...

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The class would be much better off and would play much better in PvP if they removed leg slash and replaced it with crippling throw again. Just add an 8 second cooldown to it and change the heroic utility so it converts the snare to a 3 second root on one application.


Signed, the Threadopener is just an irational Sentinelhater^^

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It's not a question of if it will change or what will change. It's when.

I'm more curious to see if the core promise of the disciplines system, namely more frequent and accurate class balance changes, will be a reality. Or if they will still take 3-6 months between tiny incremental tweaks.

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