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Maek ALL armor Legacy Bound


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I really don't see any point in not doing so except as a credit sink to those who have to rip out mods to transfer them over to another character. Personally it would be a QOL improvement more than anything and make Armors less confusion and disorganized than they already are in it's current state. It would be nice especially for those of us who have unlocked Cartel collections not to have to go through the tedious task of ripping out mods to transfer the armor another character whom we want to use the same armor for. Please consider making this change there are those of us who would be eternally grateful.
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This sort of credit sink is a Pain in the Butt kind that really doesn't do anything for the game. There are plenty of meaningful credit sinks and if they were truely worried about credit inflation they would nerf the chests instead of buffing them like they did in the last patch.
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