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Female Gunslinger and Bounty hunter run animation issue with blaster unsheathed


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Video: (watch on 720p) (1080 seems to gets choppy)


-Single and Dual wield blaster with and without armor


-Dual wield blaster



look closely at the animation change when I target and deselect target


-This bug happens when you are within approx 47 meters and an enemy npc has been targeted (for dual wield)

-For Blaster in only One hand this bug happens in ALL situtations

-Only happens with sprint ON (meaning it doesn't happen during combat)

-When sprint is off; character properly points towards the target as you move (important thing is... it runs very tilted forward I could live without the gunpointing but that walk...)

-Started with one of the patches from hutt cartel (sorry I can't be more specific) ***i found my old reply: this bug seems to have started 06.14.2013

-Happen with Both bounty hunter and smuggler class (female)


Same issue here: 06.14.2013



I could just play the game without sprint...hmm

non sprint animation look just fine and no bugs

it would solve the one hand blaster problem too

speed and the mindset of reaching end game content might be ruining my gameplay too

Edited by FruitFarmer
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Hmmm. Seeing how a female scoundrel runs with just one blaster (like she got a T-Bar in her jacket) I'd be more annoyed with that than with the fact she's not pointing the correct way, as long as she hits them I'm thinking meh (wish it would get fixed, but realize it prolly never will) Edited by LeJarC
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Thats what I'm talking about. The T walk happens with duals too but not as badly as it does on a single wield


I totally understand. Instead of an instance when it happens... with single wield: it happens ALL the time.

I am uploading the single blaster animation as I post this. It highlights single blaster too its very frustrating cause its always happening right in front of you...


This happens from level 1 and its just such a turn off for me from playing single blaster classes.

Edited by FruitFarmer
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  • 8 months later...

Dude i was the first adept of this bug.



http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=546630 - one of my first threads about run animation

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=605875 - my most successful thread. :D


So i think it's better to do not ruin THEIR EPIC ACHIEVEMENT "three years to fix one animation". We are all aware of their ability to fix bugs - they can easily break it again. ;)

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