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[Video Request] Advanced gunship play.


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My GSF debut was as a gunship only pilot and I'd like to think I play a gunship rather well. However, I'm always looking for ways to improve my game and thus, I'd like to see how the masters snipers do things. What I've listed are some of the things I'm mindful of while flying. Any additions to the below lists would be most appreciated.


That being said, this may also be construed as a best practices list for fledgling gunsheep.


What I'd like to see.



- Chaining ion and slug railgun shots for effective kills.

- Target selection. Whom to shoot when there's 4 people chasing your team mate around an asteroid.

- Situational use of wingman when dealing with high evasion targets.

- Short ranged targeting (<6k)

- Turning the gunship to improve tracking by aligning your pitch with the target path.

- Optimal positioning and railgun charge when taking out satellite turrets. (How to take out all 3 turrets as quickly as possible)

- Situational jousting. aka. When it's better to pop distortion and BLC ppl.

- When under fire, how to decide when to move just a little bit, stop and finish your shot instead of going fully defensive.



- Using cover and strafing to deny other gunships LOS while you pick away their team mates.

- Choosing a barrel roll direction so you end up among friendlies instead of right next to an enemy interdiction drone.

- Deciding when to use distortion field for the evasion and when to save it for the missile break.

- Proper swapping between power to engines and power to shield when being chased.

- Differences in evasive maneuvers based on what's chasing you. Quads and pods scout vs BLC and cluster scout vs HLC and conc strike/t3bomber.

- Spatial awareness, how not to LOS friendly gunships and the advantage of being above or below the elliptic.

- How to remain relatively close to a satellite but avoid ion rail aoe


This is a lot of ground to cover and maybe it could be done as a series of videos.


Thanks in advance.



Edited by zvbm
Added one more defensive request
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This will be fun. I'd definitely be willing to help provide some GS vids with what you're looking for. We could also coordinate streaming because it will take time to edit a video (in the way that would break it up section by section)


Edit: 1 segment of defensive questions says something about being near a cap and not getting Ion AOE splash damage. I'd argue that true high level play means solely fulfilling your role, which in turn means "Why are you at the sat?" At the beginning of the match should be the main time a GS is capping. Other than that, you shouldn't be within a close proximity to other ships specifically for the AOE chance.

Edited by SammyGStatus
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1 segment of defensive questions says something about being near a cap and not getting Ion AOE splash damage. I'd argue that true high level play means solely fulfilling your role, which in turn means "Why are you at the sat?"


True enough. Ideally you should be able to leave the satellite babysitting to the bombers. However, there are quite a few matches where the rest of your team seems to be overly interested in prospecting for gold on some distant asteroid and you're left doing everything yourself.


In any case, it's a useful bit of information to have in general.



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Once I stop being sick I'll make some videos for ya Zen. Right now I'm just coughing like crazy and it would make for a very terrible stream/video.


I also agree more gunships should be willing to get on the node when necessary. Just cause you are more effective damage wise off the node doesn't mean you shouldn't barrel onto it when you see the guys you are protecting dying off.

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I also agree more gunships should be willing to get on the node when necessary. Just cause you are more effective damage wise off the node doesn't mean you shouldn't barrel onto it when you see the guys you are protecting dying off.

This is definitely true. A gunship with burst lasers and power set to shields can dislodge a fair amount of opposition from a satellite when in close. I know it's like pounding nails with a shovel... not the best tool for the job, but sometimes you have to get in there and do the dirty work when your team isn't handling it. Just remember to get distance or start taking potshots once things calm down enough and the node is more secure.



Edited by caederon
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This is definitely true. A gunship with burst lasers and power set to shields can dislodge a fair amount of opposition from a satellite when in close. I know it's like pounding nails with a shovel... not the best tool for the job, but sometimes you have to get in there and do the dirty work when your team isn't handling it. Just remember to get distance or start taking potshots once things calm down enough and the node is more secure.




Opportunity cost. Certain situations call for it sure, but the role of sat grabber is extremely NOT ideal considering what you're giving up. When your team is trash, you will have to. When your team understands ship roles, scouts and bombers should be at the sat. If not going means you lose the sat, definitely, but you're still giving up position that would be better served by another ship class

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