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Suggested and MUCH needed Survivability Fix's for Mara (pvp)


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Been playing Mara since launch and this is obliviously the most useless they have been ever.... Its actually a joke. Below are some suggested changes to help with the survivability changes to help them compete in all levels of PVP:



1. First and foremost, revert UD to how it used to be. This needs to be done end of story


2. Immune to CC while Saberward is active. Same as Sin's as of right now. SW has a longer CD and mara suffer the most from being CC'd


3. With the utility Defense roll, tie in 30% less damage while stunned or 20% dot reduction, much needed easy fix


4. Pred has a 45 second CD and makes you immune to movement impairing effects while active(for self only)- They can tie this into a utility if needed, sometimes it is benifical to keep pred up for party, gives a choice to help with the massive roots and slows every class has that neutralizes us


5. This last idea is something i would love to see but not sure how it would be with balancing but, Every time you are attacked the cooldown of force camo is reduced by 1 second, can only occur every 4 seconds- This is a tool we need to be able to handle the massive roots/slows/stuns/knockbacks, This hsould be rolled into the Cleanse utility of force camo



Maras damage imo isn't the problem at all, the massive roots/slows/stuns/knockbacks every class has makes us unable to compete at a high level. These suggested baseline changes would put the mara's surviability on par with other classes and be a much needed addition to our tool kit


You know there is a problem When 90% of the class forum posts are regarding re-balancing issues. come on Devs dont **** this class fix this.. soon. Please dont take your sweet *** time addressing balancing issues

Edited by Valzanik
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Mara/Sent is also my favourite class, and I played it a lot.

I agree with most of the proposed by OP changes, although I don't see that much of need to change UR, but maybe because I learned not to rely on it so much, since it works like it does.

IMO there should be few important changes in current Mara's utilities.

We should get utility:

  • to increase range of snare to 10m (let's say instead of rooting effect in Inescapable or additionally to Interceptor)
  • to reduce Unleash cooldown by 30sec (most classes have that kind of utility)
  • giving stun immunity - either short buff after Force Charge like Vengeance Jug (which I'd prefer) or as OP wrote for the duration of Saberward, like Sin's utillity (I'd see it instead of Blood Ward)
  • reducing damage by 30% when stunned would also be more than welcome (PT in one of the DPS paths have both 30% less from AoE and 30% less when stunned and they have higher survivability than Mara even without it and PTs don't even need to spend utility point for it), but I agree that if both Unleash cd reduce and stun immunity gets implemented it will feel like too much anti-stun stuff.
  • giving root/snare immunity for a short duration (or longer duration but with longer cd) - after all melee classes are hurt the most by snares/roots.

The last one should replace or expand one of the already exisiting utilities - I personally would see it as part of Phantom - so instead of increasing movement speed bonus of Force Camo it would make us immune for movement-impairing effects for it's duration, and this effect should not be removed by dealing dmg.

Another option is to change how Predation works so Unbound would be more usefull for Maras (i.e. Predation should be a group or self buff with longer cooldown and not using Fury).


Also I personally think that Cloak of Rage and Defensive forms should be put together and, instead of one of them, Unleash cooldown reducing utility should be available (Sin for e.g. have a Skillfull utility Avoidance that reduce the CC-breaker cd by 30sec, interrupting ability by 2sec and additionally reduce the Force Speed cd by 5sec, also Force Speed with additional utility breaks all snares/roots - so it is powerfull for a Skillfull utility).

Cloak of Rage is currently a must have for solo/PvP and is even usefull in some group PvE content.

Other classes received Core passive buffs, that were in one of the skill trees pre-3.0, for e.g. PT have extra buffs to their Cylinders as Core passive but Mara have Defensive forms as utility.

Given the above I propose to make the Defensive forms extra buffs to Mara's forms as Core passive and have the Fury building effect attached to Cloak of Rage. Then we could receive Unleash's cooldown reducer in place of Defensive forms.


I'd also would like to see a change (maybe as part of an utility) of how Maras detaunt works - it should be more in line with Sin and PT detaunts, so we could use it while still staying in combat and not just too escape/sneak.

IMO Force Camo should have two effects - one, removed when dealing direct damage, and one that would stay for full duration even when dealing direct dmg. The first one should be the "difficult to detect" part, the other should be "reducing all damage taken" (maybe it would feel right to tune down this buff to 30-35% instead of 50%). Not sure where to put the speed buff, maybe in 1st part, even though it would be much better for Maras in the 2nd one (obviously).

If the snare/root immunity would be add to it (by utility) it should ofcourse be in the 1st part, as I wrote before.


Just make Mara utilities more in line with Sin's and it should be fine :p

Edited by Morthwyll
mistakes correction
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