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The Sexy Killer's Showdown On Nar-Shaada !!!


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Yes, that's right, Duels on Nar-Shaada are hot and sassy... because they're naked!!!


This Saturday (Jan 3rd), all players are challenged to compete for the "Galaxy's Sexiest Killer" Title.


Here's how it works...



  • -show up to the Nar Shaada Lower Promenade at any time after 8:00pm est.
  • -duel anyone you want to, but the best fighters from each class get a prize for winning 10 consecutive duels in a row.
  • - these are naked duels, therefore no gear except your mainhand and offhand. No implants No relics, No earpieces are allowed either. No adrenals, no grenades. Med packs and stims are ok.
    -You can wear adaptive armor for looks if you like, but it cannot have any armorings, or enhancements or mods in it.
  • -duels will take place on Nar-Shaada at 8:00pm until 10pm server time. The following Saturday's event will take place on the planet that has the most collective votes.


Players who try to break the rules will be publically humiliated across the entire galaxy, for this event will be most likely be streamed.

Come on out all you Republic and Imperial players!!! ( pvp mainhand and pvp offhand with expertise are highly recommended, the rest is just fluff).

Edited by DethlaHadyn
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cool idea, not sure about the no armor rule though. it's going to give white damage classes a very big advantage


By all means bring your full pvp suit for the ultimate PvP battles!! We'll all love to see the professionals duke it out as well, but...




...you'll just never be deemed "The Galaxy's Sexiest Killer" without your birthday suit on. :rak_03:

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