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Could the BH and the smuggler be untrained force sensitives?


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Okay at the end of act 1 The champion resisted a mind control attack from a powerful jedi master and among all not force using classes he is the one who killed the most jedi and probably sith. While the smuggler is "lucky' and "lucky" and "lucky" and one comment comes to mind there is no such thing as luck there is only the force.

So what do you all think?

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Sure! They can also choke, use lightning, throw rocks, etc. thanks to Legacy abilities!


Makes sense to me!


Legacy abilities aside, however, resisting a mind trick is just a matter of being strong minded (like Jabba), and getting lucky is also the name of the smuggler's game. There are loads of unlucky smugglers throughout the game (The Bounty Hunter kills one in, like, their second mission on Hutta), they just die, while the hero smugglers luck (and skill) their way to the top.

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Well my Smuggler's a Sith Pureblood and by my understanding they're Force Sensitive as a rule, so I'd say yes.


Actually there are occasional sith purebloods who aren't force sensitive. I can't remember the name offhand but there was at least one that you meet imperial side, that esentially was treated like crap because he wasn't force sensitive

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Actually there are occasional sith purebloods who aren't force sensitive. I can't remember the name offhand but there was at least one that you meet imperial side, that esentially was treated like crap because he wasn't force sensitive

That's Executor Krannus.


And the Force is in everything through the midi-chlorians in the blood of all living creatures. Just because one doesn't have a high enough count to manipulate or feel the Force, doesn't mean the Force doesn't still flow through them.


To take off my atheist hat and remember my 27-year-gig with a Pentecostal cult.


CUES JAN CROUCH: "Honey, just because the Lord didn't call you to the ministry don't mean he ain't got a plan fer yer life. Don't worry 'bout no signs and miracles. You just let God work through you in your own special way. Just bee a good soldier, sweetie".


Make sense?

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Okay at the end of act 1 The champion resisted a mind control attack from a powerful jedi master


That does not necessarily have something to do with training in the Force. Resisting a Jedi Mind Trick is all about having a strong will. Just because Kellian Jarro was a Jedi Master did not mean that he could Mind Trick just about anybody to do as he says. Mind Tricks and Force Persuasion have their limits.

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Their background is a clean slate. They can be whatever you want them to be.


Mostly, but not entirely. Here and there you do get a few bread crumbs about their origins. There was actually a funny one with the Smuggler in the first Treek conversation. In response to Treek telling you how she set fire to the forest on Endor when she first flew a starship, the Smuggler can potentially respond with: "That sounds like the first time I flew. Come to think of it, I still can't show my face on that planet..."


So yeah :cool:

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Mostly, but not entirely. Here and there you do get a few bread crumbs about their origins. There was actually a funny one with the Smuggler in the first Treek conversation. In response to Treek telling you how she set fire to the forest on Endor when she first flew a starship, the Smuggler can potentially respond with: "That sounds like the first time I flew. Come to think of it, I still can't show my face on that planet..."


So yeah :cool:


Smuggler is obviously NOT related to Starkiller. :p

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Smuggler is obviously NOT related to Starkiller. :p


The player characters must all originate from some backwater planet anyway. For instance, it seems very evident that NONE of the Republic characters EVER set foot on Coruscant... or any other planet that is in this game.

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The player characters must all originate from some backwater planet anyway. For instance, it seems very evident that NONE of the Republic characters EVER set foot on Coruscant... or any other planet that is in this game.


I dunno about "never" setting foot. I think the only confirmation is that none of them were around during the sacking of Coruscant.

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