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How to fix PVP in this game: ranked arena and ranked warzones


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I have been playing this game for like a year or two before I was playing wow arena for 7 years so got some exp.


There are few problems in PVP right now I will just name few of them:


-balance to classes which is actually pretty good except it is impossible to balance solo and team arena in the same time

-lack of people doing team ranked arena and people raging on solo q

-boolster ... and people signing to rwz with stupid gear etc

- people abuse system by win trading or by trying to sign with few friends ( SYSTEM SHOULD ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO PLAY TOGETHER LOL and not to have to cheat for it :) and other ways

- cross servers ( from what I heard we won't get them which could solve some problems)


What is a solution for this problems :


Ranked Arena :

- you can sign for ranked arena with 1 to 4 people. There need to be matchmaking system which make composure of teams around setups of (heal , tank and 2 dps ) and (heal and 3 dps). 4 dps teams plays only AGAINST EACH OTHER plus. With addition of MMR and other things.

- you can sign for solo unranked arena to train with your friends 1-4 people again.

- NO BOOLSTER - you can sign for ranked arena ONLY WITH MAX EXPERTISE

- punishing people for leaving match or for loosing on purpose there are few solution one of them ranking on whole account.

What are advantages of this solution:

- people actually will be able to play together. You can sign with friends and meet other people and form team adding player after player. This way you can step by step form a proper team of 4 people.

- removing separated solo q - people will NEED to actually find teammates to play because 4 man team will always have advantage but in the same time they will have opportunity to that

- only way to play without much stress is to play in team which you have chosen and friends.

- putting arena on unranked where you can sign with 1 - 4 people will invite more people to try it without stress. How many people are playing ranked arena just because there is no rating involved?? and how many will play after.


Ranked Warzones are back:


Problem with previous RWZ was that there was only few team who actually played it.. you needed 8 people to form team. Which is pretty silly because even forming team of 4 sometimes is hassle.




- For RWZ again to make it simple can sign with 1 to 4 people

- No boolster only max expertise people can sign


Matchmaking system would try to build team as even as possible by counting mmr, composition and amount of people signed:

First would put one full team on each side if possible ( 4 man cells) then it will try to add to them people from 1-3 to form a second part of team. If there would be no full team it will try to assign people based on mmr,class etc

System would be pretty complicated but it's not really hard to do it.



This changes will bring only two brackets ranked arena and RWZ where you can sign with any number people you want from 1-4. System will take care everything else . Full team of 4 people will have advantage which they SHOULD have and because of that people will try to form a teams which compose as many players as possible 3 or 4 or even 2 is better then 1. This also will make it less stressful trust me :).


RWZ will be back in new form and people WILL SIGN FOR THEM because you don't have to have 8 people anything from 1 to 4 will do. Which brings a lot of people back to game which quit and some spec which are not viable in arena will be good in RWZ.


There will be non ranked arena which will allow people to play it casual and when they have enough skills and items ( max expertise) then they can start arena ranked or RWZ.


Balance will be easier achieved because arena will be balance around only team vs team not solo q and addition of RWZ will lesser balance problems some spec can be good in RWZ and crap in Arena.


I will understand that people will fear that team of 4 will dominate but right now without cross servers it is impossible to get enough people doing team arena to make it viable. With good amount of people and good match making system rating will start to mean something.


I am not sure if developers care for this game much now but .. if nothing gonna be done most people will quit me 2:(

This game is brilliant on many levels WZ especially and story so would be a shame.






Ps Sorry for grammar etc not my native language and was bit rushed :)

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@Fellow-Canadian That is easiest solution not bad one but not that good either. Then you have to move solo q to unranked. Hopefully then it would bring back RWZ.


Problem is that there are no cross severs and not enough people playing 50-100 teams playing is just meh.. hard even for mmr to work with such shor amount of teams

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Honestly they just need to remove solo ranked arenas. I know folks like it, but it's better for ranked PVP if people had to form their own team. You get all the problems fixed without making it complicated.


Unfortunately that would just reduce the number of folks playing ranked. It's not like players are going to see that solo is removed and suddenly form a ranked team. If they could form a team that was not going to get it's arse handed to it they would now.


And @the OP, BW is not going to remove boster from ranked play. It's been requested repeatedly since 2.4 and they have repeatedly said no. A more realistic solution would be to ask them to tweak bolster so that any gear worn into one bolsters at least to the equivalent of 162 gear.

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Honestly they just need to remove solo ranked arenas. I know folks like it, but it's better for ranked PVP if people had to form their own team. You get all the problems fixed without making it complicated.


As long as they add solo warzones to make up for it. As much as I hate arenas and think they're fundamentally broken, I'm not going back to being a second-class-citizen of the PvP community, TYVM.

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Unfortunately that would just reduce the number of folks playing ranked. It's not like players are going to see that solo is removed and suddenly form a ranked team. If they could form a team that was not going to get it's arse handed to it they would now.


The freedom for players to decide their group composition and gear levels will balance ranked arenas more effectively than any solution Bioware can come up with. Or if you really need to..... go ahead and put your faith in Bioware - what could possibly go wrong?

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Unfortunately that would just reduce the number of folks playing ranked. It's not like players are going to see that solo is removed and suddenly form a ranked team. If they could form a team that was not going to get it's arse handed to it they would now.


And @the OP, BW is not going to remove boster from ranked play. It's been requested repeatedly since 2.4 and they have repeatedly said no. A more realistic solution would be to ask them to tweak bolster so that any gear worn into one bolsters at least to the equivalent of 162 gear.


You remove bolster only from ranked arena and rwz. There is no place for bolster in ranked play because people who should sign for it should have level experience which at least covers farming max expertise gear.

They are not being limited from anything because they still can play unranked arena and wz and sign with friends and train.


Removing solo q and without giving people unranked arena will kill arena matches all together.

You don't remove ranked solo q you just move it to unranked and let people sign it like in wz. I will play it gladly with friends. That is solution which could also help find new players

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The freedom for players to decide their group composition and gear levels will balance ranked arenas more effectively than any solution Bioware can come up with. Or if you really need to..... go ahead and put your faith in Bioware - what could possibly go wrong?


This exists now and is anything but balanced. The best teams will always have a large advantage against newer teams and this effectively locks new teams out of team ranked in many cases. Solo ranked needs to continue if you want any ranked at all.

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You remove bolster only from ranked arena and rwz. There is no place for bolster in ranked play because people who should sign for it should have level experience which at least covers farming max expertise gear.

They are not being limited from anything because they still can play unranked arena and wz and sign with friends and train.


Removing solo q and without giving people unranked arena will kill arena matches all together.

You don't remove ranked solo q you just move it to unranked and let people sign it like in wz. I will play it gladly with friends. That is solution which could also help find new players


Sadly neither of these things is going to happen. Bioware is afraid of an unranked arena only queue killing queue times for regs, and they have repeatedly said no to removing boster from ranked. No matter how much players like you and I think it should be removed BW is not going to do it. If they were going to consider it it would have been gone patches ago. I think advocating for a better, more transparent, and more predictable version of bolster is more likely to be successful.

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Honestly they just need to remove solo ranked arenas. I know folks like it, but it's better for ranked PVP if people had to form their own team. You get all the problems fixed without making it complicated.


NO. I wanna play just arenas without having my whole team online.

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NO. I wanna play just arenas without having my whole team online.


Yes and you should either ranked or unranked but you should have choice to play arena while waiting for friends to come on-line. That is very important. That is why I want either move ranked to unranked or like I said make only one arena where you can sign 1-4.

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