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Commando Combat Medic Weapon Choice


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I have been gone a long time, but rerolled my commando to relearn the game since the changes in recent months. As I am going to focus on healing - more for flashpoints and such - but solo PvE, does the weapon I choose dictate the amount I heal? Would I be gimping myself for choosing a blaster rifle over an autocannon? I have access to adaptable versions of both, so that's not an issue, it's more of a mechanics question. Thanks for any advice!
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I have been gone a long time, but rerolled my commando to relearn the game since the changes in recent months. As I am going to focus on healing - more for flashpoints and such - but solo PvE, does the weapon I choose dictate the amount I heal? Would I be gimping myself for choosing a blaster rifle over an autocannon? I have access to adaptable versions of both, so that's not an issue, it's more of a mechanics question. Thanks for any advice!


Healing doesn't roll toward weapon damage and as such its viable to equip a blaster rifle whilst healing. You will deal lower damage with your weapon when you do choose to use it though - in solo content thats quite a bit. Then again, I'm with you - nothing short of a disaster that you still cant pick the weapon of choice for these classes...


Have a look at this:


If you're not a fan of the wannabe-macho auto cannon thats the best alternative I've seen

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Thanks for the quick reply! I am about to watch that video. I'm not opposed to also carrying an autocannon, I am looking at the costs associated with upgrading it as well as upgrading a blaster rifle. As a former Infantryman, I am drawn to the rifle, yet I am strangely aroused at the thought of the BFG...
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Components are the same in an autocannon than a blaster rifle so no cost difference here. Damage on many offensive abilities will be reduced by a bit however the biggest drawback will be you won't be able to use some commando abilities : including hail of bolt.
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I was more concerned with having to upgrade both.


You can only use one of them, so why would you upgrade both a cannon and a rifle?


If it's just for the looks of walking around with a rifle in safe zones but using the cannon in combat then you wouldn't need to upgrade the rifle at all.

If your plan is to just use the rifle then that's all you need. No point in even having a cannon, never mind upgrading it.




Personally, I too recently came back, and after finishing the smuggler story I was almost finished with from the last time I was playing a few months ago, I knew that I wanted to just start fresh with all of my characters, and that meant a new commando and mercenary (my favorite classes/ACs).


After some back and forth, I decided to go with the BH first, but when I got the Starforged assault cannon from a lockbox that I opened, I knew that that was going to be my trooper's cannon.


I was always looking for something more reasonable in terms of the cannon, yet the game kept making them larger and more ridiculous than the last one. It was great to seem them produce something that was actually smaller and more reasonable in terms of looking like something that someone could carry around and use.


For those that love the BFGs, more power to you, but there are plenty of those to choose from. I love the more compact Starforged cannon, and am interested in seeing what subsequent packs may offer in terms of variations on this basic model.

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