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guild invites


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Apparently, I have inherited a guild and become guildmaster by default (WOOHOO! my own guild bank). I am having some issues figuring out the guild commands, however. I finally got the ranks sorted out (and I fully intend to kick inactive members after a week or so), but I've got a minor problem. I can't get my alts into the guild.


Solution found: invite my son into the guild and allow him to invite my alts. Another problem found. I can't figure out how to do it. He tells me to right click his name, which I did and found no option to invite him to the guild. He also said I could simply type /ginvite and then his toon's name.


Ok, that said, now we get to a third problem--he uses some odd vowel markings so he can have the names he wants. I can't figure out how to type those blasted vowels.


Go ahead. Tell me I'm an idiot. But tell me what to do.

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Solution found: invite my son into the guild and allow him to invite my alts. Another problem found. I can't figure out how to do it. He tells me to right click his name, which I did and found no option to invite him to the guild. He also said I could simply type /ginvite and then his toon's name.


Right clicking on a name is good for inviting to a group, NOT a guild. Another way to invite someone is just have them presently in front of you. Target them and type out /guild and then hit enter. This way avoids the fact that some people forget their diacriticals ( alt codes) and gets them in the guild quicker.


Hope this helps. May the force be with you.

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