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SWTOR The Broken Star Wars


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Sorry mates but this is going to be an angry post.


I left SWTOR some time ago because of bugs and i thought maybe i could come back and play again. I was dead wrong. With my update PC Specs, and my recent gift 200Gb of memory i thought maybe i could invest some time in this game. Me being myself paid a subscription and bought the Raven update without consulting maybe they would rip me off again. I was wrong. After going over the Web looking for resolution for this problem all i found was "" Download the installer again and run it over your existing." ( My repair button was also broken :( *sigh*) I did that and the installation failed every single time ( 3 times over). I really don't want to reinstall because i Don't want to uninstall because i really have to save computer memory. ( The 2 TB is for Videos and editing). But if it comes down to it ill do it. Please i love star wars but i hate doing this tango with Bio Ware. Thanks for all help.

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I played the game (Beta and Early In) With the same computer we i didn't up its systems did the game have a huge memory increase i remember playing till level 20 one time!


I just don't want over 50$ going to waste

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I mean, it is entirely possible it is just a corrupted download. If you remove all the files and reinstall that should work... right?


Edit: Wait, did you actually say what your problem was? I see you tried to resolve it by reinstalling, but what is the error code you are getting?

Edited by azudelphi
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I mean, it is entirely possible it is just a corrupted download. If you remove all the files and reinstall that should work... right?


This, I've heard quite a few times, especially with those using that Bit whatever it is to DL/Patch, that the files can get messed up. As with any corrupted file, you neef to wipe the sate clean and start fresh.

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Ok m8's i solved the problem i think. The game works fine i download the test sever and canceled it 3/4 of the way in. I made a new char and played till lvl 12 so i think my game works now. I would recommend anyone having this problem to try this.



Thanks for all the help m9's!! :D

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- VERY slow memory. Please just /no

- No SSD? Please...

- 1155 CPU? Really?


Other than that (and by 'that' I mean your really weak and outdated computer), don't worry, the game is still full of bugs. Because they keep adding content without fixing the previous content so the bugs are piling up all the time. If you visited the new planets Rishi and Yavin 4 (guess you didn't) you could see they are a never ending massive lagfest.


Come back again after a few months.

Edited by AmphysvenaCorp
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