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Marauder - Carnage


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Is anyone else having problems killing mobs. I didn't experience this problem with other characters. I'm having to use medpacs often. I die easily when fighting silvers and golds and I'm 3 levels above them. Does anyone have suggetions? I have my armor up to my level, so that shouldn't be a problem. Even with 2V who does some healing I am having issues.
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Is anyone else having problems killing mobs. I didn't experience this problem with other characters. I'm having to use medpacs often. I die easily when fighting silvers and golds and I'm 3 levels above them. Does anyone have suggetions? I have my armor up to my level, so that shouldn't be a problem. Even with 2V who does some healing I am having issues.


What lv are you?

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Is anyone else having problems killing mobs. I didn't experience this problem with other characters. I'm having to use medpacs often. I die easily when fighting silvers and golds and I'm 3 levels above them. Does anyone have suggetions? I have my armor up to my level, so that shouldn't be a problem. Even with 2V who does some healing I am having issues.


If you have decent equipment you should do just fine--however their power is not what it was.

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Level 18, I am on Balmorra fighting level 15s


I would recommend playing fury spec, hit cloak, jump in, smash the pack, raging blast the strong, followed by ravage or force scream. In between battering assault to gain rage.


Harder packs hit saber ward. Those are your only defenses in the low levels.


Your gear should be up to date, at least greens your level with focus on strength, but rather blues. You can craft by yourself or get them cheap on GTN or just by the comms at the fleet (supplies area).


If I can give you a good tip, reroll jugg, it's an easier starter class, much more defenses, better and easier playing rage spec and you can level in soresu form with very good protection.


For marauder, again, cloak of pain is a must before you jump into packs.

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