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AlacraMara and thoughts about 3.0 changes.


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The AlacraMara




This all started when looking closely at the animation for Force Rend. The addition of the skill seemed to slow the whole Annihilation rotation down. I was really frustrated by its simple animation and awkward fit, so started messing about with Alacrity. Using full Alacrity in ops and parsing "competitive numbers" in all encounters. I decided to take it one step further and took out all of my Overkill augments and replaced them with Alacrity ones. What started out as a bit of a joke, ended up making me enjoy the spec a bit more.


I am not trying to say Alacrity>Power or Strength in terms of DPS. It is purely for enjoyment reasons.

I simply think of this as a QoL change made by alternate gearing.


This parse was done with 889 Alacrity rating. 4809 Dps (Not sure what is going on with Torparse, seems to have reduced my DPS on all parses uploaded. It is now saying this is 4761 ^^)

Character stats for the above parse Notice my Pri damage 1864-2192.



Bottom line, If you have the cash and wanna try it out, it can be quite fun. You never know.... You may enjoy the faster pace of your rotation. But don't expect Alacrity to perform miracles for your rotations.





3.0 Changes and Thoughts




I would just like to state that I do not like the current state of marauders.

But I want to stick with my favorite class and provide some info.



Annihilation : This spec had a great solid rotation. It didn't need an addition. It could have easily done with a skill replacement for either Force Charge, Battering Assault or Vicious Slash. A skill that replaced any of them with the same sort of effect, but with a different animation and more damage.

As the spec currently plays, the addition of Force Rend feels extremely forced into the rotation and the fact that it does not apply deadly saber stacks makes this feel even more so.


Carnage : The loss of our deadly throw root was a harsh one and it cannot be stated more. I also do not like the fact that we dont have a choice between Devastating Blast and Force Scream. If the moves share a cooldown, why not have them do the same damage and let the players choose which one to use?

The 3 second uptime of Gore is not really a problem. However the 3 second window is not helped by the current lag situation in game.


Fury : For me this spec suffers most from a visual perspective. On their own, Raging Burst and Furious Strike look great, but when chaining these skills together in a rotation it looks very disjointed. The skills end way before the global cooldown, causing a moment where the player is just standing still doing nothing between each skill. It doesn't flow at all.


Utilities : The utilities in the top tier are very lackluster, some ideas....


  • We need a ranged root.
  • Saber ward cd reduction or additional healing.
  • Undying rage should not take Hp at the end of duration.
  • Force Camo should be able to be activated whilst stunned instead of Cloak of Pain.


With all that being said, I would like us to rally a bit more in the forums and put together findings of endgame marauder/sentinel information. This includes both PvP and PvE. Try not to flame on here, we all know we are in a bad place atm, but some useful information may help everybody involved.

Edited by Excypher
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Ok, I have been trying this for a few days... I have to say, I really like the speed in the rotation. I think having 900-800 Alacrity is a bit high personally, it just goes waaay too fast for me to control it properly (just personally preference, I know a lot of traditional combat sents will love this loadout).


Plus I think you may have just slightly better gear then what I have... but I really was only able to top out around 4100-4200 with this... consequently, it was about what I'm able to do with full str or power augements. But it's unforgiving, if you miss a beat with this rotation, everything collapses it seems like. I mean I had eratic spikes from like 3800 back up to 4100, then to 3900, and back up to 4100. That's just my personal experience.


I am curious, can you provide as close to a detailed description of your rotation that you can? And I mean, you're opener... as well as your 36second rotation (or whatever it is since Alacrity cuts the time down). I am really curious to see how yours differs from Ardonell's, because my personal rotation may actually be a part of the problem and could be unrelated to the Alacrity.

Edited by CycloH
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Oh, I forgot to add... I COMPLETELY agree with you on the Force Rend piece (same with the other suggestions, but especially that).


The deal breaking conclusion for me that I have come to is that having to WATCH and MANAGE my three dots via the debuff bar, makes it very, very difficult for me to watch my feet in what has become a very melee unfriendly set of operations. It's very sad, because I love the iconic appeal of the Jedi Sentinel... it's why I play Star Wars the Old Republic, because of the flashy lightsabers that I love so much from the movies... but I simply cannot watch my feet in raids because of this. They either need to absorb the Force Rend damage into some other skill to give us just two dots, or put something back on the GCD so we can manage it from the toolbar instead. It's just too overwhelming for "me personally". SO I am probably switching to my Slinger for raids as result until they make a change here.

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See I found that with lag both gearings were affected alot . I have only been rolling this build for about a week so will have to do more progression ops until I can come up with a definitive answer. But it easily does comparable damage.


MY Annihilation opening rotation:


Charge, Deadlysaber, Battering, Rupture, Annihilate, Rend, Ravage, DST, Charge, Deadlysaber, Assault, Rupture,

Annihilate, Battering, Vicious, Assault, Assault, Deadlysaber, Rend, Annihilate, Rupture, DST, Charge, Annihilate,

Ravage, Deadlysaber, Battering, Annihilate


Use your Berzerks on 3 stacks.

If you are in a raid, after every 2 annihilates reapply rupture, every 3 annihilates use your force rend proc. this means you dont really need to watch what you are doing.

Deadly saber and Annihilate on CD.


AoE Rotation:


Charge, Battering, Rupture, Rend, Smash, Ravage (Gives time for DST to proc) DST

Skip Deadly saber, it doesnt spread and is useless here. I rather use sweeping slash.

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