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Sents are extremely annoying to play in PvP now...Combat team needs melee lessons?


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Let's face it, the game has always been CC heavy, and the Resolve timer is a dubious mechanic to ameliorate them.


Now, however the game in my opinion has reached a tipping point for sents.


I see VERY few of us in 60 pvp...and I understand why.


Powertechs/Vanguards melt us. Slingers/snipers....we cant leap to them, they slow us, when we do get in range, they knock us back, snare...dead. Sorcs/Sages have stuns, knockbacks with root, bubble pops, force run away, and force bubble, if we do happen to get in range and start doing some damage to them. Then against Juggers, we seem to be underpowered. Playing a sent feels like bringing a knife to a gunfight. Sins have stealth, cc, spike damage, all of which is independent of the "building" resource mechanic sents have with focus/rage...we have to get to the target and build focus in order to build up to othe rmore powerful attacks...meanwhile its CC palooza, which means we have very little uninterrupted time on target to actually do something.


It feels like the combat team simply doesn't understand melee. We have to have time on target. They took away crippling throw, one of our few ranged attacks, making us EVEN MORE dependent on melee range time on target. Ranged is so much simpler. Our closer is on a timer, AND our closer is counterable with cover and knockbacks. And stuns, and more other types of CC than God would care to come up with...


Maybe I am missing something...but it seems to me, in the current pvp environment, our time on target, what little we get of it, has...HAS to be more damaging, OR we need some additional defense/CC immunity. Ranged is just chewing us to pieces...They don't have cooldowns before they can start damaging us. Saber ward helps some...but not enough. Guarded by the force is assisted suicide...usually you are still slowed or cc'd somehow, so it is doing NOTHING for you except giving you a few more seconds to watch vfx hitting you before you die. At a minimum we should have complete CC immunity while Guarded is up, with its VERY long timer, so we can actually do some damage before we take half our health away...what a stupid mechanic. Force camo...I am using it more as a closer than as an escape...and its timer is ill suited for that...


What am I missing? Its seems other classes have moved forward, and sents have gained nothing in the "arms race" of enhancements given to other classes.

Edited by Dyvim
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im playing a carnage mara these days, and i understand why u ppl are getting angry, but i think its better play a carnage mara and lose with it, than play an hatred sin and win with it, and i have a sin as my 2nd main.


Ya know, I don't...they gutted any customization from the classes in 3.0, with what was essentially a massive dumbing down designed to remove ANY hope of hybrids or customizing your toon, even if illusorily, into something that fitted your playstyle better than cookie cutter. So why play a class that underperforms by design, gimping yourself and your team??? So I can suffer through, and it is suffering to play something this inept, twice as many matches to get my daily/weekly???


Now, with only cookie cutter, there is no EXCUSE...NONE for this kind of crap imbalance. And that is exactly what we are dealing with here...poor design, and imbalance by design. Removing crippling throw was one of the biggest head up arse moves ever. GBTF removing half your health while not giving you CC immunity is another. So I get to live longer, by a few seconds while CC'd and completely ineffectual. Brilliant. I have ZERO tolerance for that in a game with nothing but gutted, cookie cutter classes. If they cant balance that, then gtf home. You get shredded before you can even get a hit in...I STRONGLY suggest somebody with some control over design play a sent or mara for a few weeks, EXCLUSIVELY. If they cant figure out there is a problem after that, they should find a new line of work.


This crap makes me feel stupid for playing this class, what should be a premier dps class, and thus STUPID for playing this game. Hint to EAWare, if you want people to pay you money every month, not the way to go.


Sent is my main, rolled on Launch day...and I keep leaving this game for this very reason...piss poor design and broken dev promises. Plus pure themeparks with unimaginative end game are inherently feeble. That is why this game is a shadow of what it should have been. Broken promises and poor design. Looks like I'll be leaving it again. I shouldn't have to change classes to be competitive or not feel like an idiot for playing my main. You have a melee class with a RESOURCE BUILDING MECHANIC. Which means they HAVE TO HAVE time on target. They need tools to avoid CC and stay in melee range to be even a hint of viable...instead these devs are in a nonstop race to put MORE AND MORE CC into a game that has so much, along with one of the worst CC overload mechanics in their craptastic resolve system, that I HAVE EVER SEEN ANYWHERE IN 35 years of gaming. Getting multiple kinds of cc's from a couple of ranged classes that shred you before you can gap close....over and over and over...and knock you back and root you if you ever do gap close...is SIMPLY. NO. FUN.


What is just as bad, Ranged classes hit EVERY BIT AS HARD as melee, with NO RESOURCE building mechanic, and NO RANGE LIMITATION. They get rooted? big deal...no dps drop. They get slowed 5m away from target? NO PROBLEM, no dps drop. They never manage to get in 5m range? NO PROBLEM, no dps drop. Whereas we just get no dps unless in that 5m range. Again, its like bringing a knife to a gunfight. If you cant get jedi classes right in an MMO, after years, and bring some inspiration and some real art to their design, you should get a different job. Period. This crap is inexcusable, especially after this cookie cutter overhaul craptasm. NO MORE HYBRIDS, SO WHERE IS THE BALANCE??? Sent play experience has NEVER been worse than this...how can you REACH A LOW, making things worse than ever??? In a years old game, with VERY FEW CLASSES, where you started OUT with mirroring to cheat on design and simplify things, NOW EVEN CHEAPER by ALL COOKIE CUTTER builds. The stupidity is infuriating.


If I have to shelve a dual lightsaber wielding jedi to play a flippin pew pew vanguard or slinger in a star wars game, why not just shelve the whole @#$% thing??? If you cant provide a satisfying, competitively designed jedi, keeping the star wars label simply makes you look more inept.

Edited by Dyvim
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They need a whole redesign of this class dynamics to be honest. I'm not sure who tests out all the combat with classes in this game, but they need to be fired. No way in hell should the Sentinel and Marauder class been released in the condition it is in now versus the other classes, I agree 100% with this post as the utilities and the clunkyness of how each spec plays now is ****.


I have to ask, what is our role in this game outside of cannon fodder?


This **** needs to be addressed and soon!!


Eric and whoever that other guy was in the video, fix our ****!!

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Completely agree with the posts here.


Just a few questions for the devs,

Why does our class have the worst Surge talents in all trees but Fury? (Carnage gets DB and mass, anni gets 5% on dots lol) :confused:

Why is our best root break shared with a skill we need to use to increase our dps to come close to other classes?? :confused:

Why did they remove our ranged root/trauma and add in a move that cost a utility and 2 GCD for the same effect and has 4m range..... :confused:

Why did they nerf burst and make the rotations mind numbingly boring on a class that was incredibly fun???

Why is duel wield mastery a carnage only spec and not baseline??


Seriously, this is pretty sad on many levels. Can we do okay? Yes..... is there any reason to bring a mara/sent to ranked. Absolutely not. Fix this please. Hell even solo ranked, we hurt the team more than we help.


Look at sins/shadows, then look back at our class(just at DCD and utility) and tell me how you think you balanced that in a fair manor devs....... I will be waiting for your response.

Edited by calamatiesend
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Ya know, I don't...they gutted any customization from the classes in 3.0, with what was essentially a massive dumbing down designed to remove ANY hope of hybrids or customizing your toon, even if illusorily, into something that fitted your playstyle better than cookie cutter. So why play a class that underperforms by design, gimping yourself and your team??? So I can suffer through, and it is suffering to play something this inept, twice as many matches to get my daily/weekly???


Now, with only cookie cutter, there is no EXCUSE...NONE for this kind of crap imbalance. And that is exactly what we are dealing with here...poor design, and imbalance by design. Removing crippling throw was one of the biggest head up arse moves ever. GBTF removing half your health while not giving you CC immunity is another. So I get to live longer, by a few seconds while CC'd and completely ineffectual. Brilliant. I have ZERO tolerance for that in a game with nothing but gutted, cookie cutter classes. If they cant balance that, then gtf home. You get shredded before you can even get a hit in...I STRONGLY suggest somebody with some control over design play a sent or mara for a few weeks, EXCLUSIVELY. If they cant figure out there is a problem after that, they should find a new line of work.


This crap makes me feel stupid for playing this class, what should be a premier dps class, and thus STUPID for playing this game. Hint to EAWare, if you want people to pay you money every month, not the way to go.


Sent is my main, rolled on Launch day...and I keep leaving this game for this very reason...piss poor design and broken dev promises. Plus pure themeparks with unimaginative end game are inherently feeble. That is why this game is a shadow of what it should have been. Broken promises and poor design. Looks like I'll be leaving it again. I shouldn't have to change classes to be competitive or not feel like an idiot for playing my main. You have a melee class with a RESOURCE BUILDING MECHANIC. Which means they HAVE TO HAVE time on target. They need tools to avoid CC and stay in melee range to be even a hint of viable...instead these devs are in a nonstop race to put MORE AND MORE CC into a game that has so much, along with one of the worst CC overload mechanics in their craptastic resolve system, that I HAVE EVER SEEN ANYWHERE IN 35 years of gaming. Getting multiple kinds of cc's from a couple of ranged classes that shred you before you can gap close....over and over and over...and knock you back and root you if you ever do gap close...is SIMPLY. NO. FUN.


What is just as bad, Ranged classes hit EVERY BIT AS HARD as melee, with NO RESOURCE building mechanic, and NO RANGE LIMITATION. They get rooted? big deal...no dps drop. They get slowed 5m away from target? NO PROBLEM, no dps drop. They never manage to get in 5m range? NO PROBLEM, no dps drop. Whereas we just get no dps unless in that 5m range. Again, its like bringing a knife to a gunfight. If you cant get jedi classes right in an MMO, after years, and bring some inspiration and some real art to their design, you should get a different job. Period. This crap is inexcusable, especially after this cookie cutter overhaul craptasm. NO MORE HYBRIDS, SO WHERE IS THE BALANCE??? Sent play experience has NEVER been worse than this...how can you REACH A LOW, making things worse than ever??? In a years old game, with VERY FEW CLASSES, where you started OUT with mirroring to cheat on design and simplify things, NOW EVEN CHEAPER by ALL COOKIE CUTTER builds. The stupidity is infuriating.


If I have to shelve a dual lightsaber wielding jedi to play a flippin pew pew vanguard or slinger in a star wars game, why not just shelve the whole @#$% thing??? If you cant provide a satisfying, competitively designed jedi, keeping the star wars label simply makes you look more inept.


i agree 100% with you, my main is a sorc as u can see, but i like all force users classes, and maras are fun to play, but not, with current siuation of wz's.

Juggs 4 example are ehat mara should be

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