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Better Healing Comp Treek or Doc


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Hello All,

I am starting to play my Sniper again and I am trying to figure out which would be a better Companion for my DPS sniper. I have been told Treek is a great healer and tank for her but then others say that Doc is a better healer since all he does is sit back and heal me while I DPS. I had been using Ensign Temple and she was doing some good DPS but of course she does not heal me. So I was checking to see what you guys think.:confused:

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Got Treek a month ago, was using her for two weeks on my slinger (55 dailies, levelling to 60, 60 dailies), switched back to Akaavi Spar, in situations where you need a healer (heroic 2 on Oricon, bounty week kingpins) your original healer will be better as Treek has only one good healing ability but it has 25 sec cd, another one is weak (heals for 2000 in full 186 gear) has 2 sec casting time and depends on positioning, as a tank she has problems with aoe tanking as her aoe abilities have low priority, normally she just hitting one mob while you are attacked by others. Wearing full 186 dps gear she does nearly two times less damage then Akaavi. In fact you don't really need a tank, u have your Defence screen and Dodge to avoid almost all damage. Treek isnt bad, and probably the best choice for levelling, at least to the point where you'll find out how your class works.
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Well, Treek is overall a better companion, she isn't a better healer or a better tank, but she doesn't cry about my alignment choices, like the default companions do.


I tend to prefer to use the healer companions, since using dps or tank companions tend to be so fragile, its pathetic..you got to kill everything in 2-3 seconds or you or your companion takes serious damage....unless your companion is healing you...then it might take longer, but you hardly ever have issues, unless you are stupid and you take on 4 elites at the same time.....if you take out 4 elites at the same time, then you deserve a hearty 'congrats' cause that isn't easy, especially when they are the same level as you.

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