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Which dailies (post Shadow of Revan) generate the most credits?


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Pretty much all the same, Yavin are just under 7, BH is just over 7k, pretty sure the others are too.


Mind you Yavin has do 8 dailies weekly, beat Revan weekly, and if you can get an ops group and not wipe there is also the walker weekly, so in total probably Yavin.


If you can do them all, BH, X, Ilum, Makeb, Rishi, Yavin you get net good money.


Of course crafting would help you with money, on Harbinger I sell MK10 components from 5k each to 6k, I sell all 4 main stat purple MK10 augments from 112k-130k each, purple 186 hilts and barrels go for 30-50k each.


Best bet, do a few dailies, get some money behind you, then if need buy mats, and sell MK10 components, ALL crafting crew skills can make them, all you need to do is make level 56 or above and re it for the mats back, there are plenty of free mats on Yavin for MK10 stuff.


Seriously its a good way to get money, under cutters make it hard, but for people gearing for end game stuff, you need 14 augments, so MK10 comps sell well and in bulk.


Some people say sell the augment kits, which you can, but then its even more resources you are using, and often for next to little or no extra money.

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I did a bit of a test the other day to complete one full run of the weekly at level 60 and noted the rewards. This included selling trash items.


Black Hole - 17 minutes, 124k, 40 basic commendations

Oricon - 17 minutes, 111k, 45 basic commendations, 12 elite commendations

Yavin - 33 minutes, 114k, 44 basic commendations, 4 elite commendations


Personally I would just do multiple runs of Black Hole, Oricon and CZ-198 to get cash from dailies. Can easily net about 200k from those in about an hour.

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Ilum, Black Hole and CZ-198 probably have the highest credits-per-minute payout ratio.


Ilum quests give more credits (10k instead of 7ish), but the map is more spread out - of course now that you can be 10 levels over the enemies the fights are so easy that certainly speeds things along.


Black Hole and CZ-198 only give out around 7k for most quests, but they are very quick to get through. The only quest that takes any time at all is Black Hole's [Heroic 4], which is now easily solo-able in just Basic 60 gear (actually, with the level-gap most enemies probably can't hit you at 60 regardless of what your gear is) and gives a decent amount of credits just from the fights since there are multiple Elite enemies in each group of enemies.


Oricon and Yavin are really only worthwhile in terms of credits if you do all the Bonus missions as well. I believe Belsavis (the Dailies on the main planet, not Section X) give out 10k per mission, like Ilum, but the missions are extremely spread out there, making a fully run of those Dailies less efficient than the other areas.

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Except you can't so cz as you can't que for FP to get the weekly.

For credits the Weeklies only factor in... well, once a week, anyway. CZ is still a good money-maker overall, even without doing the Weekly, just based on how quick it is. If you can solo or get a group together for the FPs, all the better.


Also in about two weeks you'll be able to queue for them again:

We are going to be making 55 Hard Mode and Tactical Flashpoints available in Group Finder for level 60 players in 3.0.2.





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Keep in mind, that if you are a crafter, the Yavin dailies become more attractive simply due to the absurd number of mats you can gather. My Cybertech can gather a stack of both Scavenging mats, while my Biochem routinely finishes with two stacks of each Bioanalysis mats.
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My main (the only 60 I have thus far) has Armstech, Scavenging, and Slicing. While questing on Rishi and Yavin IV, I gather OBSCENE amounts of mats & credits and send Yuun out for Biocell Memory Cores and Forex out for Vanadium Flux. Then I craft up a bunch of blue Overkill augments and sell them for many dongers on the GTN when I get back to my stronghold.
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