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Heres an idea for one of the fixes to sentinel


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No. Giving a carnage Mara cc immunity after leap would be stupid. Leap gore ravage and the target would be close to dead. Add a devastating blast or throw in and they would be. I think it's stupid that juggs have that. Marauders don't need it.


Change GBTF: no health cost. Reduce healing received by 80-90%. Or 99% even.

Predation: baseline removes roots and gives root immunity.

Camo: can be used while stunned.


All of those are much better options. Third one might be overkill. But at would be a fleeing mechanism rather than offensive mechanism so it wouldn't be too bad.

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there's some better ideas they could give us


GBTF remove the health cost i agree with that fully!

Give us an off hand weapon attack to replace riposte following its mechanic to ignore the GCD, and a small dmg dot

remove the healing debuff from our root and give us a new attack that does that instead (basically mortal strike)

give us that stupid punch that the revanite overseers do in yavin 4 without the knockback but give it a 2 sec stun or immobilize


combat sents are fixed...

Edited by Mrdann
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Bottom line before you can fix any problem the what it is and the main purpose of it needs to be established.


* What is a Sentinel/Marauder? People have to remember there was never a dual wielding light saber main character in any of the SW movies and the early mention of Marauder is playing the dark side prestige class of the Jedi Guardian in KotOR II.


* What is Sentinel/Marauder main purpose in PvE/PvP?


Until everyone (devs/players) comes to an understanding than the re-invention of the wheel for these ACs will be endless and frustrating.

Edited by Ramtar
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Bottom line before you can fix any problem the what it is and the main purpose of it needs to be established.


* What is a Sentinel/Marauder? People have to remember there was never a dual wielding light saber main character in any of the SW movies and the early mention of Marauder is playing the dark side prestige class of the Jedi Guardian in KotOR II.


* What is Sentinel/Marauder main purpose in PvE/PvP?


Until everyone (devs/players) comes to an understanding than the re-invention of the wheel for these ACs will be endless and frustrating.


The star wars universe has been far more then the movies for quite a while. But as far as a dual wielding light saber main character that george lucas had direct involvement in there are actually examples the most notable bein asohka from the clone wars series. others can be found in various books. Perhaps you need to realize the movies aren't the be all end all of the star wars universe and lore?


what is the sentinel / marauders main purpose in pve / pvp? be a destructive force of melee damage. there is no other purpose given.. we have three pure dps trees that focus on different areas of dealing raw damage to a target. We aren't a hybrid, we aren't utility (the closest we have is when we burn focus), we don't heal. The sentinel / marauders main purpose in all aspects is the do dmg.


what is the current problem with marauders / sentinels? i have been back only a week and even i can tell you the players have determined that in detail throughout many posts. The problem being uptime on target in pvp and/or the ability to survive in pvp. depending on how you address either problem could determine if or how much the other needs to be fixed.


for example adding unrelenting to concentration or watchmen would considerably help them with uptime and reduce a bit of the need for massive buffs to the dcd's. while at the same time as said earlier adding it to combat when combined with gore would be far too much.


Also as far as gimped by the force is concerned there is no real valid reason to keep with the massive heal hit for using it. Especially with the insanely limited uptime sents seem to have at the moment having a survive the root / stun ability is not overpowered in the least, reducing the incoming healing is not a great way to fix it either. I am actually more in favor of a 50 percent reduction to incoming damage without a "you will be destroyed by this" penalty.

Edited by antiheroxi
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No. Giving a carnage Mara cc immunity after leap would be stupid. Leap gore ravage and the target would be close to dead. Add a devastating blast or throw in and they would be. I think it's stupid that juggs have that. Marauders don't need it


Nothing is stupid at this stage actually... Let them pop some defensive cds for a change when we leap at someone, instead of knocking us back and rooting us..Name me a class other than a mara/sent that you would not pop a defensive cd when you are being attacked... Carnage is not the highest burst in this game anymore.. but the mobility is still lame and is still the easiest class to shut down as if it has a insane burst in comparison to other classes - this is sad.



Predation: baseline removes roots and gives root immunity.

Predation should be on a cooldown and not consume 30 stacks of fury when used.


Camo: can be used while stunned.


No this is not necessarily an overkill..

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Actually it really depends on what toon I'm on and what class im fighting. Some I won't pop a defense because I don't have to.


This game doesn't need more ridiculous moves. What I suggested gives maras survivability and mobility, but doesn't give them a overpowered move. Giving them unstoppable would just be asking for nerfs. I can hear the sage whining already just thinking about it. The things I suggested might cause some to QQ, but as a whole would be widely accepted since any serious pvper realizes that maras are in need of...something.

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