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Sentinel/Marauder Constructive Criticism


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What would be realistic for 3.1.:



- Guarded by the Force no longer consumes Health. Ist CD has been increased too 2:00min.

- Leg Slash has been replaced by Crippling Throw. Crippling Throw now roots the target for 3s and applys a Trauma debuff.

- Saber Ward has its CD reduced to 2:00min (or maybe less?)

- Dual Wield Mastery has become a Base Class Talent.



- Merciless Zeal now grants you 2% of your Max HP for every critical hit of your Burn effects



- Gains the Talent Jedi Pursuit. Force Leap now grants you 1,5s Immunity against Stuns, Sleeps and Knockdowneffects. (You still may be slowed, kicked away, pulled)




- Concentrated Defense now also increases your DMG Reduction for 10% next to its other effects.



- Just Pursuit has been removed.

- Defiance has been moved to the Heroic Tier.

- Force Premotion has been added to the Skillful Tier. Force Leap and Double Saber Throw now grant Force Premotion for 3s. Force Premotion grants immunity to movement inhebitting effects. This Effect may not occur more then once every 18s. (You still can be stunned and kicked away/pulled away!)

- Zealous Ward has been changed, the internal CD of the healing effect has been removed. (Yeah a h2full)


I like these a lot, and I think they would be great.


Still want surge bonus for ataru and vicious throw/dispatch in carnage/combat if we cannot have 4.5 second gore


love the 2% heals back on anni/watchmen, honestly should really be brought back. and the concentration idea is solid. Mainly the boost to mobility/giving us some oh **** buttons will at least give good players a chance to be effective right now and put some choices back into other classes minds as how to fight against us.

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WARNING: This is just my opinion. Criticize it if you will. But note that it will not change


The concept of Sentinel / Marauder by class design is supposed to be a high agile high impact Jedi/Sith whom using the Force in a Stoic style to boost their physical capabilities

Combat spec has a combo finisher that's designed around using the force in an aggresive means which makes me want to punch somebody in the face. It's bad enough it's our hardest hitter

Somehow, this game has turned Sentinel into a unique fighting style into a unique punching bag, more of a sideshow where the 2nd lightsaber is just for showing off, and struggles to pose any real threat


These are my proposed changes to the Sentinel Class.

I need to stress 3 things as I've written this:

1) These ideas serve as a form of creating/justifying growth between previous patch, and 3.0

This isn't just an idea around 'fixing' Sentinels. But creates a unique form of how they will become stronger, which is one of the fundamentals when it comes to expansions.

2) These are JUST ideas. I've written them in a context to describe the skill in best detail as I can. They are in NO way absolute or definitive. However, they're highly debatable, so feel free to read them, I'm open to any criticism or arguement if you wish

3) I am incredibly lazy, and an ******e at best... and I'm putting no substantial effort in writing this, as I doubt a Bioware employee will even read it, let alone acknowledge the community, unless you're a Guardian or a Consular. Therefore, I will not be writing skills respective to Sentinel/Marauder, instead only what I play, which is Sentinel... sorry




Charges your Lightsaber with Serene Light for 15 seconds, causing your next 3 melee attacks to penetrate 100% of the target's armor. While this ability is active, melee abilities cannot miss, be dodged, parried or deflected.

Requires Ataru Form


Notes: Although you probably noticed the coherent makeshift tooltip to resemble Overload saber. I see no reason why the consistency needs to be different considering the ability comes from the same class, different spec.

I think the tooltip description in this case would help players understand it's area of use, as some Sentinels may already be accustomed to Overload Saber's effect.

3 charges why? Well, like Overload saber, Master Strike consumes 2 stacks, only leaving one left.

Precision should only be based around Melee attacks

With the duration, slightly longer and 3 stacks in place. This allows a Sentinel to also plan his approach, when killing multiple targets of multiple mob pulls in casual pve etc. It also creates some leverage for the Sentinel, knowing he didn't waste a good ability going full-blown overkill on a mob, by killing it too fast, etc. Just like Overload Saber


Twin Saber Dance

Target style: Varied

Usable on self or friendly target


Channeled over 3 seconds

Enters a state of pure concentration, using the force to control both lightsabers that dynamically surround the Sentinel's target, attacking anything within a 10 meter radius of the target recieves , dealing 5900-7400 (it replaces Master strike, you get the idea!) damage over 3 hits with both lightsabers throughout the duration of 3 seconds. Whilst channeling, the Sentinel cannot move. Cannot miss, be dodged, parried or deflected. Interruptable


Note: This is my proposed change to Combat 4th skill (replacing Clashing Blast)

This is a unique area of effect ability where the Sentinel uses the force to control both lightsaber with great precision and control. Due to the level of control (and the concept of Sentinel's having the lowest pugnacity of force power), the Sentinel must channel this ability over 3 seconds. The unique ability replaces master strike. Using whilst targetting a hostile/enemy makes the ability cast on the Sentinel himself/herself. However, can be used in a dynamic way on friendly targets.

When used on a friendly target, it follows a unique damage pool where the FURTHER the distance, the less damge it inflicts. This creates a mechanic enforcing the idea that the Sentinel has to channel more force/power controlling the lightsabers at a greater distance, thus requires more concentration, thus lowering it's damage.

This is designed to create a paradox towards the Sentinel where he can choose to use on himself in certain situations, or on a friendly target, and risk the damage falling based on the positioning. Another reason it's damage falls is, because the Sentinel is channeling on a friendly, the friendly target does not suffer the direct penalty of restriction of movement. Thus creating a unique level of synergy between two players, where the friendly target can move in a position that can be ideal. For example, a Sentinel can channel the ability directly on a friendly tank, whilst the tank charges in, this can be good for harrassing healers, taking multiple sources of damage with just a tank, that can create a higher level of pressure. Another example is where a tank could charge to defend a node, while the Twin Saber Dance attacks all targets in the area, dynamically cancelling their channel/cast on attempting to capture a node, while the tank can position himself according doing his job in the most opportune way.

The damage is just an example, the skill itself replaces Master Strike and removes Clashing blast and it's poorly stolen Twin Saber Throw animation with eye blinding rending.

Cannot think if I'm forgetting anything with this? Again, let me stress, this is just an idea





No longer requires Centering Stacks

30s-1 minute cooldown - Debatable. READ NOTES FOR MORE

*The abilities' effects do not changes


Notes: I don't think anything unique needs to be mentioned.

Zen is now a stand alone ability with an independant cooldown of 30 seconds. (Allow me to explain)


Shii-cho and Concentration.

This is obvious notation from the start. The cooldown needs to be competant with Guardian's Combat Focus.

However, I feel in the interest of maintaining the integrity of Sentinel's being a Comitted Dps. I feel Sentinel's should win this arguement. Zen should be a lower cooldown than Combat Focus. Here are my reasons why:

1) Guardians have Preparation - With the changes to the Masteries, the talent Preparation is no longer restricted to the Vigilance Skill tree, thus giving Guardian's their own unique method of cooldown reset. Because Sentinel's do not have this, I feel the lesser evil would be to make the skill inherently lower at 30 seconds vs Guardian's 45 second inherent cooldown, rather than giving Sentinel's Preparation of another ridiculous idea, that may cause more qq between the two Adv classes.

2) Duration vs Initiative - Something you may have noticed when reading, is Zen's duration is 30 seconds. With this change, many may question the idea around 30 second duration vs 30 second cooldown. This is highly debatable of course. However, considering Shii-cho's actual Zen effect, the 6 charges take place, and apply themselves immediately. In regards to Combat and Watchman, and their respective Ataru and Juyo Forms, Zen's usage is all around initiative. These can be consumed within seconds when applied correctly. However, one of the factor's that made Centering & Zen 'clunky', was the fact you couldn't stack Centering stacks while Zen was active.

This created a Convoluted effect, where players would have to constantly keep their eyes peels at the buff bar, maintaining a constant watch for when the next Zen is availible, as you couldn't simply count the Focus spenders from the start upon activation, however, this could be applied with Inspiration and Transcendance. Now this... let's call it a penalty, only effected Juyo and Ataru Form, and the small window of time where you spend focus simutaneously while the charges are being automatically consumed. With the change to Zen, Sentinels no longer need to be conflicted around this problem.


Ataru Form and Combat

In regards to Ataru form, creates an automatic arguement of broken skill vs broken skill. With the recent update to Alacrity, the cooldowns of abilities become reduced, based on the Sentinel's Alacrity. If the Sentinel has a high value of alacrity on activation of Zen, then the cooldown becomes even lower. But is this a bad thing?

With a fixed cooldown of 30 seconds, this creates a unique change of adaptation for Sents, where again, they don't have to have their eyes peeled at the Centering stacks.

Instead, they can pre-emptively plan their approach and attack on targets, with Zen, without having to constantly build Centering in Scrappy methods, such as burning your remaining focus on Cyclone Slashing, killing ghosts to round up the Centering to 30 stacks, or praying to god some random player in a warzone, didn't slap you on the wrist while killing the last person you laid your eyes on keeping in you combat phase, for a ridiculously unpredictable amount of time, unless you decide to run 50-100 whatsoever meters away. In a warzone, that's just plain irritating.


Juyo Form and Watchman

This is the easiest to justify, as it's Zen form is really simple.

By having a forced activation, it allows a Sentinel to freely control when he wants to crit his burns, for small sustain heals when he might actually want it... or just crits on the burns to kill a target really fast. Just like Combat, sometimes seeking this creates a scrappy mentality of Cycloning ghosts or waiting to get out of combat just to get 30 stacks on centering. Now a Sentinel has a freedom of activation. Which gives him a wider area of control with his offensive prowess.



1:30-2 minute cooldown - Debatable

Lasts for 12 seconds > Increased from 10 seconds

Transcendance to you and your group members within 40 meters, increasing movement speed by 50% and melee and ranged defenses by 10%

This additional effect varies based on your currently lightsaber form:

Shii-Cho Form: Force Charge and Zealous Leap can be used while immobilized

Juyo Form: Merciless Zeal and Plasma Blade's effects are increased by 100%

Ataru Form: Blade Rush and Cyclone Slash's Focus cost is reduced by 1


Notes: Ok there is quite a bit to explain on this one. So I hope you're sitting down.

What exactly does the form's unique effects accomplish?

Shii-cho Form: This was a highly under-rated talent in my opinion. Now in my defense, I haven't really played Concentration much since playing 3.0 on my sentinel. I'm not 100% if this effect is still somewhere in the spec or not. But I really valued this effect, especially in games of Huttball and other pvp areas.

Creates utility in unique ways where the Sentinel doesn't have to feel forced to get the Fleetfooted mastery to gain quirky ways to get out of tricky situations.

Juyo Form: Ok I won't lie, this serves as my metaphoric middle finger to Hatred Assassins and their raving sustain and attention they've been recieving. But I've tried to call this one down the middle. Let's be real for a minute, any Sentinel who played Vanilla, will automatically look at this and say to themselves. 1% - 2%, basically what it used to be. Does it need to be any different?

It serves as representing Transcendance as a Utility for survivability... not aggression. It's use is simply down to the user themself, they can use it aggresive with strong chase-down ability. Or use it to flee, and gain a little boosted heals for whatever burns they may have planted on the target prior to exfiltration

Ataru Form: This is basically moving one effect from Zen to the other. As I didn't write any definitive notes in the skill's description on Zen, it basically moves on. The tricky thing with Ataru form and it's wonderful agility, is... well it's wonderful agility. It's already a spec and style that prides itself on speed and precision. Transcendence's innate effect is usually the thing you're looking for... ...speed.

Anything else may be either too much, too broken or simply I haven't thought of it yet. Call me out for lack of creativity, I know.



Cooldown 5 minutes

Inspires you and your Operation members within 40 meters. Increases all damage and healing done by 10%

This effect varies based on your current lightsaber form, the lightsaber form effects only apply on the caster (Kappa):

Shii-cho Form: Grants Inspiring Power, which gives Heightened Power's effect for the duration of Inspiration

Juyo Form: Grants Inspiring Overload, which gives Overload Saber's effect with Infinite charges for the duration of Inspiration

Ataru Form: Grants Parity Blades, which gives Precision's effect with Infinite charges for the duration of Inspiration


Notes: If you're reading this, then congratulations.

Now that your eyes, have taken it's attention away from the Inspiration's effect, let me explain a couple of things, because I got a lot of explaining to do obviously:

1) Zen, Transcendence and Inspiration abilities will be known as 'Wholeness' abilities. These abilities can only have ONE active at a single time. This means that you cannot combine Zen whilst having Transcendence or Inspirition active simutaneously.

Because of this, I feel that each Wholeness ability should give it's own unique Lightsaber forms, that effect the Sentinel whom casts it.

Read number 2 for more

2) Selfish rewards for Sentinels.

Despite the Ops' wide effects for the effects of Transcendence and Inspiration. One thing that I feel made Sentinels hesistent to use it within certain areas, without co-operative direction, is simply that these abilities don't grant them anything unique. It's ops wide.

When's the last time you've seen a Sentinel use Inspiration in a warzone? Or just on a whim?

I rarely see it at all! Ironically enough, at times, I've been flamed for using it in a pug, when I'm the only sentinel.

I feel Transcendence and Inspiration should grant an effect that's relatively 'selfish', or rewards the Sentinel for actually USING the ability... period!

I do not feel it is fair, that Inspiration in particular, recieved a nerf, when it was rarely used in warzones... or without directive from a ops leader, or co-ordinator. How is that fair for them.

To make things worse, now every class has an effect similar to it. Which lowers the viability and uniquity of this ability quite significantly. Now I'm not saying that this ability needs an overwhelming large volume of love and attention to make it unique etc etc... However, previously to this patch, Inspiration had a unique place, it had a value like none other, and that was a pre-determined standard that was set for us. I feel that should be maintained, but inwardly, specifically... for the Sentinel who casts it.



Acitivating an attack that spends focus or defeating an opponent builds centering. When 30 stacks of centering are built, you become Centered, enabling the use of Valor.

Each stack of centering grants

0.2% increased accuracy

0.2% defense rating

0.2% movement speed



Requires 30 Stacks of Centering.

Activating Valor, consumes all 30 stacks of Centering. For 10 seconds, grants 10% accuracy, 10% defense rating and 10% movement speed.

Resets the active cooldown of Zen and Trancendence



Note: In case you're lazy, or suck at math, that's 30 stacks of centering equates to 6% increased accuracy, 6% defense rating and 6% movement speed.

First of all, with the 6% defense rating, you can remove saber screen on combat spec.

Secondly, I feel that sentinel should be the fastest, consistent class. Simply because their combat style encourages it. 6% movement speed combined with Defensive Forms for Ataru makes you precisely that without overdoing it or looking like Husain Bolt ain't no thing!

Third, 6% accuracy. I feel that this is better being global rather than specifically to Ataru Form. Also, making up for the loss of accuracy, for giving us a lovely 3% alacrity which I maintain the faux impression as if I don't know why Bioware put that in there.




End justification.

Hope you like my ideas... ... ... plz dont flame me :(

Edited by Bonzenaattori
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I like these a lot, and I think they would be great.


Still want surge bonus for ataru and vicious throw/dispatch in carnage/combat if we cannot have 4.5 second gore


love the 2% heals back on anni/watchmen, honestly should really be brought back. and the concentration idea is solid. Mainly the boost to mobility/giving us some oh **** buttons will at least give good players a chance to be effective right now and put some choices back into other classes minds as how to fight against us.


Post #22 has beend updatet, so look upwards to see the Changes. I am also starting a suggestion Thread in the Suggestionforum. Feel Free to jump in and discuss.


The whole idea is not making the Sent OP, but giving him a solid consolidation of his Defensive Capabilites. Increasing the CD on GBTF and remove the HP-Cost is one of them. Yeah it now really is a DEF CD but you need to be carefull when to pull it. Plus I believe there is a utility that reduces the CD of GBTF, so I uped the Base CD a bit^^


Don´t forget Rebuke it at the moment is the "spamable" Def CD for us.


I understand that many of these promoted Changes could in someway be the tools for some weathered Veteran to faceroll the random PUG Sorc or Sniper, but oh hell the weatherd Veteran Sent meeting a weathered Veteran (Insert Random AC Class) should be more like a 50/50 Chance, since all the promoted Changes are counterable. As far as I can see, I would know a dozen of ways to counter a buffed Sent with my Vanguard, Sage, Sniper or my Juggernaut twink, it will just requrie using your Brainz^^


P.S.: Suggestionforumthread



@Post #27:

You shouldn´t suggest stuff that would be hard to implement. It took quite a big step on Biowares Side in the Beta to implement the Centering System. Yeah its something to watch and yeah it is annoying, but believe me without that System it was totally ridicule playing a Sent. Suggest stuff that can be added, some little tweaks that may seem weak in the first place but in the end bring us back to speed. Not some ridicule "I want to be OP" stuff. I rather have a decent buff and be happy for the next 6 Months than beeing OP for a week before beeing nerfed into Nirvanna again.

Edited by Atlanis
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I keep seeing thread after thread about how the devs keep nerfing the best class in the game; how they keep messing with the mechanics, how they keep making it worse, or darn near impossible to play in PvP, etc, etc.


The problem is, that is all I hear, and I don't hear the specifics. I don't hear "Hey, this ability needs fixed, adjusted, or removed" or "sents should be able to do this or that."


I personally don't have a problem with the class. I do admit, I am not really that impressed with most of the utilities past tier 1, but I am a pretty easy guy to satisfy, and as long as I can work around something, I am fine.


However, in the spirit of helping the devs improve the gameplay of the sent/mara class, I would like to open this thread as an opportunity to not complain about the class, but offer constructive criticism.


If you honestly think something in the class needs fixed, improved, or changed, please share it here, and BE SPECIFIC. Don't just say "this sucks" or "put us back at this level" be constructive. Give ideas on what abilities you would like to see changed or added. What mechanics need fixed?


Please, don't just complain. It doesn't help the devs one bit if all you say is "Sents/Maras need fixed." It's just like going to a auto shop or computer repair shop. If all you tell them is it doesn't work, they may not find the problem, and give it back to you in the same condition you left it. .You have to tell that WHAT doesn't work. BE SPECIFIC.


I look forward to hearing all the wonderful ideas.


Waterboy, Soulcaster and I, have made posts without QQing or just free ranting to give some suggestions/ideas/whishes and constructive criticisms about changes to be made for the class.


It has been burried in the sent/mara trash forum section.


If you want the links :


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=780402 (mine)


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=780999 (waterboy)


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=784156 (soulcaster)


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=783570 (UR/GbtF)



But players don't care about serious posts, they just want to express their frustration on the forums to be heared by other players or by devs (with luck) and to know if they are alone in this situation or not.


And I understand them.



Just a recap about the biggest lines :


1) Defensive CDs :


GbtF/UR should be :


"Summon the Force to protect you for 4 seconds, reducing by 99% all damage taken and by 50% all healing received during the effect. Consumes 50% of your current health when activated."


Also, Saber Ward needs a baseline CD reduction, a 3 min CD for what it does is a nonsense.


2) Leg Slash/Crippling Slash should be removed from the AC and replaced by our beloved Crippling Throw/Deadly Throw (same as it was : 2 Focus/Rage, trauma and CD).

Then the root utility should be changed accordingly (2 less Focus/Rage, root on use, CD of the skill would prevent from beeing able to root too often).


3) Utility changes :


There are a lot of things to do in the current state, and also a lot of possibilities.


Reducing the number of utilities relative to the exact same skill/DCD by merging some into one could be a beginning.


Some utilities should be baseline (Defensive Forms, Contemplation stacks while regen, Transcendance unroot for example).


You can find a lot of suggestions in the links above about what could be done.


4) DPS is ok right now, even if Combat/Carnage is a little bit under the two others on a dummy.


In PvP, the biggest problem is our survivability and the lack of tools we have to stay on our target or to counter the countless CCs we take all the time (bump, pull, root, snare, stun, mezz, hinder, electronet).


No class or spec should have to go with a pocket healer or a premade team to be able to play decently, period.


A lot of changes are needed to have the same QoL playing our class than other classes have.


We don't need more power or damage, just tools to be able to survive.




I have really enjoyed playing my Combat Sent in PvP before 3.0, now it's just not incentive at all.


I have to play at my maximum skill level all the time to do the same thing I was doing before, while other buffed classes are just trolling while kitting me so easily and controlling me like if I was a ragdoll.


I still kill a lot of players when I'm not focused, but if only one player decides to take care of me, I'm almost done, having to use all my DCDs, medpack, stims, grenade. With a real focus it's worse than a nightmare.


It wasn't the case (as much) before 3.0.


And this is when I got a healer.


Without a healer, it's just even worse than before.


For me, there should be a problem about TTK (too much damage for not enough damage mitigation) in addition to the lack of survivability of the class.

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I still think some small dps tweeks should be made to bring us up to par with other classes.... (as a dps specialist that has lost most of its utility to other classes.....)Specifically for carnage/anni but if nothing else is changed we need the following as others have pointed out.


1. a real oh **** button, ideally GBtF/UD reverted back to old form or take awhile health cost completely and increase cd drop cd on saber ward too or add in passive cd reduction on dmg taken.

2. a way to reliably remove roots/snares that is on a shortish cd so we can stay on target/not be rendered useless most of the time by every class

3. crippling throw/deadly throw back so we have a ranged root to help us stay on target

4. Fix to utilities and their locations in the tiers so we have options.

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Small, simple changes are what is needed. Remember how much fun all three specs were to play before 3.0 (2.7 for smash)? Big, unnecessary changes to the class, and combat in general, are the reason that the game is the way it is right now (it's bad, at it's lowest point since I started playing in 2.3).
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Here are the buffs that marauder needs:


Undying rage no longer costs health, and is on a 2 minute CD. Undying rage grants 4 seconds of 99% damage taken reduction. Note: undying rage does not provide stun immunity, and as such, a marauder using undying rage can still be stunned.


Force camouflage now acts as a dot and root purge baseline. Force camouflage can be used while stunned.


Crippling throw has been added back into the game. 1 utility point in heroic tier can be used to make crippling throw a root.


Unbound has been moved to tier 2 instead of tier 3. Unbound now provides root and snare immunity, instead of just cleansing roots and snares when predation is first used.


Subjugation has been moved to tier 3 instead of tier 2.


Predation is now on a 1 minute CD, and no longer costs fury stacks.

Edited by TheCourier-
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Here's my opinion on what needs to be changed:


1. Remove 50% Health loss from Undying Rage.

2. Class Utility: Reduce the duration of stun and slow debuffs on you by 4? seconds. (not entirely sure for the time)

3. Increase Gore to 4.5 seconds.

4. Ravage ALWAYS immobilizes the enemy. Stuns for the duration in PvP.


Just my opinion from playing PvE and a some PvP. The main issue that I've seen is that we have no defenses and are easy to run away from. I'm thinking that if they gave us some better DCD for survivability and some means of stopping people, we'd be better both in PvE and PvP.

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Really enjoyed the thoroughness and creativity of Bozen's post. Although I can't agree with everything I do agree with the idea that dual wielding jedi and sith would not rely on force powers and that is something that always annoyed me about my favorite class. These force scream and blade storm animations just make me cringe.


The lore of this class is just all screwed up in my opinion. This class relies on the force to fuel their lightsaber play and physical capabilities and mobility.. and this class is one of the least mobile. Take out all the gimmicky flashy force moves and give this class abilities for mobility. And for christ sakes whose Idea was it to make their last move a move to replace force scream/ blade storm? A cool move that utilizes dual lightsabers would have been so much more interesting. This class will never change but maybe this thread could stimulate the creativity of future developers who will go on to create the next gen star wars mmorpg. ( P.s if you do make the next gen don't make dualbladed lightsaber class a cookie cutter stealth class. So lame)

Edited by Apolloe
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I'm personally fine with the way GbTF / UD works right now, and more importantly I don't think the Dev's will revert the health cost to up-front simply because a good healer can bring you all the way back in those 4 seconds. If It is going to be up front instead of on the back end, then we are going to have to a 'trauma'-like effect as some have suggested, 50% or more reduction in healing.


The biggest thing I want is just some freakin' stun immunity. It's insane to me how many other classes have this [and just how powerful many classes def CD's are right now period] while we have none.


My idea, 4 sec stun immunity while Berserk / Zen. All 3 disciplines will take advantage of it, and we'll still have to build up to it, keeping in design with the class.


My biggest argument for it though, is that it would have little to no effect in PvE - which is I think a major argument from the Dev's over buffing us too much.* Most bosses do not rely on CC to get through fights the way players do, and the ones that do, ignore resistances anyway. If all else fails, they could put a lockout timer on it [this effect cannot occur more than once every 30 sec etc].


Contrast that with the horrible tossed-around-like-a-ragdoll game that PvP is now. We'll always be the Kill fast, die fast class. That's fine, that's what I want to be, but right now its disgusting. If i build up to a berserk, at least let me freakin' hit somebody before I die.





*Of course I can only ***ume that, since they don't give us any feedback at all, and don't even have some kind of class representative on the forums, or anywhere else, to let us know we are at least being heard.

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