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Your thoughts on SOR storyline


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He says "There is no death - only the Force. And I am its master!"




^^ That moment is so epic.

@Beni: No to Exar Kun. Just no. There is no reason to throw him in. None at all. It doesn't help the story. I'm actually really glad none of the important ghosts on Yavin showed up, because it would just distract. The only place someone like Kun would have here would be in ambient dialogue of a scared soldier or something.




I for one had no interest whatsoever in seeing Sadow or Kun playing the Emperor's b**ch, like this character we all know -- willingly or not.

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If you pay attention to when the spirit of Revan talks, he sounds different from living Revan. I kid you not, Dark Revan has voice distortion to sound different.


@Beni: No to Exar Kun. Just no. There is no reason to throw him in. None at all. It doesn't help the story. I'm actually really glad none of the important ghosts on Yavin showed up, because it would just distract. The only place someone like Kun would have here would be in ambient dialogue of a scared soldier or something.

This, I thought it was a different actor at first, but was OK with it because it was cool, then I realised what was going on which made it pretty awesome.


They also did something strange with the Emperor's voice, at first it sounded like someone else, and I was said because I thought they changed the actor, but then towards the end you can hear the Emperor's voice underneath.


@Naysayer, I didn't actually mean a physical appearance, just a side quest that involved him somehow, it could have been something like a holocron, an artifact, some tribe of fanatics, ancient ruins, just anything that would warrant a mention to make the world feel a bit more alive and in touch with Star Wars lore.

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^^ That moment is so epic.





Oh, yeah. :) I really missed that effect on his voice at the end of SOR...


No to Exar Kun. Just no. There is no reason to throw him in. None at all. It doesn't help the story. I'm actually really glad none of the important ghosts on Yavin showed up, because it would just distract. The only place someone like Kun would have here would be in ambient dialogue of a scared soldier or something.


While I agree that Exar or Naga did not have to be a part of the main story , I think that they definitely had to have at leastsome sidequest or such connected to them.


Also, it could be mentioned that dark Revan used something that they left behind (knowledge, artifacts, pure dark essence, etc... ) to beef himself in order to confront the Emperor after he failed the first time, and that is reason behind his confidence, and also the reason why all those people needed to ******** him at the finale :) .

That is at least my interpretation what really happened, he knew how to use dark energies of Malachor V, so there's no reason why he wouldn't try to do the same here .


As I already mentioned in some other thread, hope of conversing with spirits of those two was the main reason why I was hyped that we get to go to the Yavin in first place, and not even MENTIONING them was a huge mistake from story writers perspective and totally missed opportunity.

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Oh, yeah. :) I really missed that effect on his voice at the end of SOR...


Aside from a minor echoing effect and what not, Doug Bradley can actually talk like that.


His delivery is untouched I believe.

Unlike what they went for with SoR. Unfortunately.


NOT only he probably sounded more emotional that he should, but they altered his delivery a bit too much in my book.


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Aside from a minor echoing effect and what not, Doug Bradley can actually talk like that.


His delivery is untouched I believe.

Unlike what they went for with SoR. Unfortunately.


NOT only he probably sounded more emotional that he should, but they altered his delivery a bit too much in my book.


Yeah, the fact that he sounded so cold, distanced, unmoved and inhuman, was what made him great originally. Now he just sounds... ordinary.

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Aside from a minor echoing effect and what not, Doug Bradley can actually talk like that.


His delivery is untouched I believe.

Unlike what they went for with SoR. Unfortunately.


NOT only he probably sounded more emotional that he should, but they altered his delivery a bit too much in my book.

Yeah, the fact that he sounded so cold, distanced, unmoved and inhuman, was what made him great originally. Now he just sounds... ordinary.
I agree, hearing the Emperor laugh in his original voice would have been so much more satisfying.


I suspect they didn't want people to die from too much feels. :p


P.S. Though again you can here it in the background, so I hope they bring it back.

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Oh. Oh well, he sounds cool.


I agree.



They chose to alter his voice so people could better distinguish both halves. It was a mistake IMO.


His delivery during the Legacy of the Rakata flashpoint was so great I actually believed it was Bennett. Now, whenever doing that flashpoint, I have to put up with the exact SAME voice modulation they with for SoR.


Gosh darn it, Bioware. :mad:


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For the record, Revan is voiced by Spencer Garrett for this expansion, NOT Jeff Bennett.

Both the LS- and DS-halve.

True, though it's astonishing how well Garrett makes Revan sound like (similar to if you want to be nitpicky) the Bennett version.


On point of the Emperor not sounding as cold, emotionless and detached, I guess his return to the galaxy even touches his own heart, and his purple bodiless essence flew off to get some champagne to celebrate. :p



As I said, mentioning was about as far as you should be able to go with Kun and Sadow. At least with Sadow, we know he was an enemy of the Emperor, this would just lead to a bunch of convoluted bogus. And even not mentioning is really something only people who know who these two were to begin with could possibly care about, and I'm pretty sure that number of people's declining.

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True, though it's astonishing how well Garrett makes Revan sound like (similar to if you want to be nitpicky) the Bennett version.


On point of the Emperor not sounding as cold, emotionless and detached, I guess his return to the galaxy even touches his own heart, and his purple bodiless essence flew off to get some champagne to celebrate. :p



As I said, mentioning was about as far as you should be able to go with Kun and Sadow. At least with Sadow, we know he was an enemy of the Emperor, this would just lead to a bunch of convoluted bogus. And even not mentioning is really something only people who know who these two were to begin with could possibly care about, and I'm pretty sure that number of people's declining.


I like your fanfic. it's a reasonable explanation. :D


Considering that Sadow being Emperors enemy was introduced in SWTOR Timeline videos, makes it mindboggling that it they didn't use that as setup for Sadow giving the Revan tools for confronting the Emperor. It basically wrote itself, shame... (again I mention, without Sadow actively doing anything himself). There wouldn't be anything convoluted in that.


And about the fact that the number of people who knew who that two were is declining - well, this was the right place to rectify that. :)

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If you recall it was thanks to the Sith Emperor's machinations, or at least implied, that Sadow's spirit was destroyed.

As I recall, the false Jedi master (who was actually an infiltrated Sith) and his padawan only sealed Sadow's spirit away, not destroyed it.



But I just remembered that it is destroyed a bit later by Freddon Nadd, so it isn't here in the time of TOR.

But Exar Kun could take that role because he is most likely seen by Emperor as imposter and it would be in his interest to help Revan to stop him.

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As I recall, the false Jedi master (who was actually an infiltrated Sith) and his padawan only sealed Sadow's spirit away, not destroyed it.

Would have looked this up but I can't be arsed to look for it on youtube. If only this site had a decent vid player...


Also, I guess we agree then that a mention is the most the likes of Sadow and Kun could have reasonably gotten.

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As I recall, the false Jedi master (who was actually an infiltrated Sith) and his padawan only sealed Sadow's spirit away, not destroyed it.





I feel a pain deep inside, whenever I see those old Galactic Timeline videos; what this game was supposed to be, from a story perspective, and what it became.


Ohhh well... :(

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I feel a pain deep inside, whenever I see those old Galactic Timeline videos; what this game was supposed to be, from a story perspective, and what it became.


Ohhh well... :(

I feel a pain because I liked those videos and Lance Henriksen's narrator voice. And they had the balls to cancel that show before intricately exploring the entire story of the galaxy.

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I feel a pain because I liked those videos and Lance Henriksen's narrator voice. And they had the balls to cancel that show before intricately exploring the entire story of the galaxy.


I got over to be honest.

Getting over some stuff I read a while back, pertaining unrealized class story content in planets such as Ziost, Bothawui and Sleheyron? Plus an apparent full-fledged Yavin 4?

Not so much. Probably won't.


Ever. :(

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I got over to be honest.

Getting over some stuff I read a while back, pertaining unrealized class story content in planets such as Ziost, Bothawui and Sleheyron? Plus an apparent full-fledged Yavin 4?

Not so much. Probably won't.


Ever. :(


It's because the game didn't do as well as they hoped. It did well but not as well. We're 1,000,000 active players strong but they expected 1,000,000 paid subscribers minimum.


Honestly their expectations was high. No mmo has done that well since WoW. Expecting "Your game" to be any different was foolish. WoW has proven to be an anomaly. It can't be replicated. Released by the right company, at the right time, and with the right implementation.

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It's because the game didn't do as well as they hoped. It did well but not as well. We're 1,000,000 active players strong but they expected 1,000,000 paid subscribers minimum.


I am aware of that, hence, you need not to tell me. ;)


Regardless, they also said that around 500k subs, this game would be profitable enough, at a time the CM wasn't even being developed.


As it is, even if it had been more successful than it was, I often wonder if where we stand now would be that much different.

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I am aware of that, hence, you need not to tell me. ;)


Regardless, they also said that around 500k subs, this game would be profitable enough, at a time the CM wasn't even being developed.


As it is, even if it had been more successful than it was, I often wonder if where we stand now would be that much different.


I'd imagine it would be very different. EA wouldn't have laid off so many of the staff in order to save money. I also believe we dipped below 500,000 at some point before F2P. SWTOR was bleeding subscribers before it stabilized with it's new F2P transaction. Staff lay-offs, less money to go around, etc means cutting content, development time, less voice actors, and more. There was a time where they thought it wouldn't be a problem to add in additional classes but now with the amount of new voice work that would go into it not to mention development time it's become unfeasible.

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I bet you have "Think Positive!" stickers everywhere. :p

Ha, god no. Imagine, the most morally taxing decision for me in this game is on Lehon, deciding whether to help the Empire by fighting the scrubs or do everyone a favour by skipping them (in which BTW, Emp side BW totally has the moral alignments wrong - DS for destroying the infinite army, LS for supplying plans to the Empire, ***?). So positive. :p


Really, if I stopped and took the time to write out everything about this game I dislike, I'd probably never touch it again, so I rather stay positive.

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Ha, god no. Imagine, the most morally taxing decision for me in this game is on Lehon, deciding whether to help the Empire by fighting the scrubs or do everyone a favour by skipping them (in which BTW, Emp side BW totally has the moral alignments wrong - DS for destroying the infinite army, LS for supplying plans to the Empire, ***?). So positive. :p


Really, if I stopped and took the time to write out everything about this game I dislike, I'd probably never touch it again, so I rather stay positive.


Sometimes I hope (in vain) that EA would give them more finances and allow the SWTOR additional employees to work on the game especially since population wise it seems to be growing. I think it'd be a smart business move because from here we'd see more growth if some core design decisions that are lack luster get improved upon. Additional stories, classes, etc would add new life to the game.


I mean, the growth we had during the 12x EXP event was a great indication of that. Inject something radical into the game renewed interest quite a bit. SWTOR has shown with that event alone the potential for renewed interest is there. I just think some risks need to be taken.

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